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Yeti/Lord of Caverns solo'd

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Level 3
Jun 23, 2015
Video becomes a bit messy at the end because of panic mode due to low mana. Still I somehow managed to do it.

For those who care, souls are Lady Nephthys (haste) and Reothren the Heretic (hp) as well as blue lvl 25 trinket and lvl 40 banner from Blackfire Deep. Two mana talens and lvl 50 mana replenish talent for sustaining long fight. Rest is exactly what you would expect.

So I had to pull every conceivable trick in the book to barely take him down. Barely possible but still possible.
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
Great job yet(i) again! :D very impressive. I love seeing other peoples meta game videos and am glad more people are trying things like this. I should dust off my druid and make some videos soon I think :D
Level 5
May 25, 2012
Sorcerers rekted, psions overated, bards outdated, hexblade obliterated, long have we waited, now we nercomancerated .........Kappa
Level 2
Jan 24, 2017
Very impressive. Be i have maybe noobish question, maybe. How do you kill magnataur elites in enterance? Frost cage duration, even + talent, is not enouth to hold one of them.
Level 3
Jun 23, 2015
Far from noobish, I'd say two elites are harder than Yeti himself. I died on elites couple times but never on Yeti.

It requres some fancy footwork but in short... Brown magnataur is more dangerous so you want to kill him first. Freeze white one, dps brown. Keep Combusting him outside your range so you can charge up your shield more. Make some agro on white one as freeze is wearing down. It's important because he won't be able to kill your merc with debris. Dispell stun and/or freeze from your mercenary whenever he's disabled. Use freeze on white whenever it's on cooldown. You can use dispell to get rid of his frost attack too. It's hard but you need to fireball whenever you can to keep your shield up. It's rather hard but you get used to it after few tries. And no, I didn't take freeze duration talent because 15 haste talent for Yeti battle is more important. You can use freeze and retalent to haste when you get to Yeti but I find it impractical.
Level 2
Jan 24, 2017
wow nice tactic and control. it funny that mobs harder than boss) i`ve seen a video where players just rush throught elites on mounts, but solo can`t do this - merc dying (
Level 2
Jan 24, 2017
and one more question. it is hard to chouse what talent better -cast time to firball or +detonation bones power? both talents seems pretty good
Level 2
Nov 22, 2016
-cast time to fireball is a clear winner because like 60-65% of necro DPS comes from fireball itself, so boosting it will make a big difference in both damage output and generating protective shield. Armor reduction talent for detonation bones is not impressive upgrade imo unless you play in a physically oriented team.
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