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"Down we go"

Wile the Chaos armies are marching to Karabor in full might a fraction descended in to the deeps of Dreanosh. Using the chaotic magic

"Down we go" Wile the Chaos armies are marching to Karabor in full might a fraction descended in to the deeps of Dreanosh. Using the chaotic magic

Wait is she going up,or down? Oo Because the magic dots confuse me

Also this cant be the end?Its not even a cliffhanger,its like reading a book half way trough,closing it and thinking thats the end.
End? Oh no its not yet end of plot, I mean hurrying up to the end ^^;

And she is going down and yea was lazy to make dots go down.
How did they get to here? Karabor, Tlenos Island, Grouse Caves and Stoneforge all still stands if I'm not mistaken
Am they burrowed down. I mean why would they use lifts if they had secured entrance (ok original plan was to use Grouse Caves but I just don't have patience to wage war against taka). And also remember that Tleno already has shown that faceless are under fighting his forces.

Yea they are trol little to sharp tho it was way worse.
I saw some "cataclysm demo goblin gameplay azshara starter"-film on youtube. There were some lost mining ground terrains which were way worse than this :/

Oh, well, understandable. So now there is one more way to get to underworld (isn't this the right name?), a huge hole from somewhere in Takakenji Forest? I'm gonna write this note down somewhere in my head.. wait a second. done. ahh lore..
Uh doubt it will be even relevant later since these are just holes. And who said it is in Takas forest?
Such small details are considdered lore. You were in Takakenji Forest in your last pic fighting the Grouse, as I remember. Also Underworld is beneath Takakenji forest :]

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