• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Well, i can replace the bubbly o's with a few clicks. But if i remove the rest then the design kinda dies. ;)
    Hey wolfe. :)
    'dunno if you want it or not, but i made you a new banner.
    Detailed post in the thread, so i wont write any more here.
    Slavic inspired race... hm... nah, doesnt really fit Warcrarft but would be nice =P
    And Im taking Eldre'thalas and Keln'thalas in SoA.

    My force isnt exactly going to be completely new. You'll see
    Well not really that big of a surprise, but Id prefer them to be revealed through pics... and I kinda like it, its much more like me then Triumvirate really. Also much less utopical and overpowered. And more epic ^^
    Also has a nice architcture style as well...
    It is, but its 0.44 and I prefer to sleep on weekends, luxury I cant afford on weekdays =P

    Yay, evil! And god, do I love my new DP force, story, renewed Draenosh and Gyrotopia and DP at all =P
    Evil Skype! It doesnt let you in because you are Prince of Darkness. Break the Number of Beast and you will get in!
    Besides, Ill go to sleep soon =P
    Not now, I'm still working on forum so I won't edit map today :)
    Classes will come later when I finish story and other systems :)
    I understand that mate. I do learn from my mistakes, I just want some fall back points and I want to free Theramore. And then take Plunder Isles. And plus I right now need to get a naval force ready to combat the Pirates that are getting on my freaking nerves.
    I already am spread out as it is. Plus I need mages, and theramore has some, and I wants.... Who said anything of helping you guys? Its for myself, chaos won't appear for a while, that not what I am worried about, its the pissed off Alliance of Lagosh I am worried about.
    But Yes I get that I need not to act like trol, he was one of the worst rpers of all time. I will have to deal with his naval forces in that his forces are way too powerful so I will take out his mage and elites training areas. Theramore is the mage, and plunder isles is just filled with riches.
    Yeah everything is going to change... and become awesome! =D
    And unlike the tales... good endings not always happen.

    Well sorry but I havent talked to you in weeks and I have much to talk about
    Nothing. Nothing. Just a joke about me fooling you to lend me your award as if it would be some kind of luggage or whatever.
    Hey, that ward you're carrying looks pretty heavy. Let me carry it for you.

    I think I got skype on a home computer, if not i'll DL it. And ofcourse you can always talk to me via hive chat.

    Happy to help btw
    Good. ^^
    Know that i'l be more than happy to whip up some artwork when i get photoshop working again. :D
    Ey wolfe? You got my PM right? :(
    I'm really sorry for not being able to help, but i'm completely powerless atm.
    Yeah. Me too. I'm going to recode one eventually.
    It's just gunna be really difficult without a php table. Which that site came with.
    When I saw your name between the visitors on my profile I remembered that I didn't congratulate you yet.

    Gratz Wolfe.
    Hehe. ^^
    Well, no matter the final result this has been fun.
    I hope to work with you again on something like this another time. :)
    And congratz to you too! :D
    Apart from the waiting for the results, i've enjoyed this contest and working with you in it VERY much.
    I hope my lazy workstyle didnt frustrate you too much, lol.
    Congratulations on winning the short story contest! I would rep you, but the site says I have to "spread the rep around" first.

    P.S. How's the terrain going?
    I have got both msn and skype. I will better give ya my skype name: giari1991. It have to be just one guy, than live in greece.
    I have some free time, I can give you a hand, but I am not promising something.
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