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Sunken City v2.5.0

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.


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Sunken City is a Dungeon Crawler map with RPG elements. The Player controls a hero and has to over come numerous puzzles, traps, quests, enemies and different bosses to reach the end. The game contains multiple different features that allow for advanced hero customization.

Recommended Players: Soloing is possible, but for better experience play with 2 or 3 players.
Gameplay Time: Between 3 and 6 hours depending on number of players and difficulty.
Amount of Heroes: 21
Maximum Level: 18

Enemy Handicap
Enemy Bonus Damage
Enemy Bonus Armor
Enemy Bonus Attack Speed

Bonus Gold per Kill
Bonus XP
Bonus Drop Chances
Starting Gold


Version 2.5.0. [08.03.2024]
Come and play with us in our Discord server! Join here.

General Changes
  • Tooltip fixes.
  • Minor terrain changes.
  • Mastery and Potency values now additionally update periodically during combat in addition to the on-spellcast update.
  • Reset Talents now correctly has a cooldown of 60 seconds instead of 100.
  • The <-stats> command has been removed as stacking info is now available through the UI elements.
  • Base cooldown of abilities in tooltips is now displayed past the decimal point.
  • Fixed a bug where Hunter and Tidewarrior could not be chosen through random hero selection.
  • Fixed a bug where Hero Status Bars, DPS Meter and Hero Custom Resource UI elements were not working.
  • Fixed a bug where flat damage reduction effects could completely negate some of the damage dealt by Nightmares.
  • Fixed a bug where music would stop playing after loading the game.
  • Fixed the Loading Screen to no longer have its text covered by the Loading Bar, which was moved in a recent Warcraft 3 patch.

Death Knight
  • Fixed a bug where the Breath of Sindragosa Talent could also damage allies.
  • Fixed a bug where the Decomposition Talent was increasing the damage of Plaguebearer's effect by more than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Grylls gained 10% more Attack Damage scaling than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Huffer gained 5% more Attack Damage scaling than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Spike gained 30% more Attack Damage scaling than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where the Life from Death Talent had incorrect chance for Skeletal minions to drop Blood Globes.
  • Fixed a bug where Ardent Defender's increased Healing taken was not working properly.
  • Fixed a bug where Void Rift could move Demon Portals.
  • Fixed a bug where Tidal Strike would not gain increased damage while above 25% Critical Strike chance.
  • Fixed a bug where Tidal Strike's visual effect would occasionally appear on the wrong target.
  • Fixed a bug where the Myrmidon effect of Tail Slam could increase non-attack damage.
  • Fixed a bug where the Storm Trident Talent was not working.
  • Inventor's Demolitions effect can now heal the Tinker while below 40% health up from 35%.
  • Fixed a bug where the Critical Strike provided by the Target Locking Talent was not working.
  • Fixed a bug where the Ion Grenade Talent was not doubling the mana scaling it adds when Throw Betty is Upgraded.
  • Fixed a bug where Upgraded Throw Betty would never stun.
  • Now has the correct Attribute Bonus ability.
Witch Doctor
  • Fixed a bug where the Spiritual Touch Talent's effect for Ancient Ward did not apply on Heroes.


  • Skyfeather Crown will now only allow spellcasts to empower the attacks of the Spirit of Aviana if the Spirit is already summoned.
  • Spellbreaker Shield should no longer appear under the Mana Regeneration shop Category.
  • Fixed a bug where Forbidden Seal would occasionally grant more Talent Slots than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Saberclaws was not working.
  • Fixed a bug where Chemical Armor was granting more Health Regeneration (Stat) than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Staff of Idrassil would also apply its buff on summons.
  • Fixed a bug where Eye of Discord's AoE effect would not trigger for attacks against non-hero units.
  • Fixed a bug where Sanguine Gaze was not registering damage dealt by summons.
  • Fixed a bug where Spiked Chains was not registering damage dealt by summons.
  • Fixed a bug where Topaz Amulet was not registering damage dealt by summons.
  • Fixed a bug where Embrace of the Hawk's Equip effect was not working.


  • Diverse Heroes: The 21 heroes in Sunken City possess different custom skills which are well presented in detailed tooltips.
  • Backpack System: In case your inventory is full, you are given a backpack with additional 6 slots where you can carry quest items or unused items for selling.
  • Stat System: Each level you are given the possibility to access the Skill Poitns Menu and gain access to secondary stats (non-Strength, Agility, Intelligence).
  • Item Interaction Systems: Sunken City gives the option to Disenchant items for stats or to Reforge unused lesser items to create better ones.
  • Chest System: There are many Chests scattered around the Sunken City. Opening them rewards you with a random item!
  • Quests: Embark quests that give you side objectives throughout the game!
  • Challenges: Complete difficult optional challenges for additional rewards.
  • Shop System: A simple and intuitive shop system makes it easier for players to navigate and purchase some of the many Sunken City shop items.
  • Rolling: Sunken City allows you to roll for items that suit everyone. Therefore you can avoid stealing.
  • Damage and Armor: Sunken City's gameplay is based around damaging the best target. By mouse-overing your damage and armor you will easiliy understand what's your best target!
  • Gold System: Players in Sunken City share the Gold gained by killing creeps!
  • Randomized Items: Each creature you kill has a chance of dropping one of the hundreds of items, contained in a scripted loot-table. In addition bosses have multiple drops, which add to the replayability.
  • Glyph System: A system that allows your hero to pick a combination of various Glyphs which add passive effects to your hero.
  • Talent System: Each hero has unique set of Talents that can amplify, modify, add or replace the existing hero abilities.




Intelligence HeroesStrength HeroesAgility Heroes

Shaman [1]
Druid [2]
Priest [3]
Mage [4]
Necromancer [5]
Warlock [6]
Witch Doctor [7]
Warrior [1]
Paladin [2]
Death Knight [3]
Monk [4]
Tidewarrior [5]
Dragon Sentinel [6]
Tinker [7]
Rogue [1]
Hunter [2]
Feral Druid [3]
Windmaster [4]
Berserker [5]
Demon Hunter [6]
Siren [7]


I would like to thank the following people:
There are many more resources that I used, but I can't find their creators. If you see your resource used in my map, please tell me and I will add you here.


Sunken City v2.5.0 (Map)

Moderator: -Kobas- Contact: Visitor Message / Private Message! Date: 24-Dec-13 (14:27:40)Personal Comment:One of the most polished maps, of its type, that I had a chance to play. Beautiful terrain, nice story, well customized heroes and enemies...




Moderator: -Kobas-
Contact: Visitor Message / Private Message!
Date: 24-Dec-13 (14:27:40)
Personal Comment:
One of the most polished maps, of its type, that I had a chance to play.
Beautiful terrain, nice story, well customized heroes and enemies.
Over 100 different traps, puzzles and such like obstacles all over map.

After 2 years of constant improvements and never ending updates,
time has come for this special honor. Enjoy.

Map Status: Approved
(6/5) ★ Director's Cut ★
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
screenies will be coming soon.

Version 1.4 Brought A LOT to this map that it was lacking, just look at the changelog. :p

I'm writing up a new description for the map as we speak, so it should be up soon. :)
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Level 9
Dec 8, 2009
Review by ACdestinydream

Score system

your map would be given points as in the following criterias. The number at the side are the total score you can get from that aspect.

Description [10]
Creativity [15]
Triggering [15]
Playability [5]
Object Managing [10]
Terrain [15]

Overall [70]


Description [10]
This aspect determines how much work you have put into your map's description.

1~3 You did not put enough work into it.
4~7 It looks good, but it lacks screenshots etc.
8~10 It is just that perfect! Keep it up!

Creativity [15]
This aspect determines how much creatvity you have put into your map.

1~5 This map is obviously copied.
6~10 This map lacks some creativity.
11~15 You have thought of many ideas and it is quite creative with many different things which others do not have. Good job!

Triggering [15]
This aspect determines how much triggering work you have put into your map.

1~5 This map is full of leaks and it have many bad triggers.
6~10 This map have quite alot of leaks yet it is still playable.
11~15 This map have little leaks and uses good triggers.

Playability [5]
This aspect determines whether your map is fun to play or not.

1~2 Boring game with little/no help given.
3~4 Quite a fun game yet the playability is not there yet.
5 This map is fun and enjoyable.

Object Managing [10]
This aspect determines how well you have put in custom models/icons to fit your map.

1~3 Wrong usage of custom models/icons and bad tooltips/missing tooltips.
4~7 Custom models were used correctly but there are still some bad tooltips.
8~10 Little/no mistake in tooltips or icons.

Terrain [15]
This aspect determines how well did you terrain your map.

1~5 Bland terrain/doodad spammage/bad looking places/wrong usage of tiles
6~10 Some of the doodads were used correctly and some of the terrains were bad looking.
11~15 Great usage of doodads with good placement of different buildings etc.

1~10 1/5 map rating with a Reject. [No rep]
11~20 2/5 map rating with a Reject. [No rep]
21~30 2/5 map rating with an Approve. [No rep]
31~40 3/5 map rating with an Approve. [No rep]
41~50 3/5 map rating with an Approve. [+rep]
51~60 4/5 map rating with an Approve. [+rep]
61~70 5/5 map rating with an Approve. [+rep]

My review of Sunken City v1.4.

Description [6/10]

It describes nothing about the gameplay itself with no screenshots.

Creativity [10/15]

Its another hack&slash with mindless killings.

Triggering [7/15]

Little/no triggers are needed in these kinds of maps and the spells are all wc3.

Playability [1/5]

It gets so boring after completing half the game that i quit.

Object managing [8/10]

I see some models that replace the original models.

Terrain [8/15]

Terrain isnt really important but it is still lacking,

personal comment:
i feel that you should increase the playability because it gets really, really boring. Add events.

Overall = 6 + 10 + 7 + 1 + 8 + 8 = 40/70 (3/5 rating with approve and rep)

Final rating: 40/70 (3/5 map rating + approve + rep)

Reviewed by ACdestinydream. Please contact me if you disagree with my review or you want me to review your map again.
Cweener asked me to review it. hope i am not too harsh :/

EDIT: 7/15 because theres hardly any triggers.

EDIT2: tooltips problem settled, +2 score and + rep ;)
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Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
It is yellow and red. All tooltips give all necessary information and highlight the important stuff in red. I don't see any problem with your review except there. I wrote each one, and know that each Ability tooltip is accurate and gives needed info.
Level 4
May 20, 2009
The maps itself is great but..

I really didnt like soloing it i died about 1/3 of the kills i had to 1/4 so the map is very great in environment and texture i love that but possibly adding a shop or two of buyable things and instead of making this just a hero vs random nagas and sea things turn it into an rpg or some kinda quested thing

5/5 for map itself :thumbs_up:
2/5 for the ability to solo it, maybe its just me and i suck but it was hard :thumbs_down:
Level 4
May 20, 2009
I have an idea you could make different types of maps ya know? Like this is sunken city
now make deserted dessert or something ya know? thtd be a tight series :p try to add shops please and possibly if u have 2 items you can combine them into 1 strong item like dota (i hate dota btw) but thts a neat idea


Hosted Project: SC
Level 24
Jan 29, 2010
Thanks for commenting togera90. I really disagree with the things you said.

1.The map recommends 3 players, and it's really hard with 2 players. 1 player is hardly passable and boring.
2.There ARE shops. I don't know how long you played, or how far you reached, but there are like 10 shops till the end of the map. Also the map contains many item drops.

Anyways, the idea about combining items is great and I'll look into it. Today I released v.1.5. You proubably played v.1.4. which is pretty old ;)

P.S.: Do not double post, it's against the rules. Use EDIT button instead :)
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
actually 1 player in 1.5 is now impossible. (period) There is no way, because there is a bridge in the beginning that now requires two people to step on levers at the same time.:)

EDIT; okay, there is ONE way. but, I'm not gunna say it, because it involves exploiting my lazy triggering xD
Level 4
May 26, 2010
Looks strangely like a map I played back in the day called Treasure Cave...

Regardless, I'm going to try it

EDIT: nevermind it merely looks similar
Level 4
May 26, 2010
You seriously need to remove the blink ability from the rogue. It allows him to go anywhere unhindered. And before you say that the content that he can blink to is too challenging, he can easily blink into a secluded room and hog tomes and items. That pretty much killed the game for me and my friends when we tried this. Nevertheless, it's a good map, albeit the puzzles are a bit unchallenging.


EDIT: yeah the terrain is really similar, I just thought it might be a ripoff lol


Hosted Project: SC
Level 24
Jan 29, 2010
Well, I was thinking pretty much about the rogue, pretty long time and recently I decided to remove it. I am sorry that it caused problems, but I was hoping that people will use it properly, not to bug the map. Anyways. It will be gone really soon.

EDIT: And, also: The map is warchasers-styled, not puzzle based. The puzzles shouldn't be the main concept of the game like in Treasure Cave, but an addition. So I decided to have puzzles but not really hard ones. :)

EDIT 2: My map was started long before Treasure Cave. I saw it like 4 days ago, I didn't try to copy the terrain.
Level 4
May 26, 2010
Well, I was thinking pretty much about the rogue, pretty long time and recently I decided to remove it. I am sorry that it caused problems, but I was hoping that people will use it properly, not to bug the map. Anyways. It will be gone really soon.

EDIT: And, also: The map is warchasers-styled, not puzzle based. The puzzles shouldn't be the main concept of the game like in Treasure Cave, but an addition. So I decided to have puzzles but not really hard ones. :)

EDIT 2: My map was started long before Treasure Cave. I saw it like 4 days ago, I didn't try to copy the terrain.

Ah, okay, it's all good then. I'll play the new version when you release it and put a review up.


Hosted Project: SC
Level 24
Jan 29, 2010
They actually, really dissapeared. The problem is there that I might actually deleted them (accidently).:thumbs_down: Anyways they were pretty outdated so, I will post new ones. Really thanks for noting that one Light Bolt. I was pretty sure they are fine. :)


Hosted Project: SC
Level 24
Jan 29, 2010
Yeah, Bloodlust is pretty changed from the one in Melee games, and aslong as the Warrior has "Rage" which increases attack speed, he doesn't need it. Paladin has far too big damage to get increased speed, and the agility heroes....are Agility heroes :D Their attack speed is pretty fast.:wink:
Level 3
Nov 20, 2008
Hi, good map, here are a couple of things you might want to check out:

1- The door on the left of the map, the one close to the "small beach" with a 10th level deeplord dropping + 5 ring, can actually be destroyed, making the platforms pretty useless.

2- When using a shared character of a player who left, you can't use boats or zeppelins. The only way you have to finish the map is buying a teleport rod and keep teleporting where your main character goes.

These are the bugs I found, but I think there are two things that might be improved:

1 - PLATFORMS. man, it's really annoying getting stuck on a level with no way out except getting killed. You may use teleporters instead or fix the triggers for the platforms, so they won't move unless a character moves and STAYS on them.

2 - SPACE. Seriously, a bit more room would be GREATLY appreciated, I lost count of the number of times I had to tell people to move.

This said, you did a good job, 4/5!


Hosted Project: SC
Level 24
Jan 29, 2010
Hi, good map, here are a couple of things you might want to check out:

1- The door on the left of the map, the one close to the "small beach" with a 10th level deeplord dropping + 5 ring, can actually be destroyed, making the platforms pretty useless.

2- When using a shared character of a player who left, you can't use boats or zeppelins. The only way you have to finish the map is buying a teleport rod and keep teleporting where your main character goes.

These are the bugs I found, but I think there are two things that might be improved:

1 - PLATFORMS. man, it's really annoying getting stuck on a level with no way out except getting killed. You may use teleporters instead or fix the triggers for the platforms, so they won't move unless a character moves and STAYS on them.

2 - SPACE. Seriously, a bit more room would be GREATLY appreciated, I lost count of the number of times I had to tell people to move.

This said, you did a good job, 4/5!

Thanks for your comment mate!

1.The door you are talking about had to be destroyed by the players in earlier vesions and there were no platforms, but I decided that having them, would make it more interesting.
2.Zeppelins are not used for my map, don't know how you bought them after they cost wood. :D And, I think that there is no way to make share units go in your boat even with trigger. If the player had to leave, save the map and continue later :)

1.Yeah, I had pretty much reports about platforms and I tryed to fix it, but triggering is not my power. I am sorry for them and I will keep trying to make a lever for them or something like that. And by the way if you get stuck it's not necessary to die. The platforms work like that: "A unit enters the platform -> increase/decrease level". So until I find a way to fix it, ask your friends to step on it and it will rise up :)
2.About the space: There really are narrow areas, but they usually (80% of the times) Don't include battle. Narrow places are there for items/levers. I will look into it though.

Again thanks for the comment! :wink:
Level 3
Nov 20, 2008
2.Zeppelins are not used for my map, don't know how you bought them after they cost wood. :D And, I think that there is no way to make share units go in your boat even with trigger. If the player had to leave, save the map and continue later :)

I travelled around like crazy with your zeppelins mate. :) I think, though I am not sure, it might be because of the wood you get selling certain artefacts. Speaking of money, we eneded up having 5 divine hammers among the 2 of us and literallly trashed anything that stood in our way, bosses incuded (we even gave them a chance to attack, since they were always stunned).
Maybe you could think of limiting it to one or two, just to make the map more challanging.

Keep up the good work
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Level 1
Dec 1, 2010
Nice game, alittle short for my taste but who am i to judge?, the game itself is a basic rpg/dungeon so those who dont get it are stupid tbh, the pathways in-game are good, alittle messy but good none the less and are easy to get around without getting stuck, what would have made this game alittle better for me would have been:
*bigger areas to explore and not so tight, it was easy to tell where to go, but it would have been better to wonder around for yourself instead of paths being made for you.
*a bigger invintory, coz i love having me my items =P (no im nt a item whore $M =P)
*more skills to choose from and as you leveled you would get less choice
*also for the map you could have had dungeons within dungeons so it would make the game last longer because you would keep going and going into dungeons (obivously there would be a limit)
*more items and recipes

All in all a great game and fun to play i give it a 7/10
Level 3
Jun 25, 2006
1.Make button to pass cinematic on begin like esc!

2.Make map playable for solo players - get rid of armor damage thing, make hero do 100% to all and make all heroes have hero dmg and revive time same all the time!

3.Most of recipes dont give counted stats like armor ex. item 5 armor + item 3 armor = should give 8 armor not less i saw that in lot of you recipe items!

4.Stucked after geting shadow key on the way to boat it tped me in some room one time and after that once more and hero get stucked on begin of room!

Btw: Like map and concept of adventure!

Finished map it was good fun and good for spending time :D its preatty easy to finish it solo only begin is hard just take roug and buy item with lifesteal and thats it!
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Hosted Project: SC
Level 24
Jan 29, 2010
1.Make button to pass cinematic on begin like esc!

2.Make map playable for solo players - get rid of armor damage thing, make hero do 100% to all and make all heroes have hero dmg and revive time same all the time!

3.Most of recipes dont give counted stats like armor ex. item 5 armor + item 3 armor = should give 8 armor not less i saw that in lot of you recipe items!

Btw: Like map and concept of adventure!

Thanks for your comment. :)
1.The thing with the cinematic is that I wanted players to know how they got in this place. Not just skip a part of the story.

But when you play the map 2 or 3 times it really gets annoying, yes.
I'll look into it.

2.Since I started the map, I wanted it to be everything but soloable. Teamplay is aways enjoyable and makes every map interesting. I am sorry but this is not happening :p

3.Even with the items you get atm, in the last 15-20 mins of the map your hero is overpowered. Rarely you can see someone dying after level 15. And this is not a bug. It's intended. But sure, I might increase some item's stats.

Haha. Nice poll!

Anyways, went in and fixed a few grammar errors in the map's description for ya!
It looks good!
I'll download the new version soon!

Btw, I looked everywhere and I can't close the poll. I saw what I wanted. People wante moar!!!
So, close the poll if you can :) Thanks.

P.S.: Rest in peace old changelog. You will never be forgotten. <3 :D


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
When I see how much people love it, I realise I must add DPS meters in it, yap, I guess my map is screwed, changing plans to this map. There, much better xD

EDIT: Unprotected lol w00t? xD
So, if you didn't change anything after posting this version, can I add those stuff here?


Hosted Project: SC
Level 24
Jan 29, 2010
I love this map/ she is unprotected a good thing for learn thanks ...

Thanks for noticing mate. That's the reason it's not protected. It happened to me to play a map, see something cool, but I was not able to understand how it was made.

And by the way, I requested one system recently, which records damage and DPS. This will make the game even more competitive. But the guy who made the system doesn't want it to spread, so the map will become protected soon. :(