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"Clash of the destiny"

The Silver army came to defend their lands from the chaotic invaders. Led by Med'al the army came to face the enemy and stop

"Clash of the destiny" The Silver army came to defend their lands from the chaotic invaders. Led by Med'al the army came to face the enemy and stop

He called himself Med'al to hide that he was in truth Medivh. Now that it has been revealed anyways, why doesn't he change the name back to Medivh again?
Cuz Med'al being Medivh is a joke? Maybe its not but characters name is Med'al.
Yeah, I just liked Medivh so much I made a character like him... named Alagremm. But since I couldnt have 2 Alagremms, I renamed him in Med'al, Med being from his model of Medivh and al being from, Alagremm.

Anyway do you like his new model?
Seetrough cloack Oo

Also looks like chaos will win cuz their forses are bigger and stronger while white army are soo few soldiers,i know that there are probably more but form the look of this pic they look doomed
Silver Army god damn it, I based it on the Red Army.
And dont underestimate the skills of my warriors and mages.

Oh, also on the pic you can see our swormen performing our most effective technique - Idiotic Sword Watching.

However its too bad archers cannot be seen. Though I love to see the Abyss Revenants here!
They are doing victory stand...

And yea it only seems that way cuz I couldn't put whole army in the pic. Silver Army has wider spread units.

Doubt its an actual silver cuz that would be expensive and bad quality.
Its not silver of course, that would be insane. Though silver is the most widespread and loved metal in Triumvirate, we make money and jewelery out of it. Gold is not so liked and is usually used only as bars of gold in the national reserves in case of need to trade with other factions whio dont accept our coins.

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