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Modeling Contest #26 - STEAMPUNK

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Mesh is done.
It's ready for animation, which will be a fair pain in the ass, especially for a animation noob like myself. :S
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
You guys have been busy this weekend!

Finished entry.

spent over a week making his death sfx. i normally don't tinker too much with effects.


View attachment 135497
View attachment 135498
Woot! Man that looks cool.

Also, for anyone wondering what the hell i am doing, here are my blueprints
Dude, you totally have "blue"prints. That is so sick. What did you do, draw stuff on regular paper & then 'photo negative' it? That's crazy sick.

Oops, seems like i've forgotten to add Teamcolor...
So, with a few edits and welds, here is the unanimated prototype!

Let me know if you have any ideas or questions ;)
Aaaaaand it gets finalized.

I gotta say, this is a pretty neat idea. Gnomes don't get enough love, and I always enjoy a good Siege weapon. A "siege weapon tower" is an interesting thought, like actually encouraging players to Tower-Offensively.

However, while you totally pull of the "steampunk" and have plenty of cool gears and cogs... I'm a little worried about it's overall 'monotony'. It's a whooooole ton of "SteamTank.blp", and it kinda shows. :< Maybe just my two cents. Good work so far, though.
Level 20
Dec 18, 2010
This is kinda my final version I guess. Unless of course, I find something else, but I'll just update it here. Yeah.

It would be nice if someone could tell me why is the particle emitters texture animation not working in the game...I have no idea.

Edit 1: Yeah, forgot bout the portrait and attachment points.

Edit 2: Fixed dem particle emitters. Apparently I mistaken Time value as Lifespan.

Edit 3: Go to dat link for the model ho.

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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
i'm kinda late to join in, but i'll try to put up something.

my idea is an undead mechanical beast that perforates people and things

this is a really quick sketch just to put out the general shape of this thing

and what i have wrapped so far
I love the sketchy (like a freaky spiky anteater?)... The mesh looks nothing like what I envisioned from your sketchy (but then, it is a steampunk contest).

Quite interested to see what you can pull off. If nothing else, "Undead Mechanical Beast" is one of the coolest set of tags I can imagine for a model. :p
Toma, that giant thing is lovely :> although you'll definitely need just the driver capsule as portrait.. this camera stares into an unidentifiable shape.. also the 'origin' attachment point, with how huge the machine is, doesn't really fit in its usual place.. and it looks very odd when i pick up a cloak of flames and just see a green ball right between the mech's legs :xxd: same with auras. maybe it would be more fitting to have the 'origin' somewhere near the driver, and moving with the driver capsule.. or.. to shrink the mech enough so it fits to normal auras? I'm sure the former is much easier..? :xxd:
reworked the concept a little bit :>

it's kind of a darksteel clockwork horror, with a steel ribcage furnace.. the sharp head might be detachable in a spell throw kind of thing

i was going very low-poly with alpha textures, but that's potentially shitty since we dont have many steampunkish alpha textures in the mpq...

don't know if you guys had that talk here, but i would be very much thankful if an extension was given :3
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
don't know if you guys had that talk here, but i would be very much thankful if an extension was given :3

For how long? A week?

I might enter if there's an extension. Or maybe not. I could judge if more judges are needed. I have a few ideas, but nothing too crazy or creative. Not really a fan of the theme. D:

Well, we still need judges. So It would be nice if you want to take the last position.
For how long? A week?
i'd say two weeks of extension. we would host contests with 6 weeks until the deadline (plus extensions). this one came out with a little less than 4 weeks... i think it's kinda short and it might end up with very few entries... i think a 2-week extension would be good

and @Deo do participate! we find judges later, this contest needs more entries ._.
I see many Wips here but only 2 final entries are entered/listed in the first post, except for the final entry of pvt. Toma. The extension this contest has is just right for others to finish their entries.
As of this date, we have the following entries:



Level 24
May 15, 2013
Edge45's Entry Final: 6/1/14 (In my Country's time)

This will be my final submission: The MAX Tanki


On the screenshot, its just two animations, I'm short on time so its only two, but there's also alternate,
If there's something that I forgot, some problems or sounds, maybe I'll update this model once the contest ends. It's back to work time, so I should submit this quickly.


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Level 49
Jan 20, 2010


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also, this may not be the right place to ask you guys, but is there some way to use building sound responses as event objects? i kinda want to use some unit sounds as an attack sound for my entry
no, there isn't.

the only way would be out of the modelling boundaries, which would be replacing the source sound with an import sound that is a copy of that building sound you want.

other than that, we can only use as event objects the sounds blizzard told us to in the art tools documentation. :)

and your entry is interesting but leaves to desire in terms of previews
ALSO, here's my REALLY REAAAALLLLY final entry. added some attack sounds, and some more sewnds. sewnds ere gewd.

AAAND, provided a new borderlands boss themed preview. go ahead and bash me now for being unoriginal in terms of previews.


View attachment 135689
View attachment 135689
Looks awesome :) Always loved borderlands... Although in that preview you used that sharpen filter a bit too much.
A very nice looking, polished model, clearly fitting to the steampunk theme. Also very british-looking. Would be nice if he had an animation where he struck the axe in the ground and started drinking steaming tea :D
Apart from some minor flaws (Like his upper cape during his walk anim), it rocks, well done ;)
P.S. Bitch please, I don't even know how to add particles. Nor effects. nor sounds. Nor attachment points. Nor cameras. F*ck :D
Here are some of the animations I did. These are not all of them, since i'm not really proud of the rest of them :D
Note that this is my first animation work EVER, so sorry if they suck (a lot)






That's just a WiP, i still have to make a lot kaboom-death-effects and the like.
P.S. thanks for showing me LICEcap, it rocks! :)
Level 49
Jan 20, 2010
the attack could use some more speeding up. right now it looks like its just passing over those gears not really launching them. too slow for me, or at least for what i see in the gifs. not really sure if its that slow in the actual model.
Here are some of the animations I did. These are not all of them, since i'm not really proud of the rest of them :D
Note that this is my first animation work EVER, so sorry if they suck (a lot)
the animations do not suck at all, and the whole thing looks cool, especially the ballista form... however i'd give it something else as projectile maybe. throwing those huge gears look kinda weird to me :v
Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
@Blood Raven, In 'alternate stand' you should make the gears spin slowly, while in 'alternate attack' they could spin quickly!(Right now it seems while attacking the bottom gears don't spin at all, they only spin in 'alternate stand'). It'd give a better effect imo(also a more realistic/logical - you need more power for the throw and less power while standing, which means more spin=more power).
Also, you could have the gear projectile spin a little while being thrown out, kinda like the night elven glaive.
And I should mention that the regular 'Stand' animation seems a little too static, from what I see only the smoke effect occurs. Perhaps the 'arrow' front gears could kinda move.
well i dont have much progress cos this was a busy week at work, but now at the weekend ill be able to spare a little time to modelling.

ill post the little i have cos this contest's wip rate is kinda slow :p

my idea was dragged towards what i'll call (for now) "clockwork chimera". it is a darksteel horror that belongs to a kind of an undead steampunk dystopia. it starts out flying, then loses its wings and only walks. then loses its head and walks headless and clumsy. :)

and this is the basic shape:


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FINAL [Blood Raven] [Cogwheel Ballista]















Sorry, I don't have the time to polish it, since right now they're raping our asses with exams in school (you know, end of the schoolyear stuff).
Note that the model does NOT have any kind of effects (beside a particle emitter) or sounds. Most animations look silly either because they don't have any effects (like death) or they are completely silent. Also, I didn't have time to make a missile for it. Guess i'll make one when releasing it in the model section.
As unpolished as it might be, this is my final. I *might* release a second final, which is highly unlikely though, so take this one if I don't. Sorry again :/

-Added a cheapass particle explosion at death animations and attack/death sounds. Haven't tried them ingame :/
(3 Hours till the deadline)


  • CogwheelBallistaFINAL.mdx
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