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Warden #42

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
Hosted Project Forum

Warden is a single player campaign with unique boss fights, puzzles and gameplay, inspired by Zelda.

-Main Features-
Arrowkey Movement
A very polished system for arrowkey movement has been created for this project. The player can also use
the cursor for movement, if that is preferred.
Intriguing Story
Canon to the warcraft lore, the story-telling in the campaign overmaps covers holes in warcrafts own lore,
such as how Felwood was before its corruption, or how Maievs prison where she held Illidan came to be.
Puzzles, Obstacles and Boss Fights
You will encounter a great deal of puzzles that requires some brains to solve, and obstacles where speed and
timing is key. Boss fights, which are fairly common, often requires you to those previous qualities together!
Cool Combat
Most enemies have a trick or two up their sleeves, so you have to dodge, dance around and pick your
moments to strike in a fight rather than just right-click them and hope for the best.


Leave a comment and rating if you like it! :)


-Warden- 42 (Campaign)

After over a year of updates, Warden has risen to be one of the most unique and high quality campaign out there. Hack n' slash + puzzles + a new story is a recipe for success. Moderator rating bumped from 4/5 to 5/5.
Level 15
Sep 6, 2015
I don't know how it looks for you, but for me the image is cut in two because it's too wide, and the second part of the image is under it, so it looks ugly. This is on normal 100% zoom. I have to zoom out to see it properly. I guess it depends on the monitor resolution, mine is 1366x768. Maybe you should reduce the size of the image so everyone can see it properly. Here is how it looks for me:
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Thanks for pointing that out!
I was looking for a fix by making a "Ruler Dummy", a picture that is as long as all the slices together, and should therefore expand the page instead of making one slice jump rows like it does now. This worked on Hive 1.0, but something strange is happening now.
I'm looking for a solution, and would be grateful if you have one! :)

Temp fix: If you wanna see it in its full glory, you can zoom out a little (Ctrl+Scroll Back).

Ok, I think I fixed it. Can you check if it works on your screen too?
It might be cut off a little, but you can adjust that by a bar on the lowest part of the image.
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Level 14
Jul 1, 2008
Hey Rufus,

So I played this one, as you asked people to do so in one of your many warden threads (seriously, I get confused sometimes where to post ..).

It was quite cool to play a Warden map, where there is less enemies, and also the atmosphere is done very well. It really feels tropical. I would not add enemies or not too many, because this one is unique like this.
One technical problem though, the music seems to stop after some time for me.
Maybe you could also add some random weather engine that simulates some tropical rain "showers" that would be really great, if you asked me.

The gameplay was fun as always and I really felt the need to find all of the "magic cages" :)
It was actually easy to find them, but to be honest, I did not find out what to do further. I tried placing the big gem everywhere, but nothing happened. In the temple the way is blocked by stones and I did not find any way to go further.
It may be that I was awefully stupid there, but for me it was impossible to find the way ...

edit: I forgot one thing. I could not find out in the map as the music stopped after some minutes and I did not reach the temple by that. But if you did not do this, please think about playing another music in the temple than on the island. This would enhance game atmosphere :)
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Thanks for your input Emm-A-! Useful as always. :)

Yeah, the threads are kinda messy at the moment, but it will soon get better, as I have got the project approved for being a hosted project. :D
Then I'll gather all the threads, and create a better structure. :)

I'll defenitely do those tropical showers. that is a neat idea.
The music issue shall be fixed!
I'll see about adding another music inside. I agree that it would be cool, but I have to think of the filesize too, as music takes a lot of space.
If there is any enemy being added, there will be two semi-bosses: One locatied by the pillar circle area on the island, and the other, in the first room when entering the Temple. I have not quite decided what they should be yet in that case.

There is another entrance to the temple, one step abvoe the one you entered, but it is blocked with a door. You need to activate the obelisks (you can see it in the picture of my previous post, to the north-west) on the very top of the temple in order to open that gate, and then you'll be able to enter properly. :)

Level 14
Jul 1, 2008
Ah, I see, hm well, it was quite hard to see somehow. I tried all the other statues and things on the map, but forgot to check out the obelisks. Maybe you could add some little effects to them or maybe place a little letter somewhere on the map, which contains an ancient note about the temple's opening mechanism ...

Anyway, I am happy that you find my input useful and congratulations to that hosted project status :)
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
I'm really excited about it! :)

I like the effect idea more. I think I'll add some glimmering effect to them or something. Alternately, a hint from Shasis saying something when she gets in range.
I like it when she says something a lot. It adds to the story atmosphere.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Wow, thanks a lot man!
Really glad you wanted to make a video about this. :D
I suggest that you download the latest version though, as a few bugs have been fixed with forest temple and Dark depths. :)

Be sure to tell me if you decide to upload more!


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
-how to get out of the controls menu? Ah! It seems ENTER works; also this menu needs a correct description; R is not casting a hook but the rewind spell etc.
-saving takes about 20 or more seconds
-secret island lol? Oh come on; be more creative
-the big box is floating :D
-I don't know but this map has moments when it lags horribly; the map surely has leaks or something; saving takes more than a minute later on
-lucky I've remembered that writing numbers in the chat box moves the catapult...
-floating box on the switch :D
-can't take the purple diamond in the water tunnel to the east where the red spiked thingies come from the north; is it a maximum of 5 lives now?
-attacking the box near the skeleton results in the box's destruction and the warden's loss of the dash ability
-the diamond mentioned above still can't be taken even if lives are below 5; nope, neither can the one in the north be taken where the water shots are...
-now every box I attack breaks...

I'm not rating it until these things are fixed. I've played the version 1.0, the one uploaded on the 5th of September.
I've attached a replay and its corresponding map version.


  • warden tropic deepsz.w3g
    324.7 KB · Views: 86
  • Warden-Tropic-Tomb-1.0.w3x
    5.7 MB · Views: 118
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Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
how to get out of the controls menu? Ah! It seems ENTER works
There is also a text on the very bottom of the list saying "Close" with the same hotkey that you opened the menu with.
The menues will be updated though. The screen will not fade before displaying the list of options. Also, the objectives list may be replaced.
R is not casting a hook but the rewind spell etc.
Will be fixed!
Secret island lol? Oh come on; be more creative
How did you find that!? :D
the big box is floating :D
Hmm? Which one?
-I don't know but this map has moments when it lags horribly; the map surely has leaks or something; saving takes more than a minute later on
I haven't noticed that myself, but it is worth looking into. I will ask someone to go through the triggers of one map, and then I will be able to fix it in all other maps aswell. I recently discovered a location leak in the attack action, so it is very possible that I have missed taht in other places aswell.
-lucky I've remembered that writing numbers in the chat box moves the catapult...
Yup, this was a mistake. Instructions are available behind that rock barrier... :D However, that have already been fixed in the latest version, 1.02.
-can't take the purple diamond in the water tunnel to the east where the red spiked thingies come from the north; is it a maximum of 5 lives now?
Thanks for reminding me! I forgot about fixing this bug.
I have no idea why this bug occurs, but I'll try to find a solution! I have an equally strange bug in the second last room of the dungeon, which have no reason not to work...
-attacking the box near the skeleton results in the box's destruction and the warden's loss of the dash ability
That is certainly also strange...
I hope I can fix this!

Thanks a lot for those bug reports! I really appreciate it.
I'll notify you when I have fixed it. :)


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
There is also a text on the very bottom of the list saying "Close" with the same hotkey that you opened the menu with.
Does not work. Pressed almost all the keyboard. Enter worked though.
How did you find that!?
Walking, of course. I like exploring, especially when it is required in this map to collect those box pieces.
Hmm? Which one?
The one that is made from the 8 pieces.
I'll notify you when I have fixed it.
Thanks. You know I more than like your maps.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
Review Version: 1.03, 15/9/16
Review is not guaranteed to be accurate with future updates.

TLDR Version
- Another map in the Warden series
- Much less combat than the other entries; not a bad thing however
~ Map Approved

Its a warden map.
If you like the others, here's another one.

Personally I like the external Island terrain, it is in my opinion, the best scene-piece in the series.
Generally, the terrain here seems better than in the other maps in the series.
The construction of the vortex area was also very impressive.

Mechanically, I though that the map was a hit and miss.
Some sections, such as the "use catapults to smash objects" was pretty intuitive.
Other areas such as the library puzzle came across as a exercise in creator mind-reading.
Personally, I would add sound cues whenever the player does anything of significance such as perhaps getting 1/3 of the puzzle levers correct; hence hinting to the player that they are at least making something happen.

Minor gripes
- The victory text plays repeatedly
- The catapult in the escape sequence can stop working if you die during said escape.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Minor gripes
- The victory text plays repeatedly
- The catapult in the escape sequence can stop working if you die during said escape.
Those issues will be fixed asap.

Personally I like the external Island terrain, it is in my opinion, the best scene-piece in the series.
Generally, the terrain here seems better than in the other maps in the series.
Really glad you liked it!
I'm quite satisfied with it myself. :)
The indoors is always hard to populate properly, and I think I did a good job with the library. The rest is, meh... decent.
However, Every now and then I will return to this map and seeif I can improve things, and the indoor decorations might be one of those.

Other areas such as the library puzzle came across as a exercise in creator mind-reading.
I could make the puzzle easier by adding hints to it, but that is hard to do without making it too easy.
I might add a hint that is displayed after not solving the library puzzle in 4 minutes, making Shalis say something like: "I cannot seem to find a purple rune anywhere. Perhaps I can combine two of those boxes in one circle?"

Personally, I would add sound cues whenever the player does anything of significance such as perhaps getting 1/3 of the puzzle levers correct; hence hinting to the player that they are at least making something happen.
Sounds good.
I'll see what I can do. :)

Thanks for the review!
I really appreciate it. :D


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
I feel so awkward being the only one (!?) experiencing problems with this map...

-I don't know if trees would grow in a roofed temple/building without proper sunlight; use bushes instead :D?
-the catapult can destroy boxes
-items and circles can be selected
-are the golden books just for the looks?
-when the elemental boss appeared, the catapult message ran when coming close to it; it didn't appear before the boss came into being; also got a message with sacrificing in the middle or something
-horrible lag for me when the elemental starts throwing multiple crushing waves
-somehow succeeded to die in the red circle but then dash didn't work anymore
-is Shalis supposed to go through the portal near the catapult where a soul gem also is after the elemental dies? If so, there's a crab boss, some levers in a room and stuff just feels like IDCLIP in another room; yep... reached a room with water currents where there are rocks that are supposed to stop her; instead she just gets through them; at the end of that place, she gets blocked in the southern margin without any way to get to the western ramp; also it seems the rune of healing is following her :D; sorry, can't save a replay because I've already loaded the game several times; I guess the rooms should be passed one by one with the collapsing roof timer on but Shalis can just get anywhere she wants
-anyways, I have no idea how it runs on your PC; mine is more than fit to run WcIII and still this map has awful lag moments

Here's the link to the video:
Couldn't save replay but filmed it!
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
"-I don't know if trees would grow in a roofed temple/building without proper sunlight; use bushes instead :D?!"
True, I thought of it too, but it looked good, so it could stay. :)

"-the catapult can destroy boxes"
Oh, this should not happen! I'll fix it.

"-items and circles can be selected"
Does this mean you could select it, and you didn't have conrtrol of Shalis anymore?

"-are the golden books just for the looks?"
Nope. One is the catapulkt instruction, and the other one, a hint to the blood offering. You couldn't pick them up?

"-when the elemental boss appeared, the catapult message ran when coming close to it; it didn't appear before the boss came into being; also got a message with sacrificing in the middle or something"
I'll look into it.

"-horrible lag for me when the elemental starts throwing multiple crushing waves"
"-anyways, I have no idea how it runs on your PC; mine is more than fit to run WcIII and still this map has awful lag moments"
Alright. This is because there are simply many triggers running on loops simultanously. I'll see if I can make it perform better.

"-somehow succeeded to die in the red circle but then dash didn't work anymore"
Strange. I'll see what I can do.

"-is Shalis supposed to go through the portal near the catapult where a soul gem also is after the elemental dies? If so, there's a crab boss, some levers in a room and stuff just feels like IDCLIP in another room; yep... reached a room with water currents where there are rocks that are supposed to stop her; instead she just gets through them; at the end of that place, she gets blocked in the southern margin without any way to get to the western ramp; also it seems the rune of healing is following her :D; sorry, can't save a replay because I've already loaded the game several times; I guess the rooms should be passed one by one with the collapsing roof timer on but Shalis can just get anywhere she wants"
Did you use the "esc" command to launch the water elemntal boss? Because it shouldn't be possible before killing the crab, since he is also guarding a runestone.
I'll look into the other issues too.

Thanks for your help! :)


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Does this mean you could select it, and you didn't have conrtrol of Shalis anymore?
Yes, until I selected her again.
Nope. One is the catapulkt instruction, and the other one, a hint to the blood offering. You couldn't pick them up?
Couldn't! Attacked them, tried putting boxes on them, nada :(
Did you use the "esc" command to launch the water elemntal boss? Because it shouldn't be possible before killing the crab, since he is also guarding a runestone.
I'll look into the other issues too.
What!? The elemental is after the crab? I thought something was weird when going through the room with the crab while having a timer and then just passing through so many rooms that looked like there puzzles should be solved, just didn't make sense to me.
I don't remember pressing ESC. I don't think I had a reason to. It was like this: I brought four boxes (the last one was a yellow/normal one; the others were all the others but one normal box and the purple one) in the room where 4 white circles and 1 red circle (+the first catapult and many obelisks/doodads) are and then suddenly something about Shalis making a great service message appeared and then poof, the elemental.

But, what I don't understand is, how do I keep encountering stuff like this while others don't?

Notes: I've played it on Very Easy and used "whosyourdaddy" once to see if the crushing waves in the tunnel that leads to the coloured boxes deals damage with the cheat on. Deactivated the cheat and afterwards realized taking a box was the trick. That means, the cheat wasn't used on anything else than for that particular test which lasted about maximum 30 seconds.
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Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Whosyourdaddy tend to mess up a lot of things, and I won't bather making things work with it.
I should add a note however, that when you use cheats, some functions will crash and render the game unbeatable.

You shouldn't be able to summon the elemental with those four runestones. It should only be four bif ones. I will fix that.
I will also make the books being able to be picked up, and shalis un-unselctable.

Rays of light doesn't sound too bad, but I'll see.
I added your idea about the tropic shower though! Turned out great. :)
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
I could make the puzzle easier by adding hints to it, but that is hard to do without making it too easy.
I might add a hint that is displayed after not solving the library puzzle in 4 minutes, making Shalis say something like: "I cannot seem to find a purple rune anywhere. Perhaps I can combine two of those boxes in one circle?"

The issue I had with the library puzzle is that from a logical standpoint, there are 2 solutions while the game in actuality only accepts one.
'Red+Greed = Yellow' is perfectly logical train of thought. However the yellow circle only activates if you use the standard box; which thanks to the lightning, appears purple-ish.
Hence 'Blue + Red = Purple' is the correct answer, even though 'Red + Green = Yellow' seems like it could be equally as valid.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Good point!
I changed the color of the yellow box to be more yellowish though, so that should be a little better now.

However, there is no purple box, therefore, you must combine the red and blue one to even have boxes enough for the next circle.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
This project was hosted!
I'm really happy about it, and want to thank you all in this thread for your support along the way. I hope you will continue to chip in feedback and other commnts. I wouldn't work on this project if it wasn't for you guys!

Feel free to post new threads to discuss any project related matters. Go wild! :)
Project Forum: Warden