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River Valley

This is my first serious attempt at making a melee map. Please try it and say what needs improvement, I know it needs alot of improvement and I need your guys opinion before making another map :p.

I, myself, thinks the map is kinda empty, but I dont know what to put at the "empty places", so please give advice on that too.

UPDATED: Changed computer controlled player to User.
Item drops from creatures is now lower level.

UPDATED Again: Increased amount of gold in goldmines.
Added a few trees near the tavern.
Paths to Goblin Merchants is now bigger

River, Valley

River Valley (Map)

15:16, 23rd Aug 2008 Septimus: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/791401-post3.html




15:16, 23rd Aug 2008

Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
you should just try to make better and better maps untill you have somthing worth showing. if everyone posted up there first projects on the hive, it would be terrible :(. but dont let that discourage you, just try to make somthing people will really really wanna play.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Notice & Contact
This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus.
If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under certain circumstances. It would be selfish to request constantly a mod/admin to keep review your map as there is many other maps waiting for approval as well.

However, if you still insist of another review after it had been review for second time. Feel free to contact other admin.

To contact Alexis Septimus, please click this
Visitor Message.
Map Review
1) Terrain - Average (3)
2) Trigger -
3) Minor Error - Average (3)
4) Major Error -
5) Replay Value - Average (3)
6) Fun factor/gameplay - Average (3)
7) Use of imported material -
8) Single player -
9) AI support -
10) Camera -
11) Originality -
12) File Size - Excellent (5)
13) Internet/Lag Friendly - Excellent (5)
14) Balancing -
15) Packaging - Average (3)
16) Credits -
17) Storyline - Average (3)
18) Theme -
19) Protection - Excellent (5)
20) Quality - Average (3)
21) Description/Information/Detail - Good (4)
22) Hiveworkshop rules & regulation - Excellent (5)
23) Game Mode -
24) Difficulty -
25) Unit Placement - Excellent (5)

Total Accumulation Point : 50/75 * 100 + (-3) (Review) = 63.66

[+] -
[!] -
[-] - Why set another controller as computer instead of user ?
[-] - Item drop value is too high.

Review : The terrain look rather decent, but there is a few minor error that you did.

1 of the error you did is to set the controller for player 2 as computer instead of user.

Another error you did is to set the item drop value too high, let's said a creep is level 2. The creep should drop item level 0-2 instead of dropping item level 3.

Another -3 points for this map.

Rating & Miscellaneous information
Score - 64/100
Rating - 3/5
Condition - Average
Status - Approve
Review - 1
The map might not be fully tested, if any user of the map found bug/error or anything else.
Feel free to contact Alexis Septimus by clicking this
Visitor Message.
To Anti_Bodies : Well, at least his map is quite decent compare to some crappy map.
Level 10
Aug 10, 2007

-The golem drop powerup of each level...so that a goldcoin or a rune could be the drop ---> its unbalanced! (make it like "Powerup , lvl 2/1)

-Once more the other creeps,,,choose lvl of itemdrops!

-Add some trees close to tavern,,,for wisps of NE

-the path to the shop is to small---so its collision-unfriendly...

-mines have to less gold ---15k is average

-forest have leaks-->so wisps can be hidden there


-good terrain

-good starting positions

-good idea


Terrain: 4/5

Creeps: 2/5

Balance: 5/5

Gold/Wood: 3/5

Fun/etc. : 4/5

Overall: 18/25

3,6/5 ___> well 4/5!
Level 10
Aug 22, 2008
Ok thanks Revan, I fixed some errors.
UPDATED Again: Increased amount of gold in goldmines.
Added a few trees near the tavern.
Paths to Goblin Merchants is now bigger

And I'll be sure to check out your maps.