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Zombie Survival Xtreme HD v2.05

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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=>Zombie Survival Xtreme HD<=
Zombie surviving. TD mazing style!
By Iszmor/Briareos H.

Reduced playtime to 20 minutes.
Zombies spawn faster.
Towers build faster.
Increased upgrade cost.
Reduced survivor's max hp.
Increased Ghoul's movement speed. (360>375)
Added 3 items to the house. (Can be purchased)

added some new content and changes made to the map.
optimized for loading time :)
but if you need the non-optimized map PM me.
>>looking for suggestions again.

=Map Info=
Goal: Survive for 20 minutes without your survivor dying.
Type: Mixed mazing TD and Survivor.
Length: ~20 minutes.
Difficulty: Can be chosen at the start of the game. (Needs practicing a bit for harder difficulties but still can be easy with friends)

=How to play/Tips=
-Build up your own base/with other players.
-Zombies target you only and they will ignore towers except when they cant reach you or you didn't escape in time. (letting zombies near you isn't a good idea)
-Maze maze maze!!! (you can build-run with walls and your shift button)
-You get +1 gold for every zombies you killed and you use 3 gold to upgrade a regular towers.
-Do build house because it can train Build Helpers to speed up your build progress. (x2 ,+1 per helpers)
-Zombies run faster than you.
-Last 4 minutes will trigger special Xtreme Spawn with cool music and extreme boss spawns and will double the attack speed of your towers.
-If you think this map is too hard, try the mountain build area. (very very easy even n00bs can win with ease)

-All custom models / effects credits goes to the owner.
-All custom sound / musics credits goes to the producer.

Have fun killing zombies >:)

zombie,survival,zombie survival,xtreme,iszmor,briareos h.,kill,tower,maze

Zombie Survival Xtreme HD v2.05 (Map)

14:51, 13th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 7
Sep 6, 2007
I tested it and I'll spend some time (you owe me) to review it.
There are several points in which I evaluate the game (Gameplay, Quality, Graphics, Playability). Can't say much about Quality and Graphics (plain terrain, poor tooltips), but Playability is something that should be nearly perfect and your's is average since the 7 Mb size and it DOES NOT deserve to be that much.

And there's a bug that you can't build walls. They're organic? wtf?

So onto the gameplay:
There are 2 parts into gameplay. Fun and Interest. Your map is not fun to play but the only thing that is ~good about your map is that it's a bit interesting to play. Making mazes and surviving...

Here are my suggestions/thoughts:
There are 3 multi-target towers in your map. A tower that can shoot 4 targets at a time. A tower that bounces from a target to target, hitting multiple targets. And a fire tower that deals AoE damage. Are that much towers really necessary? I'd remove all of them except for the fire or energy (glave) one.

The walls? Your type of map is exactly the type of a map where it would have been better without walls. Remove them or make them take 4 squares like a normal tower, cost 1 gold and increase hp.
Your game is about building mazes and yet you implement walls? They sound like something designed for the last 5 minutes of the game or something.

Increase the interest factor! Make the game more interesting!
Why did you make ghouls? Normal zombies with more hp/damage? I saw you have music from left 4 dead, so why not think about left 4 dead? You could make "boomer" style zombies that have really low hp and explode when they die. So you have to kill them fast before they get to your towers or lure them away if the have as they'll deal damage to your towers (may require micro).
Another type of a zombie would be a "Spitter" type. It slows you when it attacks (should have less damage for that) and when it dies it creates an acid spill that deals damage over time and slows you if you walk into it (no dmg to buildings). So when these zombies die you have to be careful and run around the acid for some time.

Making your builder a hero is an option. Give him some effective skills (not just damage). Like Blink, the ability to build faster for a short duration and a "Throw Molotov" ability that deals damage and slows in an AoE for some time. Maybe mana isn't needed so you only use the skills when the cooldowns are up. Levels shouldn't be gained for kills but over time (like every x minutes) so that when the game is about to be over you would have the max level.

I would also suggest you to make the towers build faster as it's pretty boring. And if you do, you can decrease the game time to 25 minutes maybe (instead of 30).
Add a tower that builds really fast but has low dmg/hp.
Add a tower that has low dmg but heals survivors nearby when it attacks (your game needs this kind of heal).

I would also improve the game in a "random" way.
Like a boss or multiple special units would appear every 5 minutes (4-5 times). But on the first spawn (5 minutes) let's say there are 5 possible bosses to spawn (one strong one, one fast one, 3 average ones or something special). On the 10 minute mark there would be 5 more (different) that could spawn but only one will, so that every game will be different.

Weather effects?
Like Rain could slow you and the zombies by 5% and reduce the duration of the acid (zombies) and the molotov (you) by half.
Lighting that deals damage and randomly strikes anywhere on the map? (dealing damage to both you or zombies).
Meteors falling down from the sky? (Apocalypse)
And these should be random and last for some time (1-5 minutes?) so that multiple weather effects could be used during a single playthrough.

Improving the quality:
Starting music sux (not the one from l4d), so I would remove it (and maybe save some space).
Improve the tooltips! Write the most important stuff there (damage/range/speed) and build time! Like
Damage: High
Range: High
Speed: Low
Build time: 10 seconds
+what is it designed for (what's written there right now).

Final thoughts:
I would split the map into 4 and make the map you play on random every time you play. Not just playing anywhere you want to. And the mountain area (top right) could use a remake.
1337 hp shows that you're not really serious about your map so I doubt you will or have the skills to make the skills/things I suggested.

GL with your map. It could become good.
Level 12
May 30, 2009
Oh my god he has a red gem, everyone don't listen to him! Just kidding.

I can support him when he said:
Somaz said:
1337 hp shows that you're not really serious about your map
Since having 1337 hp could be such a great coincidence or something to make your map look bad. Let's say you put a unit named "1337 LEETBOTZ". That would project to people that you are... how do you say... unprofessional.
Level 7
Sep 6, 2007
Yeah... Right.... Coincidence...

And there's no Aids... or robberies... or bad people... and money is a myth!

Seriously, just stop and listen to your self. You are implying that 1337 hp is a coincidence? Maybe you didn't understand well but this IS NOT a hero. So he didn't get 1337 hp randomly because of the strength bonus (although it's 25, not 19 like in dota).

When I make a unit and want to set it's hp, I either:
Give it 500 hp.
Give it 1000 hp.
Give it 1500 hp.
Give it 2000 hp.
Or ANYTHING with a 0 in the end.

Or I think of my l33t skillz and give it 1337 hp.

Could be fun. But it doesn't set the "Zombie Survival" mood (especially with l4d music).
Level 7
Feb 22, 2009
Your map is original, and fun, i tested it the tower cost good, and the terrain is perfect for this style maps. I kinda liked this map, becouse it have Destroy building ability. So when you want to run you can destroy mini blocker, to fool the zombies. I really liked your map!

Some players in battle.net doesn't know how to play (noobs)

Result: Voted For Approval
Level 2
Dec 15, 2009
7 Mb size and it DOES NOT deserve to be that much.

And there's a bug that you can't build walls. They're organic? wtf?

There are 3 multi-target towers in your map. A tower that can shoot 4 targets at a time. A tower that bounces from a target to target, hitting multiple targets. And a fire tower that deals AoE damage. Are that much towers really necessary? I'd remove all of them except for the fire or energy (glave) one.

The walls? Your type of map is exactly the type of a map where it would have been better without walls. Remove them or make them take 4 squares like a normal tower, cost 1 gold and increase hp.
Your game is about building mazes and yet you implement walls? They sound like something designed for the last 5 minutes of the game or something.

1. 7Mb size is because of embedded musics i couldn't stand shitty music quality

2. its not a bug, it enable you to shift+build+run walls quicker

3. i'll consider that in the next version

4. some people eg: my friend just got addicted to walls and he built only wall to maze zombies while let the rest of the team build towers

sry for not updating this for so long
i forgot to update it
I made this map for playing with my friends btw xD :grin:
Level 4
Nov 24, 2009
Ok mate seriously i saw this while checking out some other maps, and when i asked around people said it was good.
As a fan of zombies this is MISLEADING, this is another tower defence, it had good game play i admit but seriously its very big to host as others have said but why the crappy l4d music>>>??? Most zombie games just have the creepy music but you went with a copyright games music, But all up it is a good game and im giving it 3\5 thumbs up:S:S
Level 2
Dec 15, 2009
Ok mate seriously i saw this while checking out some other maps, and when i asked around people said it was good.
As a fan of zombies this is MISLEADING, this is another tower defence, it had good game play i admit but seriously its very big to host as others have said but why the crappy l4d music>>>??? Most zombie games just have the creepy music but you went with a copyright games music, But all up it is a good game and im giving it 3\5 thumbs up:S:S

who cares? just a self-made map for my friends anyway:gg: