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Zomie Survival

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
BTW, that 'Supa Killa' is me =]
A zombie survival map. You are against infinite hoards of streaming or waved zombies of different types. It has bounty triggers and tips.

Basically, you have 3 buildings. A Research Facility, a Troop Facility, and an Altar to revive your Squad Leader. You are up against zombies who are dangerous and can kill a unit by infecting you with their 'Zombie sickness', which, after they die, they turn into a zombie. Zombies have a 50/50 chance to revive, so stay away from zombies. You can build barricades to prevent zombies from reaching you (currently, they won't attack the barricades, unfortunately for me, fortunately for you).

Please give feedback as this is an BETA stage map.
+ 1 Player
+ 2 modes - Waves and Streams
+ Infinite troops
+ Intense
+ Custom Icons (credits in the map)

Please report any bugs you find. Thanks.



0.7 Private Beta
This was the first one, so nothing here

0.9 Private Beta
+ Added unit: SPAS 12 Wielder
+ Added zombie: Flying Zombie (Zombie in-game)
+ Finished the Waves mode
- Removed a bug that prevents you from reviving your hero
- Removed a bug that made the Deciminator revive as a normal zombie
? Tweaked the zombie spawn spot
? Hero level limit raised from 10 to 10 000

Zombie, survive, custom, Citatus Nim Totren, survival

Zomie Survival (Map)

05:24, 2nd Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
*BTW, that 'Supa Killa' is me =] - ...o...k?
A zombie survival map. Please give feedback as this is an ALPHA stage map. - will do
+ 1 Player - convenient!
+ Supposed 2 modes (only one currently) - So "supposing" to have 2 modes is a teaser.
+ Infinite troops - ...really?
+ Intense until later - what?
+ Custom Icons (credits in the map) - the only good thing I've read until now *

Obviously, your primary concern would be improving the description and maybe even convincing some one to play, by adding a screen-shot or something. Good luck with improvements, but for now, it cannot pass as approved : Voted for Rejection.

-I've just noticed the map's file-size is 100 KB...Lord...
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Ok, my review (you may needs to sheild your eyes... JK but here it is;
Try to have a higher maximum players.
Improve the unit's discription? they all have the riflemen's
Nice into movie
Good looking map, a tiny bit much on the pathing map in the way of clutter, but not a major prob
Good number of buildable units, not bad.
It got boring realy fast, but i can't judge on that.
Maby smaller zombies, so you can see the other ones?
Good custom icons:)
not much else to say, so my rating is 3.5/5 because most of the thinks i said wern't big but add up.
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
Well -Totren- I've had the time to look at your map. I'm not very impressed. Needless to say, a full review on a map with so little content is not possible.
Of course, I understand it's an alpha and not even remotely complete, but I do have to point out :

- Models (models very few, both for the humans and the zombies. Also, on the human side, it's hard not to confuse your unit-groups among the clusters that keep piling up, and most of the time you end up clicking on each individual unit in order to see what rank it is, etc. - I suggest color or size differences if not model changes)
- Modes (or better yet "mode(s)" , since the only current way to play is by a sequence : "1 : Click train Sniper icon 2 : Wait for zombies and money to grow 3 : Upgrade anything you want 4 : Repeat 5 : Get bored" )
- Spells (Are non-existent and that's a "-" since no abilities, usually means no fun. Do something with the hero. I could suggest the Snipers should have a "One-shot-one-kill" ability with an average cool-down of 45 / 60 and the Shot-guns have a "Burst"-ability increasing their attack-speed drastically for 10-15 seconds with an average cool-down of say 35?)
- Terrain (If the terrain is all a "meh" of the same color / tile-set being used over and over again, eyes tend to bleed)
- Creeps / Zombies (Are stupid...no not in that way, they just don't get the whole "I must attack these walls and barricades to get through to yummy humans"-bit. Fix that)
- 1000 other things that I would want to mention but I have no time now.

*The only thing I did like was the intro / cinematic - Nice! (made me expect so much more of the map , sorry XD)
In addition : I'm glad you decided to update the map on such short notice with the screen-shots and description, so that's a plus right there. In fact, poor guy, you don't even have any Rep yet...here's your first for initiation and motivation! +Rep!
Thanks for the feed back. And just remember, this is a BETA version, so maybe (or, 75.51%) your suggestions maybe included in... wait. Argh! I lost that paper that told me what to name versions! I'll just call it Public V1.1a
Oh, if there are errors, please tell me again. Last time, I forgot to fix a teeny error, and now my brother got agro at me =[

EDIT: Ok, I added the Multi-player capability (albeit, really badly, but still works =]), and I updated the unit extended things, but can anyone tell me how to make the zombies attack the barricades (please PM me)? I won't release the V1.1 Public until i implement the feature into my map. Thanks if you help me.
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