• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


Background Story:
His sword is as flexible and light as a dance, and no matter how strong the armor is, it has been quietly broken: his action is as elegant and calm as poetry, and no matter how strong the enemy is, it will disappear between his fingers. Yes, Yurnero pursues perfection and the supreme realm of the unity of man and sword. It is his destiny to be the invincible sword saint. He can easily cut the thick armor. His sword is like a monk's dance. He can hit his opponent with a slight spread of his wrist. His actions are poetic and elegant. He has subdued his opponent with just a flick of his finger. Yes, yuernino pursues perfection and the supreme realm of the unity of man and sword. His destiny is to become the invincible sword saint.

“You have summoned Juggernaut.”

2021.10.29: 1.Mask replacement. 2.The skin color is changed from red to orange. 3.The sword behind raised the position. 4.Belt, bracelet and shoulder armor are added. 5.The rune sword behind has modified the appearance. 6. Fur is added to the neck. 7.Whirlwind has two swords. 8.Whirlwind's special effect is orange. 2022.3.29: 1.Completely remake the entire model. 2022.3.30: 1.Fixed the problem of abnormal arm. 2.Removed Portrait 'Portrait 1' and 'Stand -2'. 3.Rename "Stand cinematic" to "Stand - 3" 2023.9.29: 1.Add spell animation. 2.Fix the issue that team color glow fades during Stand-2 animation. 2024.1.25: 1.Add Healing Ward. 2.Optimize Spell.

Thank jab1z and Commedia and ONI for their help!


Yurnero (Model)

Yurnero_Portrait (Model)

Healing Ward (Model)

General Frank
A nice model edit of the blademaster. Very good details and variations on the skin and mesh, especially the mask is pretty well made. Works in-game. Good job.
The custom skin is totally unnecessary as it let lost in the mesh and material around the sword.
Also, please make the model more unique. Right now it is just a head-change and some glued on weapons. This is a bit too simple as of right now.
This is done according to my personal preference.I can't think of a better way to update this model.
The custom skin is totally unnecessary as it let lost in the mesh and material around the sword.
Also, please make the model more unique. Right now it is just a head-change and some glued on weapons. This is a bit too simple as of right now.
Hey, general frank. I updated it. Can you revise the evaluation again?
As of right now the model is not fit for even simple/useful yet. It is too unoptimized and does lack polish.

There are tons of warning ununused tracks. You need to fix these.

The model is not unique enough and is just a head-swap for now.
The mask is way too polygon-heavy and does not look good with other wc3 models.
You can probably also make this model without the use of poorly edited skins.

Please update this model if you have a proper update. I will restrict this if you just update it to bump it.
Love the artistic style of this new model 👍 And the textures also look 'smooth' and similar to native Warcraft which goes well with the other heroes that you have created in the DotA universe (Abaddon is my favorite) 🙂
Perhaps you might want to remove 'Portrait 1' sequence from Juggernaut.mdx and 'Stand - 2' from Juggernaut_portrait.mdx to make the model even cleaner.
There is also a small issue with the Dissipate animation where the model stretches and loses the sword due to the bones moving incorrectly:

You may also find that the sword has no team glow there and the ribbon emitter is visible, blast it! 😪
Last edited:
Love the artistic style of this new model 👍 And the textures also look 'smooth' and similar to native Warcraft which goes well with the other heroes that you have created in the DotA universe (Abaddon is my favorite) 🙂
Perhaps you might want to remove 'Portrait 1' sequence from Juggernaut.mdx and 'Stand - 2' from Juggernaut_portrait.mdx to make the model even cleaner.
There is also a small issue with the Dissipate animation where the model stretches and loses the sword due to the bones moving incorrectly:
View attachment 397300
You may also find that the sword has no team glow there and the ribbon emitter is visible, blast it! 😪
I've removed those two animations
And problems about dissipate are also fixed
Besides, I also rename "Stand cinematic" to "Stand - 3"