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X Hero Siege D-Day v1.6a

----------BloodDrunk Presents----------


Created by BloodDrunk

Map Info:

Select your hero and fight your wave to the DevilDare, while defending your Headstructure (Skull Of Dread). Challenge yourself by doing various missions and fightning minibosses.


Game Modes (5)

Available Game Modes:
-ar ,-ap, -sh, -sm, -bg

Ap (All Pick) - Players gets to pick any hero from any tavern
Ar (All Random) - A random hero is given to every player
Sh (Same Hero) - Randomizes host's hero and players are given the same hero that the host controls
Sm (Spam Mode) - FOR FUN ONLY! Spells have no cooldown or manacost
Bg (Bonus Gold) - Players gain periodic income depending on game difficulty

Custom Cheats

Display available cheat codes by typing "-cheats"

Available Cheat Codes:

-um (Unobstructs your movement)
-om (Obstructs your movement)
-gold # (Adds input number gold to you)
-gems # (Adds input number gems to you)
-freeze gold (Freezes your current gold)
-freeze gems (Freezes your current gems)
-kill enemies (Kills all organic enemy units on the map)
-lvlup # (Sets the level of your hero to the input number (Max is 25))
-invurnerable (Makes your hero invurnerable)
-vurnerable (Makes your hero vurnerable)
-str # (Adds input number to your strength points)
-agi # (Adds input number to your agility points)
-int # (Adds input number to your intelligence points)
-ms # (Sets your hero's movespeed to the input number)

Music Commands

Available Music Commands:

(For this to work, you have to have the checkbox "Sound" ticked in options)

-music human1, 2, 3, X1
-music orc1, 2, 3, X1
-music nightelf1, 2, 3, X1
-music undead1, 2, 3, X1
-music other1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
-music special1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Weather Commands

Available Weather Commands:

-weather rain heavy, light
-weather snow heavy, light
-weather blizzard
-weather wind heavy, light
-weather moonlight

Ingame Commands

Available Ingame Commands:

-br1 (buyrune1)
-br2 (buyrune2)
-ms (movespeed)
-msa (movespeedall)
-ping (1-8)
-camera #
-sell gold #
-sell gems #
-give gold # #
-give gems # #
-name (your new name here)

Custom Resource Manipulation System

Trading Resources

You can activate the command by typing "-sell gold/gems ", followed by the amount of resource you'd want to sell.
The calculation for gems is: amount of sold gold divided by 200.
The calculation for gold is: amount of sold gems times 200.

Example 1: -sell gems 800 -> this will remove 800 gems from you and give you 800 * 200 = 160 000 gold.
Example 2: -sell gold 200 000 -> this will remove 200 000 gold from you and give you 200 000 / 200 = 1000 gems.

Giving Resources

Custom resource trading system used for trading goods between players.
You can give resources by typing "-give gold/gems ", followed by a player number (1-8), and then afterwards the amount of resource you're willing to give.

Example: -give gold 6 25000 -> This will give 25 000 gold to player 6
Note that you cannot send resources to yourself.

Screenshots and Videos:

Image Description: Taverns


Image Description: Special Event 3 Arena (Known as Farm Arena)

Image Description: Special Event 1 - 2 Arena

Image Description: Path To The DevilDare

Image Description: Miniboss Arena

Image Description: Lightning Monster Arena

Image Description: Killer AssPain Arena

Image Description: Demon Magma Arena

Image Description: Frost Wyvern Arena

Image Description: Entire Map View

Image Description: DevilDare Battle Arena

Image Description: Game Lobby


Image Description: Loading Screen

Image Description: Game Difficulty Dialog

Image Description: Hero Selection

Image Description: Fightning Creeps

Image Description: Suprise Circle

Image Description:Missions Dialog

Image Description: Mission Tome +100

Image Description: Lightning Monster

Image Description: Demon Magma

Image Description: Frost Wyvern

Image Description: Killer AssPain

Image Description: Final Wave

Image Description: First Miniboss

Image Description: Second Miniboss

Image Description: Third Miniboss

Image Description: Fourth Miniboss

Image Description: Path To The DevilDare

Image Description: DevilDare Battle Arena

Coming Soon


Released v1.3:
  • Initial Release
  • Beta Phase

Released v1.3a:
  • Vulture is no longer capable of purchasing Power Up items (caused fatal error)
  • Fixed Hero attacks not dealing damage to small armours
  • Added note message upon activating custom cheat(s)

Released v1.3b:
  • Reworked "-cheats" command to display available commands only (full explanation in Map Info (F9)
  • Added custom music to game waiting room (lobby)

Released v1.3c:
  • Other players' heroes' inventory is now visible to you
  • Your hero now gains 100% experience from enemy kills
  • Reworked creep spawn interval from (Easy->35 sec, Normal->30 sec, Hard->25 sec, Extreme->20 sec) to (Easy->28 sec, Normal->24 sec, Hard->20 sec, Extreme->16 sec)

Released v1.3d:
  • Reworked Special Event Countdown Time: From (Easy->750 sec, Normal->700 sec, Hard->650 sec, Extreme->600 Sec) to (Easy->600 sec, Normal->550 sec, Hard->500 sec, Extreme->450 sec)
  • Escaping from monsters now resumes Special Event Timer
  • Players that died in Special Event can no longer enter Mission Circle; they have to wait for the event to finish
  • Mission Circle no longer bugs up if player that is doing the mission leaves

Released v1.4:
  • Lots of polishing
  • Added new command: "-home"
  • Bosses will now use Avatar when you engage them
  • Added ultimate ability "Earthquake" to The Scorpio
  • Added ultimate ability "Flamethrower" to Lava Spawn
  • Changed Leaderboard into Multiboard and added Quick Open (F2)
  • You can no longer attack Skull Of Dread if its HP is below 50%
  • Fixed an issue which caused Life Steal item to not give lifesteal
  • All units that are not participating in an Events will now be paused
  • Entering Suprise Circle 2 or more times in a row in multiplayer is no longer allowed
  • Fixed an issue that caused Skull Of Dread to become Vurnerable after Special Event even if there were still Demon Towers
  • Fixed rare issue which caused all players' heroes except Blue player's hero to stay stuck after Special Event 3 execution

Released v1.4a:
  • Removed "-home" command due to unwanted bugs occuring
  • First part of Final Wave is no longer hold back due to unkilled enemy Revenants from Special Event 3

Released v1.4b:
  • Couple of bugfixed

Released v1.4d:
  • Lava Spawn's "Flaming Slice" has been reworked
  • Fixed an issue with "Mega Blast" ability not working as intended
  • Removed player defeat upon dying from bosses. Now you will normally respawn
  • Fixed an issue where the game would lag heavily while farming in Special Event 3
  • Fixed an issue where a hero couldn't summon illusions while carrying an item "Gliden"
  • Fixed an issue where you weren't able to repick a hero in "All Pick" mode due to a conflict with QuickOpen unit
  • counting as a playable unit
  • And some other small changes

Released v1.5:
  • Reworked Suprise Circle
  • Reworked Skull Of Dread's ability Restore: Now it can only be used when its HP is below 30%
  • Reworked Broodmother's "Feast" spell
  • Added new item in Skull Of Dread -> Keleen's Dagger
  • New terrain change
  • Fixed an issue where Dephlaxno would fail to respawn hero sometimes
  • Fixed an issue where Gliden wasn't providing your hero with spell damage immunity
  • Fixed an issue that allowed your courier to pick up powerups from the ground, initiating game crash
  • Fixed an issue where your hero wouldn't respawn after the Final Wave if it died without item that ensures respawn
  • And many other small fixes and changes

Released v1.6:

  • ============== Fixes ==============

    == Game ==
    Fixed tooltip typo's
    Fixed an issue where Z'har wasn't included in random choice in All Random mode
    Fixed rare issue that could cause Dragons to spawn in hard mode after final wave
    Fixed an issue where enemies wouldn't become upgraded over time in extreme mode

    == Items ==
    Dephlaxno now gives correct amount of armour (550)

    == Spells ==
    Fixed an issue with Illusionist's Replica ability: the illusion creation was colliding with Speed Run, increasing the Replica's limit by number of times Speed Run was used
    Fixed issue with spell Consumer, where the waves wouldn't be released after killing required number of enemies

    ============== Reworks ==============

    == Game ==
    Updated Map Info
    Redesigned Multiboard
    Lowered map loading time
    Lowered size of game font
    Minibosses no longer posses ankhs
    Lowered duration of Special Event and Next Wave timers
    Altered Bosses's Magic Immunity's duration and cooldown
    Huge Creeps timer window is no longer visible
    Heroes will now respawn with full mana, instead of 0 mana
    Hero now needs to be atleast level 5 to attend mission Rune +100
    The minimap will now be pinged for all players when the suprise circle refreshes
    All items' cooldown is removed
    Changed Music ingame
    If host player does not write mode during hero cooldown, the mode will automatically be set to All Pick

    == Items ==
    Necklace of Well Being: it now gives 50 attribute points
    Storm Necklace: it now gives 100 attribute points
    Eoric Necklace: it now gives 200 attribute points
    Necklace of Light: it now gives 400 attribute points
    Stout Shield: it now gives 50 bonus armour
    Scuta: it now gives 100 bonus armour
    Buckler: it now gives 150 bonus armour
    Targeus: it now gives 200 bonus armour
    Doomsword: changed item components
    Morrowind: now adds 250 bonus armour
    Rondache: now adds 300 bonus armour
    Flamorn: now adds 350 bonus armour
    Gliden: now adds 800 bonus armour
    Dephlaxno: Now it requires "Morrowind" and Ankh as required components
    Necklace of Power: now it requires all 4 necklaces along with recipe and Life Steal. Now adds 750 attribute points
    Hand of Angel: now it gives 150 bonus armour
    Eoric Staff: now it gives 400 attribute points
    Vorpal: decreased gold cost to 400 000 and gem cost to 4000
    Ursa Warrior: Increased stock charges to 8 and replenish time to 15 seconds
    Infernal Warrior: decreased replenish time to 60 seconds

    == Spells ==
    Illusionist's Speed Run no longer creates an illusion upon cast
    Lightning Destroyer's Thunder Field now give 100 attributes per second and has 250/200 seconds cooldown
    Skull Of Dread's Restore can now only be activated when the building's HP is below 30%
    Vorpal's Engage now gives 15% chance to trigger the effect
    Vorpal's Meteor Strike now gives 15% chance to trigger the effect
    Vorpal's Incinerate now gives 15% chance to trigger the effect
    Naga Siren's Aqua Shield's damage has been increased according to its level
    Lightning Destroyer's Ball Of Lightning now has an AoE of 250
    BladeMaster's Blade Fury Aoe is increased from 300 to 350, as well as increased damage
    Lava Spawn's Strengthen reduces agility gain
    Shadow's Empower attribute percentage grow increased

    ============== Add-ons ==============
    == Game ==

    Added Item Restriction System: other players will no longer be able to use your items. THIS ONLY APPLIES TO COMPONENT ITEMS, meaning combined items are still shareable
    Added new command: -drop -> drop items at your hero's feet
    Added red screen filter on hero's death that will fade over 3 seconds
    Added Floating Text above players' heroes, displaying their player number

    == Items ==

    Glacier: adds effects on your hero's arms when carried and applies buff to your hero
    Sutrus: adds effects on your hero's arms when carried and applies buff to your hero
    Doomsword: adds effects on your hero's arms when carried and applies buff to your hero
    Unholy Shield: adds an effect and buff on your hero when this item is picked up
    Morrowind: adds an effect and buff on your hero when this item is picked up
    Rondache: adds buff on your hero when this item is picked up
    Flamorn: adds an effect and buff on your hero when this item is picked up
    Dephlaxno: adds an effect and buff on your hero when this item is picked up
    Hand Of Angel: adds effects on your hero's arms when carried and applies buff to your hero
    Eoric Staff: adds effects on your hero's arms when carried and applies buff to your hero

    == Spells ==


Released v1.6a:

  • Fixed an issue with auto setting game mode if it wasn't written in 10 seconds
    Fixed an isse where mission boss wouldn't be created due to the variable conflicts


Special Thanks:
The Hive Workshop Community for providing me with awesome components that made creation of this project possible

Author's notes:

For any questions realted to this project, contact me by my E-Mail: [email protected] or send me a VM or PM here.

Map is compressed and protected due to filesize and optimization.
You MAY ask me for unprotected version, but that does not guarantee I will give it away.

X Hero Siege D-Day, XHS D-Day, X Hero Siege, XHS, X Hero, X, XHSDDAY, XHS-DDay, Hero Defense, Hero Arena

X Hero Siege D-Day v1.6a (Map)

18:47, 14th May 2013 Orcnet: Hell_Master's & juno's review
Level 2
Jul 27, 2015
the map crashed, i was playing with 4 friends and after we destroyed all the towers, the map play the cinematic of the big bad heroes and we kill them, but after that the map don't do anything else, we tried to go through the circle in the upper right corner but nothing happened, i don't know if that was because a friend was doing missions for rune +300 because when he started the game close with a fatal error.

the map is really great, i don't like the position of ways
Level 18
May 11, 2012
Can you be more specific?
When exactly did the game crashed?

Imma take a look at the stucked part once again.

the map crashed, i was playing with 4 friends and after we destroyed all the towers, the map play the cinematic of the big bad heroes and we kill them, but after that the map don't do anything else, we tried to go through the circle in the upper right corner but nothing happened, i don't know if that was because a friend was doing missions for rune +300 because when he started the game close with a fatal error.

the map is really great, i don't like the position of ways

I did not encounter a "stuck". It all normally proceeded for me. You have had an enemy alive somewhere most likely.
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Level 3
Apr 2, 2015
Worst lag I've ever seen o_O

I THINK this map is fun, but I can't be sure because I'm having a major lag issue. The game lags after every special event. The lag isn't so bad after the first event, but after the second one the framerate drops tremendously and doesn't get better for a minute or so. After the third event, it lagged so bad and for so long that the game was completely unplayable and all my things died before it got better. It was moving at like 1 frame per 5 seconds, and was stuck that way for several minutes. The only reason I could wait that long was because I was keeping myself occupied with my phone.

I was playing on single player, All Pick mode, and didn't use any cheats. Latest version, 1.4a.
Level 18
May 11, 2012
I THINK this map is fun, but I can't be sure because I'm having a major lag issue. The game lags after every special event. The lag isn't so bad after the first event, but after the second one the framerate drops tremendously and doesn't get better for a minute or so. After the third event, it lagged so bad and for so long that the game was completely unplayable and all my things died before it got better. It was moving at like 1 frame per 5 seconds, and was stuck that way for several minutes. The only reason I could wait that long was because I was keeping myself occupied with my phone.

I was playing on single player, All Pick mode, and didn't use any cheats. Latest version, 1.4a.

Yeah, I am very aware of that lag part after SE. Happens to me aswell. But I'm still today trying to find out why the hell is it lagging. I simply cannot find the mistakes I did, everything seems ok in coding part.
Any other problems you stood upon?

EDIT: What mode and difficulty were you playing on?
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Level 3
Apr 2, 2015
Yeah, I am very aware of that lag part after SE. Happens to me aswell. But I'm still today trying to find out why the hell is it lagging. I simply cannot find the mistakes I did, everything seems ok in coding part.
Any other problems you stood upon?

EDIT: What mode and difficulty were you playing on?

Single player mode, All Pick, and Normal difficulty, didn't use any cheats.

I'd like to have more feedback for you but the lag really puts me off playing more since it means I have no chance of getting further than the third special event.

I have absolutely no idea what goes on behind the scenes of your map, but I'll throw out a guess: usually lag is cause by too many of something. Too many things on the map, too many effects, and ESPECIALLY too many things appearing/disappearing at the same time. It's possible that after every Special Event, you've made the game remove too many things, or replace too many things (or both).

When I say "things" I'm not necessarily talking about units and objects. It could be a bunch of triggers turning on/off that causes the lag.

As for the fact that the lag gets progressively worse every time, maybe each Special Event leaves something behind and you forgot to get rid of it? Maybe some of the code "spills over" after each event. For example, the game freezes everything not related to the Special Event and then unfreezes them once the event is over. It's possible you accidentally have it unfreeze everything multiple times, corresponding to how many Special Events there have been.

I must emphasise that I could just be talking out of my ass here. Still, I wanted to put these guesses out there just in case I'm actually onto something. Anyway, good luck with the fixing, and I hope to play this map more when this issue is resolved.
Level 18
May 11, 2012
Single player mode, All Pick, and Normal difficulty, didn't use any cheats.

I'd like to have more feedback for you but the lag really puts me off playing more since it means I have no chance of getting further than the third special event.

I have absolutely no idea what goes on behind the scenes of your map, but I'll throw out a guess: usually lag is cause by too many of something. Too many things on the map, too many effects, and ESPECIALLY too many things appearing/disappearing at the same time. It's possible that after every Special Event, you've made the game remove too many things, or replace too many things (or both).

When I say "things" I'm not necessarily talking about units and objects. It could be a bunch of triggers turning on/off that causes the lag.

As for the fact that the lag gets progressively worse every time, maybe each Special Event leaves something behind and you forgot to get rid of it? Maybe some of the code "spills over" after each event. For example, the game freezes everything not related to the Special Event and then unfreezes them once the event is over. It's possible you accidentally have it unfreeze everything multiple times, corresponding to how many Special Events there have been.

I must emphasise that I could just be talking out of my ass here. Still, I wanted to put these guesses out there just in case I'm actually onto something. Anyway, good luck with the fixing, and I hope to play this map more when this issue is resolved.

This feedback helps me very much, as now I have more clues onto what to search and look out for.
I will take time, and do close inspection for those changes, and whatnot you mentioned. Very appreciated. :)
Level 1
Feb 2, 2015
Hello BloodDrunk. As I was playing your map with my friends, I found some bugs. When Illusionist and Abystic Flamelord buy the immune spell item, they both can't create Illusion. Pls can you look at it?
Level 6
Jun 1, 2014
Thanks for the 5 stars, I really put alot of time and effort into it. Too bad I lost the will to keep working on it. Nowadays I'm just focusing on my life, and temporarily abandoned wc3 modding.
Maybe I'll return to this in soon time.

Dude, i know what you mean, i myself made few maps (not bad ones) and now i am currently doing my last, and best (i hope). It's not gonna be something great, i have real life stuff after all, so i never became any good, but.. i am making this map for weeks :D . Not going to do this to myself again.
Level 2
Jan 24, 2011
Very fun version. Some heroes are definitely far, far stronger than others, at all stages in the game(RIP Int) but regardless I really enjoyed my playthrough. My only complaint is that some upgrades are technically downgrades, as they remove the crit modifier from the previous tier, and the on hit effect they provide doesn't make up for it