

Well, for Cluster Rockets, you'd have to change the Stunned buff which is used by all stun able spells.

Sure but until they add a custom campaign menu for StarCraft II, I'm pretty much not interested :p
Ah so they did fix it then - cool - I have been using cluster rockets as a spell for years - without success of changing that buff to another one - you see arrows flinging out or fire balls and the projectiles can be changed to alot of different things yet for me all id see on units in my cluster rockets areas was that dam rocket icon with the words "stunned" and nothin would ever change it. Was pretty sad...
@kellym0 I hope the stun is not hard coded. But no, stun doesn't have the Cluster Rockets icon, it has the one when you're stunned (like from Bash), a blue-white whirlwind of sorts.
the one icon I always saw was the same one, the cluster rockets icon, and the words quoted as seen ''Stunned: This unit is Stunned and cannot move or attack'' but with no blue spinny whirly gig icon, such as mountain kings passive bash/storm bolt, or the orange variant from slams/warstomps.... warstomps even occasionally had their own icons on the buffs such as the hydra and the tide hunters, which showed a green foot or a tail on its target buff. to match the ability cast icon. those where not hard coded

to my knowledge it (cluster rockets) was indeed hard coded, because in my time, with my effort spent on making an old and long forgotten map probably 4 people ever played, called ''OMFG When Flood Attacks'' which was halo vrs warcraft3 themed with star wars to help warcraft3, with most of the abilities in that map based off cluster rockets, (about 20 or 30) made in homage to battle ships, whose map was boats, on water, using the infamous phoenix fire aura over and over again on items with different ID tags, I guess I thought goblin sappers masked as flood parasites eating footman and droidekas/other star wars droids fighting along-side paladins and mortar teams was funny. and cluster rockets with lots of small fast red lasers sure did look cool. but I never did get that buff icon or description to change. Kinda killed the map, since I had chosen a hard coded ability.


maybe they will fix things like that. and Hex. and Reign of Fire (archimond) and other hard code issues LOL

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