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Deroc as a Holy Priest

(DISCLAIMER: Found from the Internet)

Deroc as a Holy Priest (DISCLAIMER: Found from the Internet)

Well, I don't know who is he really

I just picked this picture from the internet, and I can't find any other decent pictures of male human priest.

Chaplains and Apprentice Wizards from WC3 look lame
I don't check news either. But I know the really famous upcoming games, the most hyped ones this year by far were Fallout 4, Witcher 3 and Star Wars Battlefront 3.

I might be getting my hands on Witcher 3's collectors edition in fact.
"So basically Geralt from Witcher 3 in a priest robe?"
I'm dead,lol!

"Really? It's the game of the year easily in my opinion."
IMO Fallout 4 is,but that's just because I have a slight obsession with Bethesda games.So many items,quests,areas to explore,different builds,choices and everything!The main reason why I love Skyrim as well

"I don't check news either."
Me neither
There was actually a comparison of the world size between some games.

Fallout 4 lost big time to Skyrim. I think Witcher 3 had a bigger world the Fallout too, not 100% certain on this though.

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