• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • No.. I play sports etc.. but when you are in cegep, you have to learn how to be in ''shape'' so I also have exams about ''why smoking is bad, why alcohol is bad, why I should train everyday, etc.'' it's very interresting but damn lame at the same time..

    anyway the final text I gave was about ''my way of life'' if I smoke, if I drink, if I move alot etc and make a complete report about it.
    god damn! I've just finished my Sport class yesterday! had to give up a text of 1800 words.. also had a final exam in sports too..

    so one more thing is done!

    Now.. i've also just finished an other final art project for school! have to give it this morning.. cheers!

    This morning I also have an English oral.. it's my last english evaluation... so cheers!

    Today, tomorow and friday will be working my ass of to finish 2 other final art projects... after these 2 are done... I'M FREEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    until the 25 cause I have my french written exam.. but that after that.. I'm REAALLLY FREEEeeeee!

    will try to finish all the icons this friday or saturday..
    oh hey.. you told me you were bored today.. so I tough..

    BIG TIM?! if you could do him it would be awesome.
    Hi! Since you were quite involved in the Fall of Draenor project, can I ask a few questions?

    1. How did it die?
    2. Why did it die?
    3. I saw you implied Alagremm didn't know much of mapping?
    hey thanks for that lecture i totally deserved that because i asked very aggressively so i am very sorry for my extremely rude behavior
    icic when u are free plz tell me can cos i or should i say lelyanra really need your modeling skills ...
    Hey debode wanna get in ma map project? if ya can we talk about it and i'll tell ya how things are =) (asking for lelyanra actually)
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) OH MY FUDGING GOD! Hallucinatory leap is EXACTLY a spell I had in mind, except the bonus damage! OMG OMG OMG!!! I HATE YOU! :mad: :p
    Well they could be anything you Imagen.
    Say you can create the basics (since we still need the rangers & magicians).
    I just like to see difference between them.

    Human Soldier #1 has leather armor and covered with a bit cloak (gladiator style).
    Human Soldier #2: has more a bit armor around his chest, mixed with a broken helmet (mercenary style).
    If you're still not sure what you should create I will work it out.
    Also, please create different faces.

    Do you think you can do this?
    please provide link for the icon of your ultimate ability. i am referring to the hivebattlefield hero submission concept.
    Just want the Big TIm model and the Zeppelin model (if it's finish)

    the zeppelin can wait much longer tought..

    and beside that, I won't ask anything else from you ^^
    Have you thought about making more units from Stronghold? Just wondering... I'm a Stronghold Crusader fan you see.
    I'm trying! I missed the first one, which I could have gotten a key from EASILY. I hope he does a Hero design for SC1/SC2 heroes, because I have a SWEET one.
    I know you've been damn busy with models lately, but would you mind making the BIG tim model? cause I need it for the new thread presentation.. you have 2 weeks to make the model.
    I see...

    strange that the picture is kinda "bugged" here, while it shows great in the forums Oo
    I haven't, i just didn't think of a good idea for it.

    I didn't say that concept is finished now, did i?
    So... what I said earlier...
    A set of crates, a set of pots and jars, weapons, foods, etc?
    It's easy to find items. If you search "Jar" or "Pot" in the model section, you get some interesting options. The same goes for various other supplies.
    Well, I thought about possible armored kodos, and making the armor for them, based upon the war kodos. But by individual cargo, do you mean seperating the Dungeon Treasure into seperate parts? I'm not quite sure what you mean by seperate attachments for the kodo. Perhaps an example would really help?
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