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Zombie Forest Survival 2.5

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Zombie Forest Survival (ZFS) v2.2

Play as one of the ten marines trapped in a dark forest.
Survive 30 waves of zombies by barricading yourself in one of the four bases around the map.
At the start of the game, you will have 3 minutes to choose a base and build there.
There are 8 special zombies (zombies which have special abilities).
Email me suggestions, comments, or bug reports at [email protected]
Visit the ZFS website if you want ---> Click Here to Go to the Website

-players to see a list of the players.
-clear clears all the game text messages of the screen.
-weapons check how many grenades/molotovs and ammo you have.
-time check how long you have been playing.
-kick X a host only command that allows the host to kick players. The "X" being the kicked player's player number. (Blue is 2, Teal is 3, etc.)
-zombieinfo get in-game information on the Special Zombies.
-win Win the game. Only works after you beat the last wave!

The Marines can build structures, most of which can be upgraded. Barricades are the most important structures; they keep the zombie hordes out of the base. You can build Barricades 1 at first. The barricades can be upgraded for free until Barricades 5. There are a few "Special Barricades" each having special abilities.
Special Barricades
Special Barricade: Spikes

The Spikes Barricade is a barricade made of very sharp steel spikes. If a melee enemy hits the barricades, the spikes will cut them, causing 20% of the enemies damage.
Special Barricade: Burning

The burning barricade is a large brazier with a deadly green flame burning on it. Any enemy unit that gets to close to it will be burnt for 2 damage every second.
Special Barricade: Frozen

The Frozen barricade will slow down any melee attacker that hits it.
Special Barricade: Forcefield

The Forcefield Barricade can generate a forcefield, making it invulnerable. The unfortunate thing is that the forcefield lasts for a short time only, and takes quite a while to recharge.
Special Barricade: Rock

The Rock Barricade is a large, hard boulder. Has a chance to block damage.
Turrets are structures that are weak in hp, but can attack. They are very important for taking out zombie hordes faster.
Special Turrets
Special Turret: Laser

A powerful, high-tech turret which fires lasers. Deals small damage but attacks very fast.
Special Turret: Rocket

A large defensive structure that launches rockets at enemy units. Deals AoE damage. Warning: This turret can damage walls.
Special Turret: Critical

A turret that fires at a medium rate. Doesn't deal much damage, but has a chance to deal critical damage.
Special Turret: Stun

A special turret shooting at a medium rate. Doesn't deal much damage, but has a chance to stun and deal bonus damage.
Special Turret: Tesla Coil

The Tesla Coil shoots slower than normal turrets, but it can shoot 2 zombies instead of 1. If there is only 1 zombie, the zombie will get shot twice.
The research center and item shop are also important structures, though not as vital as the barricades and turrets.

Things you can buy from the Item Shop
Adrenaline Shot

If used, the marine will get a temporary movement speed bonus.

Medical bandages used for treating wounds and injuries. Heals 30 hp.
Emergency Medical Kit

If the marine is knocked out (health reaches 0), the marine can revive him/herself with this emergency kit. (Works the same as an Ankh of Reincarnation.)
Virus Antidote

An antidote for the zombie virus. A Marine should use this if he/she is hit by a Contaminated Zombie.

Gives 1 Molotov to the person who purchases it.

Gives 1 Grenade to the person who purchases it.
Ammo Clip

Gives 1 Ammo Clip to the person who purchases it.
Larger Ammo Clip

Permanently increases the maximum number of bullets in one clip.

zombie, forest, survival, marines, ghost, undead, guns, dark

Zombie Forest Survival 2.5 (Map)

19:44, 3rd Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 3
Dec 3, 2009
seemed like a good concept, but the entire game seems very repetitive and hard of sight. also i felt nearly hopeless in the beginning and near the end the zombies just wouldn't die. I recommend starting easier and then getting harder, not just increasing the zombies health. Other than the sight and "undying zombies" it seems like a really good game. :thumbs_up:
Level 16
Jan 31, 2009
Use BB Codes to make your description more attractive; BB Codes found in my sig!
Terrain.. well lets just say its just plain and you could improve it alot more! You should add a difficulty system; Eg Easy Normal Hard. Gameplay is too repetitive and boring!!
Testing - review will come soon

Also wouldn't it be easier to just have it auto win then make a -win command?

K played it and this is quite obviously a rip off of Fortress Survival with some elements of Fortress Survival Outbreak (I believe that's what it's called) I had not seen one thing in this map I hadn't seen in any other survival. Okay, then the question comes did you execute anything significantly better then the other maps. The answer is no, nothing stood out at all.

I tested it alone, but all my allies units were still there even if they weren't playing - you can't expect to always have a full house, remove the other heroes if the player isn't there. This also leads to balancing - I was alone facing the horde meant to be taken on by 8 players - obviously I was seriously and utterly defeated quickly on the first wave. What if just 2 people want to play the map together?

Creativity: None to be found - 1/5
Gameplay: Okay I guess, it's not immensely fun but it's not terrible or unplayable, probably better with more people - 3/5
Terrain: Well you know how to use lighting, the terrains okay I guess, though it's far from amazing or good - 3/5
Coding: It was protected so I couldn't open it - testing in game it's okay I guess, sort of a whole meh thing like everything else, it's not the terrible "mah furst mapzorz" sort of affair - 3/5

Overall: 2.5/5

If you balanced it for the players I guess it's approvable, but seeing as it's an uncreative map that's been done better before there's not much of a reason for it to be approved.

Atm I'd vote rejection though

Also - atm there's only 4 places (well 8 if you can't the corners of the map) that are viable base areas - good survival games have tons of possible places to let the players choose which one they want to try.
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Level 3
Jun 23, 2009
Sheephunter said:
its very hard to solo, Id make some kind of "solo" mode, cuz it was waaay to many zombies.
Map meant to be played on multiplayer.
WherewolfTherewolf said:
Also wouldn't it be easier to just have it auto win then make a -win command?
Some people might want to talk and chat before leaving the game...
WherewolfTherewolf said:
Also - atm there's only 4 places (well 8 if you can't the corners of the map) that are viable base areas - good survival games have tons of possible places to let the players choose which one they want to try.
There used to be no bases and the people had to defend themselves by building a base out of barricades. This was too hard unfortunately, so I just placed 4 bases around the map.
WherewolfTherewolf said:
If you balanced it for the players I guess it's approvable
was thinking about doing that...
WherewolfTherewolf said:
this is quite obviously a rip off of Fortress Survival
Not really... It's similar, I must say, but this is more about zombies, the setting is in a forest, and there are 8 special zombies, not counting the Large, Boss and Ulti Zombies. Plus, cash is earned from kills, not from building a lumber mill/gold mine or whatever... Also, you can build only one turret, and upgrade that turret until it's level 6 then you can upgrade it to the special turrets instead of having to build a special turret and upgrade that.
WherewolfTherewolf said:
It was protected so I couldn't open it
I just protected it in a simple way. Happy that the protection works.

Is my description OK?
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Level 2
Aug 31, 2009
quite simple but quite good concept

room for improvement:
the map is to dark and the torch didn't give vision

the tower: you should make the tower more powerfull but more costfull
so the player just have to build few but more powerfull tower, ex:
lv1:10-10dmg, 600rng, 10g cost to lv 2
lv2: 20-20dmg, 625rng, 20g cost to lv 3
lv3: 30-30dmg, 650rng, 30g cost to lv 4
lv4: 40-40dmg, 675rng, 40g cost to lv 5
lv5: 50-50dmg, 700rng, 50g cost to special tower
the way you make the tower is very bad, its like i didn't upgrade my tower at all even when i already upgrade it to special tower, the wall is quite ok i think

for research center, maybe you can do it as simple as this:
- tower damage upgrade: 10 gold cost, add 5-5dmg to tower
(player can upgrade this unlimited times)
- tower range upgrade: 10 gold to add 50 range to tower (maybe 2 or 3 times)
- wall upgrade: 10 gold to add 2def and 100hp (unlimited times)
- the same with the marine upgrade: unlimited upgrade for dmg, maybe 5dmg for each upgrade

improve the special tower and special wall, so player feel big diffrent for each tower and wall

for the item shop, the way you do it, the player won't even bother to buy anything at the shop, if they do they will have no time to use it, they will be too busy repairing walls and towers

for extra work: add inventory slot to the tower and add 1 extra building that sell item for the tower, maybe you can add item like: auto repair, dmg+, atkspd+, hp+ & def+

i hope this can help and sorry for the bad english >.<
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
As a Reviewer of the Map Reviewers Group, I joined the THW Cleaning Event.
end up writing a fast review, or just posting the end state of the map, rating is not always included!

Current State for this map: Rejection

Additional Information:
Several Reviews point to this State.

I will contact the moderator to Approve/Reject the map, depending on what you recieved.
