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Modeling Mini-Contest #5 - Familiar

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Art by vidagr.deviantart.com


Contestants are meant to model a pet familiar unit - which is a secondary companion - to a hero of their choice among the ones existing in WC3.
Before you ask, here are some considerations regarding the theme:
  • One Warcraft III Hero must be necessarily chosen to which the familiar will be assigned conceptually. That means you can choose one Hero out of the following:
    • The 12 melee race heroes
    • The 8 tavern heroes
    • Campaign heroes (Jaina, Sylvanas Windrunner, Admiral Proudmoore, Malfurion, Thrall, Archimonde, Akama, etc)
  • Two or more entries may be submitted with the same hero as base.
  • The Familiar is an autonomous unit - that means it is completely separate from the Hero's model. (They aren't attachments)
  • Familiars may or may not be aggressive. May or may not cast spells. Etc.
  • Familiars may or may not be summons. (They may be non-summoned companions)
  • A familiar may be of any nature - organic, mechanical, elemental, ethereal, spiritual, and so on.
Also, consider a familiar is a lesser unit. So, even if it's up to you what to do, try to keep it simple.


  1. No submission may violate any Hive Workshop site rules.
  2. You must post at least 1 WIP preview before the deadline.
  3. To qualify for entry, you must post your model, along with any necessary textures to it, in the Resource Section as a bundle and link to it through a post in this thread confirming the submission.
  4. You may make as many models as you want, however the bundle must contain only 1 version of it until the contest is over.
  5. The bundle must be submitted before the deadline is reached.
  6. You will be disqualified in case your submission bundle contents are updated after the deadline is reached and before the contest results are out.
  7. You must make the model for this competition, which means that you cannot use old works.
  8. Your model must have these minimum animations:
    • Stand
    • Walk
    • Death
    Other animations are optional. Some are highly desirable:
    • Birth (Very commonly familiars are summons)
    • Attack (Only necessary if the familiar attacks)
    • Spell
  9. The bundle may contain the following additional (and optional) models:
    • 1 Portrait Model
    • 1 Missile Model


  • First Place: 30 reputation points and your entry on an award icon.
  • Second Place: 20 reputation points
  • Third Place: 10 reputation points


  • 80% of the final score shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
    • Score shall be taken out of 50 points,
      • 10 points for mesh (polygon distribution, anatomy, topology)
      • 10 points for animations* (correct motion, physical accuracy, adequacy)
        • *Or how well were blizzard animations applied (how adequate is the choice, and how unexpected is it. Is the resemblance to the original too obvious? And are there any glitches?)
      • 10 points for skin* (definition, shading & highlights, warcraftishness)
        • *Or how well blizzard textures are used (how different textures go well together in color, resolution, and how unexpected is the choice. Does it have too many seams? Is is blurry?)
      • 5 points for mechanics (how well does this model work ingame)
      • 5 points for effects (appropriate use of particles, ribbons, events. their quality and measure.)
        • When the judge concludes effects aren't totally applicable to a specific entry (in case the entry lacks effects, but doesn't need them), the criterion's weight may be reduced until 0 by him. In this case, the maximum score is reduced to until 45 to that entry. (Being 45/45 the same as 50/50)
      • 10 points for creativity (how adequate to the theme it is, how coherent/consistent is the idea, how creatively thought it is)
  • 20% of the final score shall be determined by the percentage of votes on a quick public poll (1-week-long only).
    • Such poll should permit users to vote in at most X entries, where X is:
      • One third of the number of total entries, rounded to the closest number.
      • No more than 3.
    • Users are able to see the poll votes before voting, in case they prefer.

The contest shall begin on Wednesday, February 15th and conclude on Sunday, March 19th, 11:59 PM, 2017 GMT.
  • The only extension possible is under the following conditions:
    • In case there are less than 3 entries when the deadline is reached, the deadline is suspended. When a third entry is uploaded, the deadline is set to 24 hours after its submission moment.
    • If there are less than 3 entries 2 weeks after original deadline was reached, the contest is closed and only the 20 reputation point award is given, to all valid participants.

Tell us if you want to judge!


Participants and their respective entries should be listed here as they enter.

ContestantEntryBase HeroWIP's
DirefuryGeistDeath KnightWIP 1 - WIP 2
PROXYNightprowlerDemon HunterWIP 1 - WIP 2 - WIP 3
HappyCockroachMescalitoShadow HunterConcept 1 - Concept 2 - WIP 1
The_SilentConcept 1
HayateSnow MountrillaMountain KingWIP 1 - WIP 2
FreddykGoblin BookwormGul'danWIP 1
TraggeyBaby Gryphon CourierMountain KingWIP 1 - WIP 2 - WIP 3
Kyrbi0Mojo MaskShadow HunterWIP 1
MikeBattyTichondriusWIP 1
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Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Cool contest!

So, I get that 'familiar' is supposed to be the pet or animal companion of spiritual nature from googling it. And it actually has a lot to do with witch craft according to Wikipedia and other sites. But this is the first time I've heard of the term, and I think I'm not the only one.

Why not just title it Pet Companion for familiarity? (pun intended) But yeah, either way is fine. I'd just personally prefer pet companion.
So, I get that 'familiar' is supposed to be the pet or animal companion of spiritual nature from googling it. And it actually has a lot to do with witch craft according to Wikipedia and other sites. But this is the first time I've heard of the term, and I think I'm not the only one.

Why not just title it Pet Companion for familiarity? (pun intended) But yeah, either way is fine. I'd just personally prefer pet companion.
Could be, too. I'm doubtful myslef, and I find Pet Companion a bit silly, while Familiar seems more plausible in WC3 context. A pet companion to the Lich, for instance, would sound a bit off. :p

And I saw the term Familiar in a handful of different games already. But not a big issue to have it changed if there's a general preference towards it.
It is generally just a mages companion, usually an animal. Not always animals though, In dnd psion has floating mind crystals as "familiars", necromancers has been known to have skeletal or "patched-together" familiars, and then there is homocoli which is mini-golem like humanoid creatures the mage themselves create out of clay (as far as I remember), ect. Dnd is a pretty good source of inspiration.




Can't wait for pets of my Favorite Heroes! Make a baby wolf with bags on his sides <3
I think I've got a base model all set up, that I'm actually happy with.


I think I'll be building off of that whole thing the Scourge does with the undead. Since apparently, Ghouls and the like are mutated corpses. Figure I'll take that a bit further with the Skinwalker.
Looks good :) Maybe shorten his legs.. if he's more gnome-like it gives more the feel he's a minion to another unit.
will using custom texture destroy the meaning of "simple" ?
Not at all! You might been wondering that because of the sentence "Also, consider a familiar is a lesser unit. So, even if it's up to you what to do, try to keep it simple". That refers to the concept. If you do an overly complex character as familiar, with too much detail, it might not fit so well, since it is a secondary unit.

But you're free to use custom textures, custom animations, etc. (We only don't have as much time as a regular contest, since it's meant to be more fast paced)
Not at all! You might been wondering that because of the sentence "Also, consider a familiar is a lesser unit. So, even if it's up to you what to do, try to keep it simple". That refers to the concept. If you do an overly complex character as familiar, with too much detail, it might not fit so well, since it is a secondary unit.

But you're free to use custom textures, custom animations, etc. (We only don't have as much time as a regular contest, since it's meant to be more fast paced)

Coolio, I don't have any progress yet (Actually I do, i have a base mesh done, I will post it tomorrow ) but Im gonna make a Snow Gorilla for Mountain King. fufufu

Was planning to use Ingame texture but thats just too hard for me haha
Been finalizing my model, and I'm still deciding on whether or not I want to call it a Geist or Skinwalker.

Anyway, since I know that 90% of the people who check this out aren't going to check the actual model out, I'll add some pictures.




For anyone curious, my intentions were to create a minion model that had certain features and animations that could synergize with its Hero. To that end, when Death Coiled, the Geist would sprout its wings, and grow stronger- and when hit by Death Pact, would explode.

Although, I still have more finalizing to do.


  • Minion_Geist.mdx
    284.6 KB · Views: 75
Been finalizing my model, and I'm still deciding on whether or not I want to call it a Geist or Skinwalker.

Anyway, since I know that 90% of the people who check this out aren't going to check the actual model out, I'll add some pictures.




For anyone curious, my intentions were to create a minion model that had certain features and animations that could synergize with its Hero. To that end, when Death Coiled, the Geist would sprout its wings, and grow stronger- and when hit by Death Pact, would explode.

Although, I still have more finalizing to do.
Dat birth animation... :)

Missing more wips though... I should start modeling mine soon. We have a bit more than 2 weeks, which is perfectly fine to do a whole model, or even two :p
I've begun animating! I've never done attachment points and I have no clue how to add blood particles and such so this'll be one hell of a 1 day crash course!

View attachment 263086
I'd recommend you to use in-game blood splats. It's the most accurately warcraftish way to do so and they aren't bad if used correctly. And it's much quicker/easier than doing your own blood splat. (You can use the hawk or the gryphon rider for reference)
Level 56
Dec 29, 2014
So I've changed my mind and made a couple of new models and ended up with this. Salamander, a Beastmaster companion. I've done it in a hurry so there may be some mistakes.
Edit: And here's a link to the submitted model: Salamander


  • 1.png
    274.7 KB · Views: 101
  • 2.png
    101.3 KB · Views: 111
  • Salamander.mdx
    68.5 KB · Views: 45
  • Salamander_Portrait.mdx
    17.3 KB · Views: 47
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Level 20
Nov 1, 2010
Looking really Solid Stefan.K! I dig it.

And my god is it a pain to add sound and effects or what? :O

Neodex won't even export my point helpers.

Final Submission

Baby Gryphon Courier

Couldn't figure out how to get effects working properly, the Neodex way simply refused to export and magos caused crashes for me, going to have to do some more research on it and update in the future.
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