• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • i thaught of what my multi-clicky could look like, keeping same style as this make one side say "kevv2" and the other "FF7:SC2"

    :D:D:D its not rly urgent cuz, well... the map is not nearly complete :D
    it was for the rest of the RP players just incase someone didn't know.
    Would there be any way for me to trade in controlled fighting for dextrous fighting later on?
    When i have enough dexterity(later on)
    No, absolutely nothing I would like to change. I trust you will do a wonderful job.
    Ok, that came out wrong, what I meant to say was:

    That's the only reason they've been designed. To attract WoW players. I'd bet money on it.
    Sure they might be different and a tad unique, that's credit due arenanet but it doesn't stop being a damn marketing scheme (which is what WoW's big breasts are!).

    I mean, shut me up. I probably will end up playing as one but I was just looking forward to a game without anything remotely elvish in it. I'm so sick of elves atm. There the definition of annoying stereotypes!

    I mean every 12 year old gamer with his high pitched voice and 'fukkin av it m8' attitude will be a Sylvari. Oh yah be lyk f00kin Legolas innit mon! :mad:


    Despite that guild wars 2 is probably going to steal my waking days. :D
    Rafia clan guild ftw!
    Oh no I have prophecies ofc and no I hate Sylvari there nothing but a crap excuse to include 'elves' for wow nerds - its such a shame because all other gw races are surprisingly rich and unique compared to other mmorpgs -.-
    Awesome :D
    Shame you can't be Faeries =(

    - For the record though, I only have Factions. I don't have NF or EON. Or did I get EON...? I might've done actually...
    That makes sense... I GUESS XD

    EDIT: Almost uninstalled guild wars today - then was like omg. I promised D I'd play with him sometime. All my exams are done now so if you want to jump on some time, I'm cool to work something out ;)

    I wasn't joking when I said I was crap though... Like really crap.
    Oh :p
    Meh, people will be lazy to write 'my character continued to move on'. Agron is silent now btw (he is jelly)
    Aaaaand I want more new weaponzorz!
    I realized that I forgot to pick up my axe :O.....
    Hello :))

    See Pyritie sent me a pm three (?) days after the results came up, and I responded with three alternative pictures of how the award could look like. So, I really don't understand this fuss :s
    ok and sorry about that .... and what kind of program did you use in making signatures and projectbanner
    hmm. This account business might take a little while. NCsoft isx apparently not so fats in answering. (max 2 days I think)
    Okayy, I only added the second because you said its worth adding another one for people who have waited a long time for the request...
    But yah thats fine, just the stargate one...
    I understand, but we can't move on with only three of our party members right?
    probably then. I remember the story being somewhat weird but, meh. so, you don't have Eye of the north I take it?
    I was planning on buying them, but then came the kick. :/ and spending money on it now seems weird seeing as GW2 is coming soon.

    ugh... this site is so freaking irritating. it seems they require a separate account for EVERYTHING.
    master account, support account, game account, this account, that account...
    original and eye of the north. and I'm experiencing some technical difficulties. seems I still do have a character (not sure what state he'll be in) but I forgot it's name. meaning, I can't login. I went to NCsoft site (which is as user friendly as a protoss mothership) and er, well... I'm trying to figure things out.
    er, I'm afraidf it has been quit some time since I last played. I'm pretty sure that I'm back at noob level. xD but OK, we could play together.
    Hmmm,okay. Try and make the stargate signiture more noticable then the second one since the stargate universe is more important :)...
    My guild got a new Guild leader and kicked me just because he was an ass, i was so mad that I deleted all my chars :/
    nobody to play GW with?
    I would play if I had not deleted all my characters. xD
    Still wanted by the government.
    They survive as soldiers of fortune.
    If you have a problem,
    If no one else can help,
    And if you can find them.
    Maybe you can hire... The A-Team!
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