• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Oh and have some Polar Bears around and a few cubs.
    By the way, there doesn't need to be a million prison guards for just a few prisons.

    And have Knights guarding some places as well, and a gate into the main fort of a village, with some bandit camps in the distant.

    I love the woods in the map, and leave them, but like I said before the million of defenders are not necessary.
    There could be some forest trolls coming to the base asking for help, and then they aid the orcs in freeing the other trolls.

    Then they get to the main base where Orgrim Doomhammer resides with his Blackrock Clan and Zul'jin joins the Horde with his forest trolls.
    No keep the Fel Orc Units and just leave them on.
    I'll be editing them into elite troops for the Horde.
    I can make decent reviews, and occasionally I take a break to dl some maps from THW.

    Offtopic: Spiders have 8 eyes, so //\8888//\\ ;D
    Boris Spider, Fel Orcs don't appear in the game, but if you suggesting elite Horde members then I'll leave those Fel Orcs in to be edited.

    Oh and by the way, Lothar, Khadgar, and Garona will be featured in the campaign, but Garona will have only a little cameo and the beginning, and the Azeroth Defenders flee the land from the Horde.

    Well in the Prologue or Demo Campaign, this will happen and then the fun happens during the Second War with the main campaigns themselves.
    Cool! Which forum would be a good place to start this? I'd like to get as much user feedback as possible to get a sense of consistency.
    When complete it really derserves to be tutorial in this own right. If you want feedback I really dont know, but general mapping might work.
    I found a lot of good models/skins we are going to use for the project.

    The Demo or Prologue will feature just after the First War, and Destruction of Azeroth will start off there, right after and have some explanation on what happened and having the Heroes of Azeroth, and the Horde of their own stories.
    Yes, I got the exact same problem... I asked about it once on here, but I didn't get an answer. I still haven't solved it.
    Yeah, it's weird how some spells don't work that way. Needed to trigger some of the AI spellcasting.
    Reputation (+4):
    (Post) a well though pleasant argument, I am delighted by your beliefs...EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT MY F***ING FINGERS HURT FROM TYPING!!!
    Well, you see, since I cannot test it through internet as like battle.net, because my wc3 is broken for such things, I cannot test it in full volue. The main things I told were in my first review, I don't think so I could name something else than that if it was not fixed. Measure is set for my reviews. But if you want it, I shall test it once it will be done, however, don't expect me to help more than from my first review.
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    So how it goes my good spider friend?

    I'm playing MKWii and take your time man.
    No rush at all, and we don't need to make the campaign right away, but I'm still glad you are taking your time.
    Spider Rush!!
    Hows my spider friend doing?

    Oh and I'm looking forward to the Beyond the Dark Portal campaigns for both Horde and Alliance, because I enjoyed the Draenor/Outland stuff kinda more than Azeroth, but still the red world of Draenor kicks ass.
    Kobolds, Wolves, Bandits is a nice touch, and some Polar Bears.
    If you think of any other creep just make room for it if you would like.
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