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*Images, Scripts, Texts and other material are not copyrighted by OffGraphic
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*Images, Scripts, Texts and other material are not copyrighted by OffGraphic
function applyDFXOnUnit takes string type, string visual, unit this, real duration returns nothing
function applyDFXOnUnit("fade", "bla/bla/bla.mdx", GetTriggerUnit(), 10.0)
integer array DFXUnitType
integer array DFXUnitA
integer array DFXUnitR
integer array DFXUnitG
integer array DFXUnitB
set DFXUnitType[0] = 'HFOO'
set DFXUnitA[0] = 255
set DFXUnitR[0] = 100
set DFXUnitG[0] = 25
set DFXUnitB[0] = 165
=====Made by Mckill2009
A simple dissipate system which dissipates your units just like heroes
library DissipateSystem uses T32
native UnitAlive takes unit u returns boolean
struct DissipateSystem
unit died
effect sfx
real constantheight
real height
real maxheight
real wait
real waitEx
static constant real maxHeight = 1000.
static constant real vanish = 10.
method periodic takes nothing returns nothing
if .maxheight > .height and not UnitAlive(.died) then
set .waitEx = .waitEx + T32_PERIOD
if .waitEx > .wait then
set .height = .height + vanish
call SetUnitFlyHeight(.died,.height,0)
if UnitAlive(.died) then
call UnitRemoveAbility(.died,'Arav')
call SetUnitFlyHeight(.died,.constantheight,0)
call DestroyEffect(.sfx)
set .died = null
call .destroy()
call .stopPeriodic()
implement T32x
static method applyDFXOnUnit takes unit died, string sfx, string attachment, real wait returns nothing
local thistype this
if not UnitAlive(died) and not IsUnitType(died,UNIT_TYPE_HERO) then
set this = allocate()
call UnitAddAbility(died,'Arav')
set .died = died
set .sfx = AddSpecialEffectTarget(sfx,died,attachment)
set .height = GetUnitFlyHeight(died)
set .constantheight = .height
set .maxheight = .height + maxHeight
set .wait = wait
set .waitEx = 0
call .startPeriodic()
debug call BJDebugMsg("This unit is alive or this unit is a hero!")
Original Post said:(note: jass, not vjass)
All basics of a Tower Defence map are already implemented in the map, that meansCodric said:dude you made another tower defense or you will make