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Mini-Game Contest - THE POLL

Which is the best Mini-Game?

  • mikke95 - Defend The House

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • panther-anthro - Barrelball 1.0

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The Hive Workshop's

Mini-Game Contest Poll


It comes to this!

All the competitors spent a month of hard work and endless toil making their mini games as fun and enjoyable as possible, but only 1 of the 12 contestants will win the 50 reputation points and the icon.

This is where you, the average The Hive Workshop member decide.
To vote, simply choose the options from the poll above and click submit.

The Voting System
The person who has the most votes when this poll closes wins.
Contestants can not vote for themselves but can vote for others.
Each person can vote for (at most) 4 people, but each vote means the vote is worth less score.
Please state the reason why you voted for that person in this chain or your vote may be spoiled (lost).
NOTE - If you like a mini-game, you are allowed to give the author a + reputation boost but be awair that, if you are the author, the reputation is not part of the contest.

Battle for Erathor
Use several spells and an arsenal of items and powerups, not to mention runes, to knock your foes into the flaming pit of death, located in the center of the map. You have a choice of many different powerups to increase your hero's health, knockback distance, knockback resistance, speed, along with items providing various changes to your already-existing spells. Has an 'anti-snowball effect' system, where players get lots of gold over time, but kills take away 5 gold from the killer. Battle on!

Pirate Tag

Yarr matey, land huggers ahead! Pirate Tag is a 10 player tag map, but not an ordinary one, in this you control your unit with the IJKL keys!

In Pirate Tag the rules are simple, there are basicly 2 teams, pirates and land huggers.

The goal for the Pirates is that they must catch the land huggers, once they catch one the land hugger gets turned into a pirate aswell. That goes on untill the last land hugger is caught. Last caught land hugger wins the round, gains a point (point system is broken in 1.3) and is chosen as next rounds first pirate. That cycle repeats untill someone gets the required amount of points to win the game (again, point system is broken which may affect the game to never end!).

Team Battle Tanks

Here is my Mini-Game entry. Team Battle Tanks.

It is a team based mini game. Each team must have 2 players in order to function; 1 to drive the tank, the other to aim the cannon. The driver needs to dodge other cannons and pick up ammo for his gunner. supports up to 6 teams of 2! The last tank standing wins.

Defend The House

Hello, i really don't have time to finish it today, but well, here is the almost finished version of my Defend the House.
Enjoy, ps: its REALLY hard to do alone, so if you wanna ''cheat'' >.< then,
write ''Testgold'' and you get like 999999 gold. :)

The Escape Plan

In this game you have to use your memory to escape from a magic prison filled with teleport beacons that your have to use to move from cell to cell until your reach the exit. All of the runners have a special skill that you can use to help yourself, or disturb others. The game ends when three runners escape.

The Boat Race

Alright, here it is..

The Boat Race! Beta

Concept: The Boat Race is a race map, where you have to steer (slide) your boat, avoiding to run into shards, icebergs, hurricanes, mealstorms and the deep water. Entering hurricanes will make you sail slower and damage your boat slowly. Mealstorms will first suck your boat into them, and then tossing them away to certain death. Race up to 5 other players.

Other Information:
-The Triggers are in pure GUI
-No AI is added
-One game lasts for around 2-4 minutes

Any suggestions or feedbacks would be greatly appreciated

Upgrade Wars

Get upgrades to improve you’re team’s spawn’s! Each upgrade counters others, attack counters HP, ect. Team 1 spawns footmen, team 2 spawns ghouls. Each ghoul\footmen has 1 attack and 1 health Point. Less often, crypt fiends\knights spawn, and least often, tanks\meat wagons spawn. Each player receives a random hero, to help them defeat enemies and earn gold for upgrades!
NOTE: If there is so many spawns it is causing lag, player 1 can type -clear and all the units will die, causing lag to go away. You can also get mercenaries, but they aren’t any good unless they have upgrades, and by then the spawns are so good, they are mainly for creeping, but can be VERY useful as spawns too.


Hit the Whisp is an mor fun style game, where you have to click whisp not of your color to win the game. There are some ways to get faster or hinder other players in getting points. Have fun trying it out.

This contestant was unable to finish his map due to more important matters requiring all his time and so dropped out.


This map plays similar to basketball, fused with dodgeball you have to throw the barrel into a crater*hoop* to score, and must hit 10 25 or 50 to win. The points needed to win are decided by player 1 who should be red, this map was made in my freetime after I saw this thread. You can punch people to knock them out of the game temporarily, as well as steal the barrel from them or a team mate, and of course lastly you can throw the barrel.

Ping Wars

The race is on.... to keep your ping down! Survive as long as you can by keeping your spawn numbers down! Do everything in your power to stay connected to win! It's survival of the fittest, and whoever has the most RAM....

Legacy of Rep

The story of 4 THW membs who found that THW was infected by some sort of virus.They now must venture in the twisted THW website and destroy the virus house.There are all sorts of traps from glaive to walking glaives and fire traps and spining blademasters.The mini-game signature is the slow missiles following the players.
Nearby Hermit-Your friendly NH here to destroy any virus that stands in its way.Has Hermit Walk and Cybernetic Rage.
Wolve Rabid-the most renounced shaman in hive is here to correct the virus problem.Wolve is a ranged characther and has the Ignore ability and delete tress wich deletes trees and transforms them into healing wards.
Ralle-the chieftain is here to secure his beloved website.Having the bear form ability he is more powerfull in stats than the others.
Rui-Rui is always on the lookout for spammers and viruses and he ventures with us having the multi-Rui ability wich creates 10 illusions of himself,and the Mass teleport ability wich allows him to reach the others in no time.
The characthers were made from the hives membs(their avatars and names)
The missiles have a very beautifull effect,and the traps keep the game more fun.Altough hard on 1 player the map is easy in 4.Please notice that ive not used any form of imported files ,and that is very good by my opinion.

Closing Date
This poll will close on the 30/07/07, after which the winner will be announced.

Good luck to all contestants and for the last time, may the best mini-game WIN!
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Level 10
Dec 11, 2006
I voted on Upgrade Wars because its a fun and fast game and i like the upgrade ur units to win thing, maybe he should change the heros a bit so that u can get a hero fight... its not so good that if u go hero fight u damage like 1 and have 125 life.
I voted on Upgrade Wars because its a fun and fast game and I like the way you upgrade youre units to win idea, maybe he should change the heros a bit, so that you can get a hero fight... its not so good that if you go hero fight youre heros damage like 6-12 and have 325 life.

Are you sure you played Newest version? each version ive changed heros abit. <.>
Your Idea was a realy.. cool version of AOS (if it was that ^^) Way to go HeretoDLstuff, I realy think this one is the best, keep on the good work.

It wasnt ment to be a AOS >.> AOS'es suck. It only has one lane not 3, it dosent depend on heros.....ECT.

One of my vote gose to rageingspeedhorns Pirate tag, but im going to test the other maps befor I post for sure.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Ok heres where my votes go, in order...

1. Pirate Tag - It looks great, is easy/learn to play and is a lot of fun... aka is exactly what a mini-game should be...
2. The Escape Plan - A nice idea and well done, requires some thinking and is fairly quick.
3. Upgrade Wars - Quite fun and has a lot of potential, unfortunately its not very well done (revealing players >.<)

On another note, Battle for Erathor would have got my vote if it had not been protected...
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
it was simply because I don't like map protection ( and sometimes map protectors themselves ) in general... It just seems so selfish to me...
And I couldn't look at your script so I couldn't judge it...
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Well heres my opinion of the maps... and my vote...
(Notice! I played them singleplayer and b-net... I personaly think you should be able to play single with a minigame, although it lowers fun.. )

Legacy of rep:
The idea is actualy good, the terrian in map isnt something special, neihter is gameplay, it has been seen before....But nothing wrong with somekind of escape map.
+ = good idea, okay terrian, the slow missles is okay..
- = wierd blocking (You get tired of destroying gates..) the easy way you die, and then have to restart entire game, if hostet on b-net people will loose interrest fast... Close to imposible to finish one person..

Pirate Tag:
The idea with a tag is seen before, but control system in a tag isnt. Great use of terrian and the models.. You get the pirate felling.
+ = Idea, Control system (Works nearly smoothless), funny to play again, both teams are funny to play, which is rare for a tag...
- = point system (Now this will be fixed, but still counts down)

BarrelBall 1.0:
Idea is new, although I have seen some maps nearest similar to this..
+ = Abilitys (They make the game), the simpel but working idea (true minigame)
- = a bit slow casting time, and maybe the steal barrel should look differnt (minor thing)

Protect The House
Well idea isnt original, it is mostly like somekind of td. Terrian is rather clean, could maybe use some eyecandy. It works though.
+ = For more players it will surdenly be fun playing, although it is rather easy..The spell works fine, and upgrades are okay, just needs more of them (Know it is proably because it wasnt finished)
- = Could use more lvls, bosses and so, maybe some changed kinds of creeps too. Players shouldnt be able to destroy each other. The move back trigger preventing entering creep area shouldnt be there, or atleast it should be a longer distance you would be able to go.. The map isnt named, only in loadingscreen...

The Boat Race:
Nice idea, somekind of race escape... Works well, and nicely done...Also good it is hard..
+ = Hard, The attempt of creating an AI, the idea, it minigame like, Terrian is fine, nice traps
- = The AI is a complete fool (think it is unfinished), the replay count down is to long... and the map name should have been boat race (minor)

The Escape Plan:
Nice minigame, works althought you can win by not memorizing a thing..
idea is new as far as i now of.
+ = Working, eyecandy (mappreview, color)
- = A little to easy, stopping (anoying) other players is hard, course it only can happen while you can see them close

Ping Wars 0.99:
Total new idea (Meaning making a map with the ping on purpose) Many made maps supposed to be tower defence and so but with the only result of high ping. Like the mappreview (eyecandy)
+ = idea, performance, brads signatire :smile:
- = one sheep each time isnt killed (Dunno if on purpose but doesnt suppose it is). Why is the lag content player controlled? A bit slow lag spawn..

Idea is seen before, but the way of making it isnt. It works and is fun to play. Maybe just a bit more then a minigam, course last long.
+ = working, performance, gametime, terrian isnt just nothing..overall good
- = spelling mistakes (sockwave...), maybe a bit to long gameplay... heroes from other teams should heal at your base and same for your heroes..Remove the revealing player trigger
Would have been nice: Upgrades to towers and hero...

Battle Of Erathor:
Nice idea, although it is a litle similar to the meat hook game (what ever the name was) It is nice and simple and the 3 spells is just lovely. Triggers are very good.
+ = Perfect minigame, fun, can be played again and again. Funny killing trees.
- = map protectet (No one can learn from it) Trees doesnt regrow (they realy should, course killing the trees, making ambushes is half of the fun factor)

The last map I havent tryed out, nobody joined the game on b-net and singleplayer it isnt playable.
+ = Idea sounds nice
- = Should have an shotting / driving AI (Would be funny)

Overall I think I have to choose betwhen Pirate Tag, Boat Race and Battle of Erathor which all of them are very very well made and funny.

After long time of thinking my vote goes to Battle of Erathor (But plz fix the trees, realy want regrow and unprotect it)

Second and thierd place for me would have been Pirate Tag and then Boat Race (course Pirate tag is most minigame like)
Level 7
Jun 10, 2007
In the submitted maps section is the newest version of the map, renamed Tauren Warz (the storyline about Erathor is removed too)
That version is ALOT more fun, with things like runes, more powerups, etc. Oh, and trees regrow :p

Edit: If you want, Ill give you an unprtected ver, but I prefer to release my maps protected so people dont steal them (ive had that happen to me several times before when I thought it would be fine not to)
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
I've changed my mind, my forth vote is going to Dil's map...
Its is a good concept and its pretty well done...

Can't *Actualy* vote again, but i hope it will be counted anyway?
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Level 3
May 2, 2007
my vote goes to dil999 and his battle of erathor map, i really liked the concept of the game, played it with some friends everyone had fun.
Maybe a blink skill/item would make it even better =D




I voted for raging's pirate tag because it was a bit original and... who doesnt like pirates?
Level 7
Jun 10, 2007
I'm incredibly happy with the score I have so far... I did the entire map rushed in 3 days (i heard about it 4 days before the deadline). The homepage for Tauren Warz (aka Battle for Erathor) is in my signature. Its also where I keep the rest of my projects.
Level 5
Oct 17, 2006
Yarrr fun time for me mates!!
I well choose the pirate tag of course and the upgrade wars because I respect me mates!
Level 7
Feb 15, 2005
The last map I havent tryed out, nobody joined the game on b-net and singleplayer it isnt playable.
+ = Idea sounds nice
- = Should have an shotting / driving AI (Would be funny)

That would be my map, team battle tanks. Kind of sad, but i guess I should have thought about how accessible the game would be to easily test for others. You pretty much have to have at least 4 people to play, and the games are really short. I really think alot of these maps probably didn't get a fair shot due to a number of reasons, but here is my breakdown:

Barrellball : Good idea, but just wasn't original enough, if you made the way you scored a little more skill oriented, rather than point and click and automaticaly make it in, then that may have been more interesting, of course this would require more trigger work. D

Battle for Erathor : This map has some really creative thought put into it, very unique and minigame-esque. I honestly havn't seen it in its full blown glory, but so far from what I have seen I like it alot . A

Defend the House: Didn't seem particularly original to me, a typical defend yourself from a bunch of guys by upgrading and the like, not very mini game like either. C-

HTW: maybe its just me, but I really liked this game. It screams MINIGAME and is pretty fun. I couldn't imagine how frantic it would be with a full house o_O good work! A

Legacy of Rep: all I can say is LOL, this game is insane, the terrain was put together haphazardly and all sorts of crap is shooting off all over the place, however, I am almost 100% positive this was all intentional, and therefore rules. B

Ping Wars: funny idea, lol seriously what the heck. I will give you a A for the concept, but I think a C- for enjoyment. B-

Pirate Tag: maybe its just me, but I didn't really feel like this map was that inventive. It was the epitome of mini-game that is for sure, but seemed to lack uniqueness and creativeness, I tend to learn towards the more creative types of games more, but still not half bad. B+

Boat Race: I really really liked this one, very fluid controls, I actually felt like i was controlling a boat and the perils of hitting a glacier were just as real. excellent terrain, excelent feel, excelent mini-game. A+

Escape Plan: If this game didn't make me feel nauseous from all the camera changes and the way the screen flows back and forth, I may have given it a better score. In general I don't like memory games and prefer the more skill oriented or strategy type games. C+

Upgrade Wars: 1 lane of DotA + footmen frenzy with generic heroes that takes forever, nothing mini-game about this. Sorry I was hoping for more = / D-
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Battle for Erathor : This map has some really creative thought put into it, very unique and minigame-esque. I honestly havn't seen it in its full blown glory, but so far from what I have seen I like it alot . A
Agree, only problem with it I found out was that it maybe takes a bit to long to win, many gets bored.

Boat Race: I really really liked this one, very fluid controls, I actually felt like i was controlling a boat and the perils of hitting a glacier were just as real. excellent terrain, excelent feel, excelent mini-game. A+
Agree, Just my opinion, only thing that prevented me from voting for it was the long time it takes and that I am not so fond of escape maps..

Upgrade Wars: 1 lane of DotA + footmen frenzy with generic heroes that takes forever, nothing mini-game about this. Sorry I was hoping for more = / D-

Had the same felling
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