• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Mechanical Man
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  • Ja ni legalno dokler ne homologiras, pa registracija pride drazja. Drugac to je pa tunning car in nemors kr tako sesipat, k ma tud take pospeske da iz ovinkov te diretk poravna. :D

    glej to! 550horse power! Inter cooler ima kr zunaj v maski vgrajen, fak kaj je hud.

    To je tud masinca za zmeraj. Kasne dve let nazaj je sosed enga ustimal je iz treh enga sestavu, ampak on je cist original use not dau, nove zice, novo armaturo... edin ebe odfukane feltne je gor dau. Smo sli pol en krog, jojojoj kaj je to mukalo :D Sam ga je prodal eni punci iz trebnega.
    Morrowind had a completely different engine, one which was much more kind to movable objects as well as several other points. While Oblivion's engine supports better meshes and animations it lacks in programing finesse thus being very constrictive when it comes to the open world. It's not impossible, but it would require far more time to do it in Oblivion, time which I simply don't have.
    I'm afraid not. The thing is as there are plenty of quests it would require extensive amount of work just to make the ship compatible with the quest line, not to mention getting the ship to run flawlessly in that engine is an achievement in and of itself.
    And who owns the elves? :D

    There are some models I would like to use, but only for the full campaign, which will take months to complete anyway (if I get good feedback for the demo). So it's not needed yet.
    By the way, who made all those custom models of your campaign? Because I haven't seen most of them on this site.

    Can I use some of them? And if so, who should I give credit to?
    Have an idea of where to find them, but haven't caught a free moment to look for it yet. Plan to do so after today or something :p
    Oh, then I don't think you'll like my campaign. There are quite a few of unskippable cinematics. :D

    They aren't boring cinematics though, so I don't think anyone would want to skip them, heh.
    Ah, sounds good. Why can't you do cinematics yourself though? I do everything myself as well. :D

    Except for custom resources of course.
    Nope. He doesn't have an account on any WCIII site. He did make more WC models, but I haven't seen him/talked to him for years.
    Yeah, this demo is to see if people think it's any good.
    The thing is though, I'm pretty busy with my study. And then there are other games and movies besides WC I want to check out as well. So it will take a pretty long time (I'm doing it all in my own). I hope WC won't be dead by then. :p

    And the guy that made the Imp made lots of other models. He's actually a professional modeller now, working in Sweden I believe.
    Oh, didn't know there were two. :eek:
    I'm playing the Godfall Chronicles. Really original gameplay, but like it already said in the description, it does need polishing. A short intro cinematic for each map would be great as well.

    My campaign is like a mix between the standard WCIII gameplay and an RPG. There's no base-building in the ''demo'' version I'm going to upload soon (1 cinematic and 2 playable levels).

    It's set in the same universe as WC, but following an alternate storyline (most of the main characters are made up).

    Lots of custom spells, imported music, some cool cinematics, good terrain, etc. :)

    And the model, heh. Most of it was done by someone else. I can't really remember, but I believe all I did was some particles, some small stuff. But he didn't have an account, so I uploaded it.
    Yeah, it almost is. Finally. xP
    But just a short version though, 3 maps. It's really hard to make a polished campaign on your own, together with a study and a small job.

    I just noticed you made a campaign as well. Going to check it out soon.
    well, this is sick thing: if his cock rises up the grenade will explode. And they fuck trying to excite him :D

    I didn't watch many of those cartoons, they were on TV when I was very little and I mainly watched Smurphs, the Moomins or Pooh Bear. But I also remember some of old ones from east: polish Reksio, Koziołek Matołek (I don't know the translation) and others, czechish krtek and russian: Nu, pogodi!
    but miś push upek makes sense :p It makes fun of miś uszatek which is a character from polish cartoon

    Yes, it's mispelled, it should be luz instead of guz. The whole thing means that his ass is too big for piotrek's cock and they both feel nothing. Jak we wiadro means that there's so much space like he was fucking a bucket. And the word luz means loose :p so it's loose like in hiphop
    Yes whisperwood is a forest map, it was supposed to be a non building scenario, were the witch hunter and few battalions were too run around whiserwood in an enclosed area meaning not very open, filled with traps and elven ambushes. I´d like the width smaller than the height so i figure 96 width to be minimun and 126 height to be minimun size for this map, your caller to make it larger but don´t make it smaller then that. I had one trap in mind that i wanted in this map but i´ll talk to you about it next i see you on msn.
    Sure, why not. Go ahead and decide on a map to create, you have the campaign document and the world map. Plan it out to your hearts content or talk to me if you want me to instead plan it out for you.
    well most polish don't like jews, i don't know why and calling somebody like that is often like calling him motherfucker or sth. And TVP is polish public TV station. A lot of people in Poland watch TVN which is commercial one and those two are competing very hard so their "fans" often attack each other.
    Mayhap i had left hive open but was away "hmm?", i do come here quite often to check if the terrainers left any messages.
    Well, the swedish democrats don't want to stop at limiting immigration, they have a very strong anti-muslim program that aims to reduce the rights of muslims and ethnic minorities already living in sweden, to "encourage them to move back home", so to say. In areas where they rule, immigrants are largely treated as second-grade citizens.
    i think the whole immigrancy question is largely overexaggerated, the economic load on the community is pretty small from a larger perspective. It seems largely tied to the anti-islamism that is spreading across the world.
    I doubt it. The swedish democrats are a very conservative party that uses deliberate misinformation and fear as propaganda. Their main agenda is pretty much to bring sweden back to the 40's. It is nice though to see that it is actualy possible for a small party to get into the riksdag (parliament), to make sure we don't have a 2 party system like america ;)
    yeah :D There are many things, from t-shirts to notebooks with włatcy móch. Especially character Czesio is very popular :D Dude, there are many Polish who make crappy things on youtube. Just check out Gracjan Roctocki. And another sick song especially for you:D:
    Look out, your pants already tremble with fear :D
    Damn, this is sick country, dude :p Really everyone in Poland says so :D Have you ever checked "Włatcy móch"? Another crazy cartoon from one of major TV stations :p Once it was very popular
    Two hours from now is just.. perfect. It is single player in its current stage. I'm just glad to have your experienced eye give a quick sweep through of the map, and if you have the time, let me know your first impression of the map, as well as what you think should be high priority to improve. I'll give you the link around said time. :)

    Edit - This is my rpg project in alpha stage. Probably have many bugs, so hoping you can bear with it for the moment :) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/pastebin.php?id=2kb9n1
    Hey man, how active are you still at modding warcraft3? Its because I've a bloody crappy rpg map that I'm itching to have someone alpha test it. I'm fine though if you'd rather pass, I'll just look for someone else. :p
    I don't know if you watched the La Liga, but FC Barcelona got beaten by Hercules in Camp Nou. Its all over the sports forums now. At any rate I'm not a Barca fan so its all good :D
    Hello there Mechanical Man!

    I would like to ask permission to edit your "Factory" model. I would just like to add animations on it (and do some texture changes to fit with Mr. Bob's buildings).

    ~Thanks in advance!
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