• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Of course. No Im just lore writer and consultant.
    Their storyline includes Old Gods and Titans, and Im master of that.

    Right now I am trying to find a way, path to the glory of FoD. But I see... only... darkness... before me.
    Of course. But this way my high elves stay with me, ok?

    Yes Edge of Eternity. They have planned some changes some would call impossible, and the worst part is that they will succeed. I saw their true essence, Wolfe! Thats why... I joined them.
    Nah. However I am really disturbed that another mod is not only awesome, but its much better then mine. Plus the project leader is a fanatic of his own project and he sure knows how to lead. Plus he somehow found such awesome guys that I am truly amazed.
    So you watched the video? Man, I would never suspect such an ending.
    Especially the fire Lich King and imprisonment in Frozen Throne... but what will it do?
    Hey! ^^
    Have you heared about the end of the WotLK? It ended yesterday and the finale was... astounding.
    Chat is still working.

    I asked Coke to update the forums to a newer version, but unfortunately it conflicted with some parts of the forum.

    So he is going to try and restore it from a back up and if not, the forums will be wiped and we will install SMF 2 instead of what we have which was SMF 1.1.10
    Yes, DaB is working on the metallic corners, so it takes a lot of time. However he never let mne down, so I am sure that he will finish it eventually.
    Indeed, they are. Plus they have all the needed animations. Except the town hall. It still needs the upgrade anims. We will still edit them all a bit, but right now they are just awesome.

    Well right now I worry only because I want to finihs updating the description with the screens to do my master plan. It may be dumb, so I keep it a secret right now.
    Very well. Well, not very, but its ok.
    Spuretoinkz is just a dream come true for our project!
    He made 5 orc buildings already! Im going to make screens of them, and I asked DaB to make a cool-looking parchment with metallic borders to insert the model screen into.
    However a week passed and he is still working on it :(
    Sry, Ive been eating.
    Well you just post screens of terrain and kind of Rp, but it is a very loosen one.
    Check it out yourself, check the pictures and discussions.
    Well in Daily Peon you need to have your name saved, so you are still Wolfe, however you might add nay surname or titale you want.
    Ok, just introduce yourself in the Daily Peon.
    You are the replacement for the High Priest Eletnis who died during a battle, so now you're the leader of Triumvirate's Quel'dorei and one of the Triumvirate's leaders.
    OK, because of the ancient traditions of Daily Peon you cant change your name but you may use a title. So you will be Ranger-General Wolfe(Or Orscythe) or High Priest Wolfe.
    Also, if you want to know anything about Alagremmia and the Triumvirate, just ask.
    BTW, as leader of one of the three most numerous races of Triumvirate you can build your own settlements anywhere(however you must discuss it with other rulers first), get two islands in my city(New Silvermoon and Silver Rise, the temple island)under your full control, get your own armies, plus you can control Triumvirate(Alagremmia).
    Great. Right now tjhe leader is High Priest Eletnil, however he can die in the great Battle of SQUADALA.
    Hey m8!
    This weekend we should discuss some stuff. I'm planning of writing down a really big part of well.. anything that happened in the oakwood history and is still happening.
    Information about every single creep and a little small story for each of them with What are they, How did they get here and Why are they there questions:)
    Hm... why arent you doing anything in the Daily Peon? Thanks to me the group became uber-active and awesome. I have a flying city, lots of allies, plus I could use a leader for my high elves.
    Not much. Unless you think that pointlessly spent holiday is dramatic.

    Well, Im actually working on FoD storyline right now and preparing for the great plan.
    I would be honored to polish the terrain. Btw, if you send me the map, tell me the rules. What i can touch and what i cant touch. Thanks ;)
    Hey, you're back! ^^
    You got a new gem!

    I just got myself a blue gem and 2000 posts!

    So, how are you doing?
    Oh btw, if the terrain is not up to standard just send it back and Ill be happy to improve it
    Ive completed the Everwood terrain and sent it ot you.

    Admitedly i hated doing requests, so in future try not to load me with anymore.
    Not if its burning Snta Claus hat >:D
    Also, I was surprised how good Velen looks in Santa's hat.
    So you are a tauren who wants to help blood elves? I'd better let them devolve in their lust fior magic. Anyway, though I hate blood elves, but love high elves, draenei are awesome! If the blood elves would retunr to their high elven state, they would ally them sure thing!

    BTW, you know what is the worst about blood elves? Sunwell was restored, but they still follow their fel ways and dont want to become high elves again!
    Dude, if you like draenei you need to join Light of the Naaru group. Im in it too, however it was logoless and dead. But yesterday it was transfered to a new owner, and he made a new logo and wants to revive the group.
    Plus WoW changes and scales truth. Imagine Draenor in "real". Zangarmarsh would be huge, plus I think the water level was much higher before destruction of Draenor.
    It would be almost impossble to find it, and the road to it in WoW is just for newbies as well as the guards near the elevator and houses on the side mushrooms growing on the main mushrooms which are easily seen from the ground. So in WoW it isnt that strong as it is in lore.
    Just read your Alternate Timeline and it's really pretty cool.

    Alagremm - Snarewave - Wolfe, The Alternate Lore Triad.
    Pus it would be almost impossible, and you wouldnt even notice Telredor if there is fog.
    Yeah Wolfe, all as I said, thanks for proving my info ;)
    Dark ercs? Thats something new. No, there are no orcs in my dark hordes. Only restless souls, dark creatures from the depths of the earth and swarms of undead.
    Ok, then I shall release my dark hordes on your dark elf, and she will become a white elf - because of horror that will make her hair white as snow!
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