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World of Genesia

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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World of Genesia is one man project created by Callahan.


The map use WEU.
You're not allowed to extract imports from this map for any purpose.

~~Musics info :~~

FF7 :
Good night unit tomorrow
Fighting (remixed by NemesisTheory)
The Shinra corporation

Breath of fire 3 :
atomic power
everyday battle
join party
that old house
the desert of death

Breath of fire 4 :
the world beneeth your feet
Breath of fire IV- opening animation
even toward death valiantly
maybe I'll even buy a sheep
it's an easy win
ending and begining
~a man~

Soul calibur 3 :
armed with valor
symphony of swords

Grandia :
the end of the world

Dynasty warriors 5 :
primitive power

Timesplitter Future perfect :
Aztec ruins 1920

Gladius :

Unreal tournament :
temple of horus


~~Models info :~~

Doodad models: Callahan, Nasrudin, xXmorpheusXx, Ket
Special effect models: Callahan
Characters models: Callahan & evilwart-dragon for Panda samurai (Kaï adult)


Beta testers :
Rao Dao Zao
Captain Griffen


Support site :

World of Genesia, Singleplayer RPG, SP RPG, Callahan

World of Genesia (Map)

12:13, 22nd Sep 2008 VGsatomi: This maps looks VERY promising so far. Excellent use of imported material, and i really like the effect you created with dungeon there. However this map still feels unfinished, and this seems almost like an extended...




12:13, 22nd Sep 2008
VGsatomi: This maps looks VERY promising so far. Excellent use of imported material, and i really like the effect you created with dungeon there. However this map still feels unfinished, and this seems almost like an extended version of the demo map. Keep crack'm away at it and this map will be one of the great ones.

Septimus : It seems like you never update this sources after a months being told by vgsatomi, I guess it would partically useless to left it at review state anymore.

Sources rejected for being incomplete.



Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
This is a really cool map i must say, but i am playing right now uhm how do i check my objectives?, cause theres is no quests log :/, apparently i am already stuck... can´t find this blue fungus beer. I bought every type of beer thats in the tavern *sob*

Edit: Ok finally a cutscene triggered when i entered the bar :þ
Level 8
Apr 26, 2008
This is a really cool map i must say, but i am playing right now uhm how do i check my objectives?, cause theres is no quests log :/, apparently i am already stuck... can´t find this blue fungus beer. I bought every type of beer thats in the tavern *sob*

Edit: Ok finally a cutscene triggered when i entered the bar :þ
Well first it's true that in the quest log there isn't any quests, second it's blue fungus tea! Third thing is maybe changed but I say it still, so you can try: There isn't way to get blue fungus - to continue you must continue to a cave... there comes cinematic and you should after that know what you need to do.

Edit: Oh sorry forgot that - but after the bar thing you must go to forest and kill 5 funguses - they sometimes appear rarely! but after that do what I said first!
Level 11
Jul 27, 2008
Awsome map, remainds me of chrono cross, and spirit remainds me of zeldas navi, when does next version comming out and when will it be finished? LOL at the chicken dude replace his head, rooster guy is funny looking. You need to change how does spirit pause work, problem with it is that you can cast moon bless and then pause game and effect of moon bless will restore hp while game is paused, you shoud put quest log, add more masters. Kodo ride is awsomly made but booring some monsters shoud attack while you are rideing. I think some heros are bit stronger than others. ANYWAY 5/5 from me
I can't watch the replay.It's bugged.

Tell me where you are.
You cannot complete the story in this demo.
It stop after you rescue the archaeologist.

Awsome map, remainds me of chrono cross, and spirit remainds me of zeldas navi, when does next version comming out and when will it be finished? LOL at the chicken dude replace his head, rooster guy is funny looking. You need to change how does spirit pause work, problem with it is that you can cast moon bless and then pause game and effect of moon bless will restore hp while game is paused, you shoud put quest log, add more masters. Kodo ride is awsomly made but booring some monsters shoud attack while you are rideing. I think some heros are bit stronger than others. ANYWAY 5/5 from me

I'm aware of the spirit bug it pause unit so regen buff still effect.I'm searching of a better way to make it.
i like the rooster head.
And yes I was planing to add some caravan attack event during kodo travel.
There will be more master yes.
And the different heroes can prove to be more or less useful it depend the situtation.
Level 4
May 3, 2005
I just finished this map and I think it's very good.

First of all, I didn't understand how to resurrect characters. What does rest at the inn exactly mean?

Next, some bugs I found: inside the pyramid, you can shoot over the wall with archers. About Kai's focused strike, I think that it dealt less damage than normal attacks, maybe it's something about the damage type of the spell? And regeneration spell from the lizard hero, I haven't seen it work. If it does work, I think the chance of healing is less than the 16% written in the description.

And finally, a few suggestions, tell me what you think about them:
When you exchange one hero with another, also move the items from one hero to another. The experience from fighting, give it to all the heroes (those fighting and those in your camp). The characters in your camp become weaker than the ones you actually play with and if you want to use them, you first have to level them up to be useful. And the weapon upgrade for all heroes should give more bonus. For example, the archer's upgrade gives range, damage and attack speed with each upgrade, if I remember correctly. Let's talk about the range upgrade (that's the one I remember the values): you get +10 range per upgrade. I think you should get +10 the first time you buy it, +20 the next time etc.
I just finished this map and I think it's very good.

First of all, I didn't understand how to resurrect characters. What does rest at the inn exactly mean?

Next, some bugs I found: inside the pyramid, you can shoot over the wall with archers. About Kai's focused strike, I think that it dealt less damage than normal attacks, maybe it's something about the damage type of the spell? And regeneration spell from the lizard hero, I haven't seen it work. If it does work, I think the chance of healing is less than the 16% written in the description.

And finally, a few suggestions, tell me what you think about them:
When you exchange one hero with another, also move the items from one hero to another. The experience from fighting, give it to all the heroes (those fighting and those in your camp). The characters in your camp become weaker than the ones you actually play with and if you want to use them, you first have to level them up to be useful. And the weapon upgrade for all heroes should give more bonus. For example, the archer's upgrade gives range, damage and attack speed with each upgrade, if I remember correctly. Let's talk about the range upgrade (that's the one I remember the values): you get +10 range per upgrade. I think you should get +10 the first time you buy it, +20 the next time etc.
Ty for feedback.

The lizard regen does works and it's very usefull once Ketzual was nearly dead and poof got lucky it happened twice and was nearly full hp.I'm sure of my trigger and it is 16% chance.If there's more % chance he becomes nearly impossible to be killed.
I might make a SFX to spwn when he's healed.

Kaï focused strike deal more damage (physical btw) than normal attack or even his passive critical.It's nearly imba.

Each character have their own inventory.
If you want to transfer item just do it by draging and giving item to other characters.
You have to do this because you're still poor but once you're rich you'll be able to afford decent equipement for each characters even if you don't use 'em.
And you might ruan out of item slots if unused party member couldn't carry items.

As for exp transfer it will shorten the game if the player just have to change to instant level up characters.And it alrdy set level to Kaï level when they join the party.
I want the player to spend time on leveling character he likes.
Althought I consider to make unsused character earn lesser exp instead of no exp at all.

As for the upgrade I might rebalance them.

To ressurect character you must rest in a Inn it's self explanatory.
There's Inn in town you buy rest item at bed and you're character ressurect.
I reconize you can confuse them with doodad but Inn bed are always near a save spot and they cast aneu on your character so you can't miss it.
Level 8
Apr 26, 2008
How can you beat the boss you face when you are getting second fragment of (what was its name? I forgot it :s) well the god- oh was it godstone? Anyway how you can beat it? My 2 heroes fell and Kai fights with Rooster!
How can you beat the boss you face when you are getting second fragment of (what was its name? I forgot it :s) well the god- oh was it godstone? Anyway how you can beat it? My 2 heroes fell and Kai fights with Rooster!

He's unbeatable.you're suppose to lose this fight till jabaï come.

@vercas : strange because it works for me.
Here the trigger, it works only the special effect doesn't appear for some reason but I believe it's the model that doesn't works.

At level 6 it's 60% of his energy (int).And average hp is lower than wc3 standard in this map.
It's well balanced as I said he's nearly unkillable if I had buff this ability.
The amount of hp healed represent around 15% of it's max hp.
And if you buy buff his energy with items it's more useful.

I did it but nothing happened!

You're character are supposed to be K.O when they reach half hp.
Also there's a bug i forgot to fix as mentioned before you have to have your 2 party member alive when entering the temple.
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
lots of grammatical errors in the cinematics, and the terrain is kinda lacking. however, i really liked how you made the kodo-caravan part, although it would be nice if you couldve added some sort of tent thing or supplies onto the two platforms.

overall, it was pretty fun, although pretty easy. fix those grammitcal errors. for example:
When Sensei dany said:
'im to old and ill just slow you down'
then Kai said: 'not false.'
thats like saying 'thats true'.
Level 8
Apr 26, 2008
This is a very good map, maybe you can make it a campaign, it is singleplayer... Making it a campaign allows you to continue the story for ever ^_^
First, everything ends sometime. Second even making it a campaign don't allow you to continue it forever, there is space limit.
Level 6
Jun 14, 2008
For a wc3 rpg, this shit is great. Brings back the feeling of the classics and doesn't feel like any other wc3 rpg, mostly because its a different style but also because most other wc3 rpgs totally suck. 2 Thumbs up my friend. Finish it and I'll be back for more :)

Oh, and work on your spelling and grammer. It kinda made me go nutz trying to read it :/
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
All right, I tested this quite some time ago now, or well, like 1½ week, but forgot to post a review of it, so here goes.

The map seemed promising at first sights, even though I suck and didnt realize the Sensei was in the town, so I started to move out and fought my way only too find two shut and locked gates, I was confused. Only to find out that the Sensei and his academy was in fact in the village!

Pros: (Positive Comments)
*Good use of imported and self-made stuff.
*Storyline seems promising.
*Fun, never got bored when I played it.
*Good preview image.
*Abilities for the heroes seem all right, not excellent but still good enough,

Cons: (Negative Comments)
*I died quite a few times, so it seemed a bit hard, could also be me who isn't the best player.
*I found a few grammatically incorrect sentences I think, could've been quite a few of them, or just some, hard to remember. Could also be a few spelling errors, if my memory serves me.
*Seemed a bit like you needed to carry potions along with you at all times really, I once forgot potions and died quite fast after I started killing monsters. This is a bad point since it takes away skills and makes it more item-based.

All in all, i'd say this is a nice map for anyone who likes singleplayer-rpgs like myself. Even though it is a demo, it is still awesome and deserves approving if it was my call.
All right, I tested this quite some time ago now, or well, like 1½ week, but forgot to post a review of it, so here goes.

The map seemed promising at first sights, even though I suck and didnt realize the Sensei was in the town, so I started to move out and fought my way only too find two shut and locked gates, I was confused. Only to find out that the Sensei and his academy was in fact in the village!

Pros: (Positive Comments)
*Good use of imported and self-made stuff.
*Storyline seems promising.
*Fun, never got bored when I played it.
*Good preview image.
*Abilities for the heroes seem all right, not excellent but still good enough,

Cons: (Negative Comments)
*I died quite a few times, so it seemed a bit hard, could also be me who isn't the best player.
*I found a few grammatically incorrect sentences I think, could've been quite a few of them, or just some, hard to remember. Could also be a few spelling errors, if my memory serves me.
*Seemed a bit like you needed to carry potions along with you at all times really, I once forgot potions and died quite fast after I started killing monsters. This is a bad point since it takes away skills and makes it more item-based.

All in all, i'd say this is a nice map for anyone who likes singleplayer-rpgs like myself. Even though it is a demo, it is still awesome and deserves approving if it was my call.

Thanks for review.

-Yes I'm actually a custom ressource freak.And I like to see my models in action.It may be a pros or cons though.

-Thank you I put lot in storyline since i'm not a great coder.

-Yes you died.It's maybe the fact that fight are faster than usual at least compared to wc3 melee.It may need time to be handled with that kind of gameplay.In wc3 ladder you use potions in critical situation while in this map you must use them almost all the time.
If it's too hard just pex and gain some level.
I can't tell if it's rly too hard since you can't lose.
I even consider to add a penalty on death because now death doesn't have any consequence at all but respawn you in a town and can easily be abused.
For example sometime I prefer to die and respawn in the town instead of doing all the travel back.

-Yes healing items are needed due to the fact that characters don't have natural regen over time.
I think it's a good point since almost any RPG map I played, I 'd rather buy permanent equipement rather than wasting an item slot for consumable.In my map perm equipement aren't more valuable than healing/mana items.
Later in the game you'll don't need them anymore and Lucille will be the main way to heal regen mana % based heal never get obselete and It increase with level.
And a lot of characters have healing ability (moon bless,meditation,regrowth,vegetation healing aura).

-Yes I'm aware of gramatical error,spelling etc...It's one of the main issue of my map.