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Paired Mapping Contest #1

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Level 3
Jul 11, 2007
Is it allowed to ask a third person to make a model-edit for us if we give him credits? Unhit and me both don't have the required software. :/
Level 3
Jul 11, 2007
Yes I did..

I was just wondering if we were allowed to have a completely new model made for us or if it would count as a 3-peolpe-team, since some competitors are making new models on their own.
Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
Umm. Bob27 There are 2 jonadrian619 and Diablo-DK in the Contestants area of the thread. Please fix it..

Our map is doing just fine..

Anyway. Thanks for the heads-up. I need to save some time for some projects that I'll make, also my school cheering this week, then I'll proceed once again.

Ok, changed it.

Yes I did..

I was just wondering if we were allowed to have a completely new model made for us or if it would count as a 3-peolpe-team, since some competitors are making new models on their own.

Should be fine, as long as the person isn't making to many models for you.
Level 10
Mar 31, 2007
Bob, it looks like me and Overlord are going to quite, he hasn't showed much intrest and I got my share of life stuff going on, take us out.
Level 3
May 30, 2007
Im So Sorry


from when i last post, maybe a month ago or something ive had a terrible virus, everything destroyed , i think my partner crashed his end of the map, and i lost literaly 99% of my files, ive quarantined the origional backup and tried to get my world editor up in any form , but literaly today i just got internet, and i dont think me and winterspirit are going to be able to make it

i would like to withdraw from the competition, but look out for the map in the future, i think i may have to just buy new comp, but then atleast stuff will work

if winter reads this im so sorry man
Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Wow , lots of people are withdrawing! This will make the judging alittle easier huh?
im comin if i get a pair ---> PM me if ya want... lol im quite average :D
Riiiiight I doubt anyone would get you right now ... especially with the contest almost done :bored:.
Game Status Percentage:


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
Ok, me and my partner have sorta forgotton about the map for a while, and we've got 1/2 the map done, (It is a big one). But I'll be map making until the last minute and hopefull it'll be done. If it comes to it I might request another week, but I've made a plan and we should just fit it in. :thumbs_up:. Sorry I won't be able to give you any actual screenshots of the gameplay just yet. I guess I can tell you a bit about the map however.

Theres 7 worlds on the map, and you can visit any of them at any time. Each of them representing an element (Fire, Water, Earth, Nature, Light and Dark). And then the seventh one is where the main battle is taking place. There is two teams, known as The Arnage and The Terradon.

The reason its called 'Tides' is because you should be pushing back the enemy, and then you should fall back. This is because players will be constantly upgrading their troops to counteract the enemies elements. So for example:
The Arnage upgrade their troops to Fire element. That means to push them back The Terradon would upgrade their troops to Water to push them back. Then the The Arnage would upgrade their troops to Nature to push them back, and so it would go on until one team was defeated, and then the game ends.

I planned up a exellent equipment system allowing the players to carry 6 items aswell as equiping 1 Ring, 1 Amulet, 1 Helment, 1 Pair of Gloves, Pair of Boots, and 1 Type of Armor. Most of the permenant items only work when equiped, and there'll be 72 heroes over all to choose from! 12 according to each element. However rather than making 4 skills per hero, I've decided to make 12 skills available to be purchased for each element, and another 12 skills available to be purchased by any element. There will finally be 1 ability for each hero, available only to them which will be an attributed spell.

So far We've:
- Completed the Terrain
- Created all the Heroes
- Started the Equipment System
- Created all of the creeps (180 of them in all)
- Created some of the items
- Created the majority of the triggers
- Imported 18 custom hero models

What We plan to do:
- Create all of the abilties
- Finnish the Equipment System
- Add abilities to the creeps
- Complete the items
- Complete the triggers
- Test and Update

We've got a lot to do, and my only regrets are that I shouldn't've stopped working on the map, and the fact that I made it a bit big. But even if I don't finnish it before the end of the contest, I'll still be happy I completed it and realeased it to the public, after all this will be the first map I've completed, and hopefull with the help of the competition my map will be hosted lots, seen as I can't host myself :sad:.

I've read this entire thread and I think the Beer one sounds interesting, the naga one sounds good, and the city of drugs one sounds very fun, The Spooky Mansion sounds ok, but I want to know more about it, and I can't remember any of the others just now, but I bet they'll all be ace, I just hope ours is finnished in time, 'cus I really wanna be known.
Level 5
Sep 11, 2004
Paired Mapping Contest

If it's not to late, me and my wife have a map we want to enter into the contest, we forgot to make a post a long time ago, but we started development about 2 weeks after the Paired mapping contest went up, i'll post some screenshots for now as we still have a few things to clear up, but i will submit the map as soon as we can, probably tonight.

Cardiators V1.0 is the name.

My wife will make a post here very soon so we can both be added in.

Thx you!

(these screenshots don't do the map justice lol, its such a fun game, also almost all that text you see across the screen is not related to the arena, its related to the minigames aka (blah blah has ended, super tugboat minigame etc))


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Level 1
Sep 5, 2007
Paired Mapping Contest

I'm with Xsilver07 on this competition, so please add us in! :thumbs_up:

By the way, the map name is Cardiators, not Cardiators V1.0 blah blah blah, the V1.0 is the version number. ( My hubby is such a weirdo sometimes. D: )

He says it's a "fun" game, which it is, but I guess you guys will decide that. I must warn you though, it's somewhat of an A.D.D. game. ( Atleast the minigames part. XD )
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Level 6
Nov 4, 2004
Another idyllic preview on "BEER BEER" :) we're almost done with the gameplay basics though, so maybe some time soon we can show some screenshots of what the gameplay is like, too :D


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Level 3
Jul 11, 2007
Hi there,
here's a link to our development thread with some new details and screenshots: :razz: <-- (try him!)
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Level 3
Aug 18, 2007
do me and joelimphi have to put on some screenshots of the map. It's going to be hard to finish it on time...... units 50%, Spells 40%, Terrain 45% and all together about 40-50%. All I can say is.....stupid homework.........:(
Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
Srry everyone, haven't really had time lately to check this thread.

If it's not to late, me and my wife have a map we want to enter into the contest, we forgot to make a post a long time ago, but we started development about 2 weeks after the Paired mapping contest went up, i'll post some screenshots for now as we still have a few things to clear up, but i will submit the map as soon as we can, probably tonight.

Cardiators V1.0 is the name.

My wife will make a post here very soon so we can both be added in.

Thx you!

(these screenshots don't do the map justice lol, its such a fun game, also almost all that text you see across the screen is not related to the arena, its related to the minigames aka (blah blah has ended, super tugboat minigame etc))

I'm with Xsilver07 on this competition, so please add us in!

By the way, the map name is Cardiators, not Cardiators V1.0 blah blah blah, the V1.0 is the version number. ( My hubby is such a weirdo sometimes. D: )

He says it's a "fun" game, which it is, but I guess you guys will decide that. I must warn you though, it's somewhat of an A.D.D. game. ( Atleast the minigames part. XD )

Ok done, added you to the list.

Too late for us to enter? (we made our posts above) our finalized version for the contest is ready as well but i do not want to post it up until we are approved. Unless explicitly asked by bob27.

Ok well you've been approved, so you can post the map.

Hi there,
here's a link to our development thread with some new details and screenshots: <-- (try him!)

Thanks for the update, I change your map name in the contestants list to link to that thread.

do me and joelimphi have to put on some screenshots of the map. It's going to be hard to finish it on time...... units 50%, Spells 40%, Terrain 45% and all together about 40-50%. All I can say is.....stupid homework.........:(

Well try and finish it, even if you have to rush it. Something is better then nothing, and you can fix it up after the competition.

Hey Bob from all 35 teams some havent even submitted a project,wont you update the list,those guys arent in the contest

And as for our map name could you make it Blue
Materia Rpg

Ok updated your Map Name.

And well theres still a couple of weeks left for the contest. What I will probably do is send out a mass pm or something soon to all of the contestants, to remind them of the deadline coming up, and maybe get some of them to have their map name updated.
Level 5
Sep 11, 2004
Map Update for Cardiators:
Triggers: 99% Terrain 100% Object Data 100%

We're finishing up the triggers to reduce lagg and make them a bit more efficient, after one more battle.net test tonight i will submit an finalized version of the map.

Thanks so much for adding us in :D
Level 24
May 20, 2007
Materia Rpg
Terrain-50% only Rui may say no
Triggering-47% cool quests,cool gameplay,but I arranged the triggers hazardly
Object Data-86%,I started with the Object data first,Ive made the NPC's,when the city was WIP
''Eye Candy'' Gameplay-Vortexes,you enter them and receive bonuses
-Vortex of Life,Mana and Rejuvenation-When you enter them,they give you 100% life,mana
-Materia Vaults-Where Items have a +20% chance of drop
-Materia Items,Azeroth Items-In quest 8 you go to planet Materia where the faun drop Materia Items,they are quite better than Azeroth Items
-Cool secrets-only a clear and focused mind can figure them out
-Them game doesent contain any Tip's,to ruin it,things can be figured out by yourself

And we got like 17 days until deadline,and im gonna finish it.
Level 5
Sep 11, 2004
Heres our map for the contest, this is the full finished version, although we have plans for the future, this is what we want to submit. 100% in all categories, any lagg, glitches, etc are either caused by very rare incidents, or very very laggy (get off that 56k!) people playing the map.

So, below judges can download and review the map, other competetiors may play it but i ask you not to open it in WE until the competitions over :p

Summary for the map will be linked later.


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