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Warden #42

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
Hosted Project Forum

Warden is a single player campaign with unique boss fights, puzzles and gameplay, inspired by Zelda.

-Main Features-
Arrowkey Movement
A very polished system for arrowkey movement has been created for this project. The player can also use
the cursor for movement, if that is preferred.
Intriguing Story
Canon to the warcraft lore, the story-telling in the campaign overmaps covers holes in warcrafts own lore,
such as how Felwood was before its corruption, or how Maievs prison where she held Illidan came to be.
Puzzles, Obstacles and Boss Fights
You will encounter a great deal of puzzles that requires some brains to solve, and obstacles where speed and
timing is key. Boss fights, which are fairly common, often requires you to those previous qualities together!
Cool Combat
Most enemies have a trick or two up their sleeves, so you have to dodge, dance around and pick your
moments to strike in a fight rather than just right-click them and hope for the best.


Leave a comment and rating if you like it! :)


-Warden- 42 (Campaign)

After over a year of updates, Warden has risen to be one of the most unique and high quality campaign out there. Hack n' slash + puzzles + a new story is a recipe for success. Moderator rating bumped from 4/5 to 5/5.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
You mean the preview picture?
Nah! I thought it was perfect as it is. :)

I might try an alternative, to see if it is better, but don't get your hopes up for a permanent change! :D

Now I see what you mean, it has changed for some reason! My cookies made me see the previous one. This will be fixed. :)
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Level 5
Dec 31, 2015

Solen's Sanctuary

On my first try, it was hard. There are so many things that I'm not familiar with. Like for example, the ramps. I was kinda shock that Shalis Darkhunter can get pass through a very small ramp. My first idea on it was only the scarabs are the only one who can get pass to the very small ramp. But when I saw a ghoul on the lower ground, then I immedietly ask myself, "How can I get over there?". It took me about 15 minutes or more to realize that she can fit to the very small ramp. How did I realize? I accidently dash towards the ramp.

Variations of monsters was weird. Since the boss here is a firelord. You might want to change some monsters, like the Tauren.. But the others like the Ghost, Ghoul, Necromancer, Scarabs are fine, since the temple is a old necromancer temple. I really don't like the taurens, I suggest to change it to something like Golems. It reminds me, the Ghost sometimes gets crazy. If I get her corned, she try to move away to me but she can't or she's stuck in position, as a result I can free hit her while she try to move away from me.

Traps are kinda surprize. What I mean, it suddenly spawn out without even a warning. For example, the moving glaves. When I enter the room, a wave of glaives suddenly just burn my hit points, and died in just a seconds. The other room which is the spirit towers did gave a warning. I don't remember if the moving glaves room did gave a warning.

The puzzles is really challenging. The only puzzle I get hard to solve is the obelisk, you really need luck to solve that puzzle. It took me 20 minutes or more to solve that puzzle. For me, the last puzzle (Which is the boxes? I don't how to describe it) wasn't that hard. I'm really good at that kind of puzzle. I usually play that kind of puzzle when I still a little kid (I forgot the name). The catapult was really enjoy to use and easy to use. I actually play with it after I finish the quest there. But then again, I realize I already wasted enough time there playing with it.

Boss fights wasn't that hard too. I find it too easy. Its maybe because I saved a lot of Soul Stones. However, the spells of the boss is making it hard to defeat. It would be great if there are some minions spawn everywhere in that boss area.

Is it me? Or is the rune gave full health instead of half? There's always a text or message spawn when I pick a rune of restoration, which it say it heals 50% of my hit points. But it didn't heal half of my hit points, but instead it heal whole of my missing hit points. I usually pick up the rune of restoration when I really have low hit points. By the way, I really want to hear answer to this question, which is "How long the Rune of Restoration to regenerate or spawn again?".
Bonechiller Burrow

I really love the idea of the rune. Most of the part in the map needs the rune to get pass through it, such as opening the gates or doors, solving puzzles, and so on.

Monsters are fine here. There's nothing much to say about that, since it fits to the theme of the map, especially to the boss, which is the Lich. The spells of each monster is useful and making more challenging, like the Skeleton, which it makes attack faster and it won't take damage.

Sometimes I can't get pass the patrolling or spinning ghost, because the four of them are mostly apart, and not closer to each other. As a result, there's no way to get pass through it, but suicides first then dash away.

The labyrinth is awesome and challenging, Everytime I solve the puzzle inside labyrinth it changes. I really love playing there, and I was looking a map like this. It only took me 10 minutes or less to solve this puzzle, because for me its really easy to solve. However, the circles is hard to solve. I think, this is similar to the obelisk in Solen Sanctuary which is you also need luck to solve this. And I did, and it took me 20 minutes or more to solve it.

I didn't manage to make my way to the end of the ledge, but I found a way to make it to the other side. In this screenshot below, I manage to walk through that edge of the wall slowly.


Oh man! The boss fight is hard. The spawning of minions and a random spawn of blizzard made it more hard to defeat. Additionally, there is something it bothers me, which is the Wisp that heals the boss. I think you should change it to something more evil. If I remember it correctly, you already use the wisp in the Forest Temple. Anyways, the spells of the boss is damn awesome, the wave of ices, and the frost armor that shields the boss from attacks. This boss is really hard to defeat, it needs a lot of strategy. Oh, it reminds me, the board which it indicates the hit points and mana points of the boss is name Solen, instead of Lich.

The rune here has same problem with Solen's Sanctuary. It gives whole hit points instead of half hit points.
Forest Temple

I'm looking for a map like this. And this is the most I like among from the four finish maps.

The starting event was hard, which it makes it challenging. Why? The wisp just keep running randomly and its hard to chase them. Next is the Flute. Its not that hard, you just need to follow the sound of the flute.

I love the thorny poison room. With the help from the owls, it makes the room more challenging and fun too. The traps in the glaives room is good, but there's kinda way to make it easy. Check this screenshot below:


The levers is difficult one to solve though. It took me 20 minutes or more to solve it. The vine room is really hard. Everytime I hit a lever, the camera rotates making harder to move around the room. At the end of the room, I finally reach the boss area. Did you intentionally do this or not, but the camera is still not on the better position like in the start.

Mini-bosses wasn't that easy and wasn't that hard. It depends on your specialty, like your good at dodging, knows a lot of strategy, and so on. Every spells really fits to each mini-bosses.

The boss fights here is most I loved among the four finish map. I love the idea of putting the hit points on a wisp, instead in the boss. It makes the boss fights really more challenging. As well as the spells is really great to the boss.

I have a question on the rune here. Did you intentionally add some more effect like adding a bonus movement speed and turning it invisible on the rune when acquired? Anyways, I still love it.
Dark Depths

There's a way to reach the lower ground from the starting point without even using that stone arc. I don't know if you did this on purpose, but check this screenshots below:


The variations of monsters here fits to the theme of the map. The spells as well are great, it makes it more challenging.

Anyways, the map itself has a lot of ideas that really affects the every single gameplay. For example, the golds. You already started obtaining the gold from the start of the game, but you don't know why and you will know this at the end.

The puzzles is really best part of the map. The endless vault was really hard to solve but I manage to figure it out to make it easy. I usually play also that kind of game when I was a little kid. It took me 20 minutes or more to solve that puzzle, before I realize its weakness. By the way, there's something it bothers me in the endless vault. Everytime I dash to the openings, I somewhat got outside of it. Here's a screenshot of it:


The spells are making the boss fight here really difficult. The bursting of purple-thingy around the boss is hard to dodge. As well as the spawning of tentacles randomly on the area. Another thing is the fog, making it harder to see the boss. But for me, it wasn't that hard to defeat. It only took me 15 minutes or less to defeat that boss though. There's a lot of issues in this boss fight or before the boss fights. Everytime I step to the circle of power, the window timer still spawn again. The cinematic also repeats, depending on how many times I step on the circle of power. Here's a screenshot:


When I also defeat the boss, nothing happens. I think, stepping on the circle of power many times might cause this. Here's a screenshot:


This a hard one. It need a lot of speed and agility to solve every puzzles, such as obtaining the golds by getting a explosive barrel from a factory that destroy the rock chucks which is defending the gold from getting it.

I think the rune here is also has same problem with Bonechiller Burrow and Solen's Sanctuary, which is it gives whole hit points instead of half hit points.

Overall, this is a wonderful and challenging map, with some hard traps, challenging puzzles, awesome boss fights and flawless terrain, which you need a lot of intelligence and strategy. Let me describe the four finish maps based on my observation. The Solen Sanctuary is the easiest from the four finish map since it only need strategy. The bonechiller burrow is full of trap and puzzles which you really need intelligence, strategy and luck for you to mange to solve every puzzles, while the Forest Temple is the hard one, it has a lot of surprising puzzles and bosses (and mini bosses) in order to finish the map and the last one which is the Dark Depths needs a lot of speed and agility to complete every single puzzles and mostly more concentration. I didn't play the WIP maps, because I don't want to spoil myself since its not finish yet. I really had fun and enjoy while playing it. Looking forward to see the other map.​
Level 4
Nov 5, 2013
Well, it was really nice. It is really refreshing as well, since there are hardly new concepts like this nowadays. I enjoyed the music as well and even the tutorial was well made. To be honest I definetly didn't expect it to be this good and the puzzles were pretty challenging as well. I'm rating 5/5, mainly for the creativity. *Illidan though :D
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Oh, tahks a lot! I'm glad you liked it! :)
I'm interested, why didn't you think it would be "that" good?
I'm going to improve my description, and perhaps I can include something to make it be more engaging and interesting to look at.
I should perhaps ask someone to record a bit of the gameplay and send it to me so I can put together a trailer.

PS: This Illidan... I have never once spelled it right on my first try... :D
Level 4
Nov 5, 2013
The description wasn't really that much of a problem. It's just that I already encountered a project with a similiar concept and it just didn't do the trick. It was just a vibe ya get me? :-D And the trailer sounds like a pretty good idea, I encourage it, just don't use comic sans okay? ;-)
Level 5
Jun 15, 2016
Wow, as a beginning campaign maker I decided to try this one out to see what I'm missing in my campaigns.

And I must say, this is amazing and well-thought out. Is the thick fog really necessary though? You don't have to mind. It's just my preference.
5/5, +rep.

Also, just a question, how did you get the outside environment of the temple to be pure black?
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Thanks for playing!
I'm really glad you find the map to be amazing.
I'd be really glad if you rated it aswell! :)

Hmm, maybe I should do something with the bugs. I should perhaps reduce damage and such. Any suggestions? :)
Also, did you get to the end with the firelord fight?
Level 11
Jun 26, 2014
I only played to the part with the catapult. And I just opened the gate but I was playing on the hardest difficulty with 75hp. I know that that's the main reason why I died so much and that the bugs killed me nonstop but still having no way of dodging them... kinda hard to finish the game, the reason I stoped playing was cuz I had one life left and I didn't know if I could finish the level. I'm going to play it again now on ''normal'' difficulty. Sadly idk what to tell you to do with the bugs, the only strat I came up with was waiting for my stun to recharge. I will rate the map 5/5. I'm just in love with it... the tutorial... the setting... everything is just TOP quality.

Btw I am making a dungeon crawler map where you click ''A'' for attack and you deal damage to everyone infront of you (same as ''Warden'') but yours is a lot better and you can kinda slide when attacking. In my map I've also added a ''Defend'' ability where you block all incoming attacks for 0.50 seconds. Just giving you an idea where you could try doing something with the bugs. But I'm sure they're not a problem on an easier difficulty :p


EDIT: Okay I'm playin' it again and I'm still not finished with the first leve cuz I first wanted to give more feedback. Now I'm on ''normal'' difficulty and actually... It was my mistake that I went rambo mode before. Now I tend to get more health runes and try to lure them one by one instead of diving in the middle and trying to stun as many as I can. They're still a pain in the booty and can't be dodged or blocked but if you play carefully you won't have a problem. Can't wait to finish all the maps.
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Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
I'm really glad to hear this!

Then I understand. Hard difficulty is really hard actually... :D

Btw I am making a dungeon crawler map where you click ''A'' for attack and you deal damage to everyone infront of you (same as ''Warden'') but yours is a lot better and you can kinda slide when attacking. In my map I've also added a ''Defend'' ability where you block all incoming attacks for 0.50 seconds
Thanks for the idea of the block ability.
I have considered this already, and it was one of the base abilitys in the earlier versions. However, it became too overpowered, and didn't fit all the maps. It may return in the future, but only as an ability for a single map.

If you need help with your own project, don't hesitate asking me. :)

I'm really excited to hear what you have to say about the other maps. People like you inspire me to keep going with this project. :)
Level 11
Jun 26, 2014
Okay just finished the first two maps and I'M SO AMAZED this is the best warcraft3 experience I've had and it's not even multiplayer. The detail and the boss battles are sooooo amazing. It is something simillar to what I'm planing for my map but 100x better and smoother. I have bug reports too. First one is when I killed the Lich the game didn't end, he kept talking and I could hear the spells but the screen was black. Second one is when I fought ''Malfurion'' in the forest temple I dashed and then I kept dashing nonstop so I could move super fast until I activated an ability (this happened only once). Malfurion defeated me btw idk how to beat him he blinks when I strike him and does a lot of damage. I can beat him but I'm going to take a brake first and then continue. For now my fav map is the snowy one. KOZU

If you need help with your own project, don't hesitate asking me. :)

I'm working on that dungeon crawler one and an alternative melee. I think I'm going to focus on the melee first and then try the dungeon crawler. If you want I can send you what I've done so far with the dungeon crawler (not much). I'll ask you for some tips and help when I start making that map. Thanks!
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
I have no idea why you were able to keep dashing like that. I'll se what I'll find, but it is a really strange bug...
Yeah, malfurion battle is pretty hard, but beatable when you figure it out. :)

I'll look into the lich ending. I might actually have forgotten to add it at all... :D
The snowy map is my favourite aswell. :)
Level 11
Jun 26, 2014
Ok I won't be able to finish the Forest Temple cuz it's WAAAAYYY too buggy. It is the hardest one and the buggiest one. Last time I played my Camera inverted making me look from the top of the screen behind the walls and my controls got inverted. Idk how to beat Malfurion without dying 3 times at least. Also whatever you pick up you get invisibilty. If I get health rune or life rune I get invisibility. Now I'm going to try out the last map.

Edit: Btw look at your facebok messages please :D
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Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Oh, man.
Sorry about that. So many people have reported that camera rotation thingy, and I have tried to fix it so many times, but I have never been able to reproduce it. I will try to fix it soon again!
That invisibility bug is strange...

Was there any more bugs?

Malfurion can be defeated flawlesly. You have to dash away as soon as you attack him in order to avoid his shockwave. :)
Level 11
Jun 26, 2014
Was there any more bugs?

Malfurion can be defeated flawlesly. You have to dash away as soon as you attack him in order to avoid his shockwave. :)

I can't remember for any other bugs atm and I did try to dash but damn I guess he was to fast for me. Doe I'm on a small laptop and the arrow keys are small and uncomfy, maybe that's making it harder for me.




5/5.. the music is awesome.. what's the title of the music?...

Also the terraining..
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
ACtually there isn't this time.
I have changlogs on each map of the campaign, but this time I needed to transfer the campaign from one computer to another. THe easiest way to do this was yo update this one in the process, since there has been a lot of changes to the WIP map "Tropic Tomb". And, since Tropic tomb hasn't been finished yet, the changes made is not part of any changelog. :)
Level 1
Aug 30, 2016
Glad to hear it! :)
Which maps have you played already?

I would really appreciate a rating if you would be so kind too. :)

Ofcourse, rated highly!

Been through the entire thing now, I loved the forest temple especially. I also love the old Zelda games as I noticed you do, you hit the forest temple vibe very well!
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
The thing about forest temple is that it is known to be the most buggy, butyeah, it is one of my favorites too. Only Bonechiller Burrow is a little better I think.
Otherwise, the music makes it soooo good. I really love that music, and listened to it all the time when I developed taht map. :)