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X Hero Siege 3.12

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

X Hero Siege 3.12 (Map)

Level 2
Nov 24, 2004
sorry its been a while since i play x siege should i say wc3.. kinda stuck with PES4 and FM2005 but yesterday decided to have a 2 person LAN on xsiege 3.07 ...wow the xtreme mode was so fun with 2 hero mode... sogat u are the best... superb idea...

me going marine and MK + my fren warden + bm .. i am 100% we are unstoppable but the game ended with unit stuck and accumulate and lag to death... well it maybe our fault that we kill not fast enough but i also have a thought that those skeleton summon from orb of darkness could be the causes to those creep stuck... guess i will have to try another game without using the orb or kill a lot faster....

lastly thx sogat for the map hehe
Level 1
Jan 17, 2005
about this game, in my opinion, those heros with critcal strike are master hero, they can kill bosses or special units(in special event) easily by boot up their ATK damage(critical strike). For those who dont have critical strike will have a very hard time to kill boss or special units.(like spirit beast/infernal/so on). i really think that all heros should have critical strike.
and 1 more thing about the blademaster's wardrum, in the tool tips it said lvl3 +150% damage, and lvl4 +200%. this is not true, in fact, lvl3 only get 75% and lvl 4 100% damage.
Level 1
Jan 22, 2005
I love this map and gameplay, but I have to say that I think the Warden's ultimate/level 20/whatever it's called ability needs to be completely redone. It's borderline worthless, and she is in dire need of another attack rather than a confusingly-worded (makes the hero permanently invulernable? uh, no.) ability that sheeps a single mob for 8 seconds. I just don't see the use in that at all.

Or maybe I'm just going at this the completely wrong way. Somebody help me out here.
Level 1
Jan 15, 2005
I agree FooFoo. I beat the map with a mate yesterday with me using the warden. The level 20 power really isnt much use at all. I really only used it as a second silence power to try prolong the delay between invulnerable spells by most of the later bosses. The fact that sheeped mobs run away is a real drawback for melee characters like the warden.
Level 1
Jan 22, 2005
Most lvl 20 abilities were used as boss disruptors, so yeah, kinda lame huh? =P
I partially disagree. True, the abilities ARE mostly boss disruptors, but most of them also have far more utility value than the Warden's. For instance, the Blood Mage does a colossal-radius spell that does 2500 damage and stuns for something like 2-4 seconds. THAT is a good high-end ability, and works well against bosses and waves alike. Of course, the Warden is supposed to be a bit too much of the subtle type to cause blazing meteors to rain from the sky, but nonetheless...

As for the invis, I rather like it; it's a great help with the incredibly annoying invulnerable-casting bosses at night.

Edit: And while I'm posting... how in the hell are you supposed to defeat the gigantic Arthas boss at the end?
Level 1
Sep 10, 2004
Alright, here we go...

**Side note: All were found in Extreme Mode, mainly because I don't play anything but Extreme, so I don't know if the same is true for any other mode. And yes, I do have replays/screenshots of these events**

1)"Sporadic Teleportation Replacement"-Basically you lose all control(abilities and directional control) over your heroes and they start to switch out with each other at a high rate of speed teleporting you all over the map.(Obviously when using double heroes)
~~~Not quite sure, but I do have two guesses as to why this occurs: one involving the creation of a unit(s) occuring at the same time and place, or the second one involving the incompletion of one ability before switching to the other hero.

2)"Infinite Life Bug"-Exactly what it says. No matter what happens to you...physical damage, spell damage, it doesn't matter...you can't die. You can sit there in front of the last boss with 1/150,000 hitpoints and take his unmerciless beating all day and you won't die. The only way that I have found to end this is to use potions, heal yourself, or somebody else heals you which will then quickly put an end to your stroke of good luck.
~~~My guess is that this happens only once glitch #3 has occurred.

3)"Killing the Innocent Bystander"-Your hero that is "sitting out" is somehow killed off by the Ghost Boss's ability Stampede. Although your wearing the Shield of Invincibilty and you still have one hero that is alive and fighting a timer is set for your revival time, but even once the timer has expired your hero will not be resurrected...thereby fulfilling the requirements needed for glitch #2.
~~~Your guess is as good as mine on this one. I have no idea how that spell can reach across the entire map and pop off your hero that is sitting in "time-out."

4)Once the Lich has learned Frost Armor, even at higher levels like 3 or 4 it still says "The shield adds 7 to armor..." when I believe the increment should be 25,50,100,200.

5)The Archmage's life bug is still present, whereby she can suck away more life than she can even hold resulting in something that looks similar to this: For example....9450/2220

foofoo: In order to defeat "the gigantic Arthas boss at the end" you can use what is probably the most common method...picking any hero with Critical Strike and buying tomes to increase the overall stats therefore increasing the attack damage. If you were to also equip the Ring, Sword, Key of Three Moons, and/or the Shield of Invincibility you would mow down anything that stood in your path.

Or if you care to take the defensive approach then use a hero that reflects damage back to melee attackers, or get the Shield of Invincibility which will do the exact same(*plus other abilities) and just let him hack away at you all day long...heck, it's free damage that you didn't even have to do.

Or you can keep him "forever stunned" by trying to string together a series of stun combos with the other players trying to stretch each stun into the next one.(*can be fairly difficult)

One last thing regarding this...there are of course multiple different ways to beat him depending on which hero you. There is no right or wrong way to beat him, it's just a matter of preference. If something was unclear or you have questions then don't hesitate to ask.

Sorry for the lengthy post.
Level 1
Jan 25, 2006
Hi sogat! I have a fantastic suggestion for one of the spell of Crypt Lord, the detonate suicide of his bettles summoned, can you make it autocast by allowing automatic explosion because it is easily killed by higher level dark monster, I don't have time to manually detonate it.
Level 1
Jan 16, 2005
2)"Infinite Life Bug"-Exactly what it says. No matter what happens to you...

3)"Killing the Innocent Bystander"-Your hero that is "sitting out" is somehow killed off by the Ghost Boss's ability Stampede. Although your wearing the Shield of Invincibilty and you still have one hero that is alive and fighting a timer is set for your revival time, but even once the timer has expired your hero will not be resurrected...thereby fulfilling the requirements needed for glitch #2.
~~~Your guess is as good as mine on this one. I have no idea how that spell can reach across the entire map and pop off your hero that is sitting in "time-out."

These happened to me too
The first of them at the last Ghost boss.
The second happened in some Extremegame with dubbel heros at the first wave.The game was a bit laggy and i had Sorc and wanted to switch to my second hero Tauren.The sorc just had bout 500 hp as i clicked on F2. The Sorc died but i still got my Tauren.After the revive timer of 3 min my sorc still didnt revive.
So there is some bug with dubbel hero and death while switching.

Another thing happened in that game.
At the first special event someone changed his hero and didnt get the gold. Not sure bout this but could be a bug too since the hero leaves the area.
Level 1
Sep 10, 2004
Another thing happened in that game.
At the first special event someone changed his hero and didnt get the gold. Not sure bout this but could be a bug too since the hero leaves the area.

Yes, this also happens. When your playing with double heroes and you attempt to switch to your hero that was not originally teleported to the special event you will be sent back to the castle, goldless. This goes for both single and multiplayer. Sometimes in multiplayer it will take all the heroes if just one switches, but I've only seen this happen a few times.

I don't know if this is a bug or more of a preventive measure so there aren't multiple heroes using multiple abilities to ensure/cheap their way to 50,000 gold.

Edit: I have looked closer at this and found that everyone is not effected by this. Apparently if the host attempts to switch then yes, it will end for him, but the other players can seem to switch back and forth all they want.
Level 1
Jan 22, 2005
Well, I just beat the game (finally got 2 good pickup players in a game with my friend and me) and I have to eat my words about the Warden's level 20 ability being useless; it is quite helpful for bosses when combined with Silence. But still, I think she needs to be worked on. Perhaps replace her +attribute ability with a multi-attack spell or something. She was absolutely terrible at killing the second tier of waves unless she had the ring's auras on her.

Just my 2 cents.
Level 1
Feb 4, 2004
I find this map is too difficult in single player. Always when the "Dark Wave Attack comes" i loose lots of towers. The dark wave is too strong for a single hero at the beginning.
Level 2
Nov 24, 2004
i am gonna agree that warden lvl 20 skill kinda useless but he still owned hehe... just complete the map solo on Extreme Lvl 4 with Double Hero Mode hehe... which is very fun mode coz it keep u bz till the end... btw any place i can upload the replay ??

btw some ppl think playing one lane is easier than opening all the lane... but that is completely wrong... open all the lane is easier than one lane.. dont believe me ? try and see...
Level 3
Nov 24, 2004
Overall: god items are too powerful. god sword, ring of G_G, and properly named sheild of invincibility.
These items are not only completely imbalance, but also many of them dwarf the primary advantages of many heroes.

For example, the paladin has super high defense. Well with the shield, which nobody playing the paladin will ever get, you exceed the paladins survivability.

Perhaps you'd consider putting a higher level critical strike on an item as well that makes a blademaster blush? How about a talisman of 50% evade to make demonhunter TT? Nah, didnt think so. Those are for the viable heroes only I guess. Cause those are the only scaling abilities that are worth a damn. :p

Final darkness gates aren't balanced for most hero abilities. Like i've said already, crit strike + doppleganger and a mess load of tomes and god items are the only things that are balanced vs them. Everyone else is politely asking for for their spare change. Not that it matters cause they wont be of any help whatsoever for the post-final wave enemies.

I'm pretty sure i've said it already, but I'll say it again. You need to find a sweet spot in difficulty to stop at. No game is ever won without a certain hero with certain items. That you balance the difficulty to that one hero with those particular items... /yawn

I write this candidly because quite frankly i'm growing bored of trying out different heroes when I know they are gonna be useless. Pull it together so I can get excited when I see herosiege4.0 spam in custom game.
Level 1
Jan 22, 2005
Even with a mega-crit item in the game, it still wouldn't match the Blademaster; not only does he crit like a fiend, but so do his 5 mirror images. And no one hero can match 6 (let alone 6 BMs).
Level 2
Nov 21, 2004
Actually I almost always play with paladin as he is necessary for castle survival in extreme mode with noob players. And I always get the shield and all other quest/special items when that is the case. It is very easy for paladin to get the shield if he has the ring , by using only is wisp.

I agree however that it impossible to finish the game with certain hero compinations, in partical with 3 players left.
Level 1
Feb 4, 2005
Ah good to see that it wasn't just my hosting and that extreme mode causes major lag. So the only way to avoid this is to kill a lot of units?
Level 3
Nov 24, 2004
Also the paladin being invunerable for 45 seconds every minute while he self heals himself to full is fucking rediculous.
Hey look how far we got! Oh shit no warden quit now... Look give him 50% evade, but take that annoying ass shield spell off of him.
And I dont know what spell the paladin has that makes his attacks ignore armor, but it makes him almost impossible, even with blademaster and all the items.
6 gods vs the paladin and whatever spell it is that the paladin uses to instantly kill everyone he hits, its just dumb. Remove it.

And make the blademaster images not do damage.
Give blademaster images like 10k armor and 75% evade but turning him into 6 heroes is totally overpowered.
You DO realize that his endlessly spammable mirror image is WAAAAY more powerful than his lvl 20 super right???

Supplement his power by taking away useless windwalk and replace with endurance aura, make his command aura stronger, and majorly reduce cooldown on bladestorm.

And also spiked carapace is laughable. 4%... oh my thats worth it. This ability proves that you have tested out your map. You toned it down to the point where its unnoticable. Probly cause the palladin ownz himself on carapace?? (LOL if it weren't so true)

Too much to comment on.
I'll check back in on verson 4.0 to see if anything has changed but im not playing the current build anymore.
Level 1
Feb 4, 2005
There are a few things you can do against Arthas besides silence such as Hex by the Shaman and that 5% hp per second thing that the Ice Lich has.

If the boss Paladin is just like the hero one then it is the cleaving damage that ignores armor. All you have to do to avoid this is just to attck him from the back if you are melee.
I do agree with you that the Blademaster is seemingly overpowered and many skills seem worthless.
P.S. Do you mean version 3.10 since that will be the next one comming out?
Level 4
Jan 4, 2004
The lvl 20 ability of blademaster got ubernerfed, re-introduce the cleave in it, or just replace it with something else, because his low speed of attack (that ulti of his) is worse in any scenario.

If you guys have some suggestions for new heroes (or replacement) it would be nice to put them here

And to dreamcastcher: you can own that arthas boss with any hero, as long as you got the god shield thing, just dont attack back, tank his damage solo (dont have anyone enter the room) , grinse and heal when he loses his hp from his own attacks, gg
Level 1
Feb 8, 2005

this map is very good!

But for 1 player... it's definitly too hard! For example the "mini" bosses...

This would be worth a fix :)
Level 1
Mar 7, 2005
sogat, whats the diff for 3.11?
suggestion: the arthas boss is abit hard imo, coz he heals everytime, its kind of frustrating.

question: does arthas heal when he is beside the health foundtain?
Level 1
Mar 7, 2005
i was red(host) and i typed "-kik nickname" but it didnt work? i also tried "-kick nickname" it doesnt work too... sogat can u fix this? becoz i need to get rid of spoilers sometimes
Level 2
Nov 24, 2004
i think is a fix to solve some issue cause by blizzard latest 1.18 patch... but still hope that sogat will come here and let us know the changes made... or maybe he written the changes in the map itself ... will check on it tonight... thx man
Level 2
Nov 24, 2004
bksianzz: dunno about the new version but for the past version arthas do heal at the fountain.. so if u wanna use the fountain make sure u stand at the very end of the fountain radius so the arthas dont get healed too...
Level 5
May 21, 2004
Just a small update, changes from 3.09:

1. fixed all known bugs in 3.09.
2. added again the command -buy tomes.
3. 2 new abilities, Holy Light for Arthas and a level 20 ability for Crypt Lord.
4. Removed bonus damage and bonus attack speed from "mirror images".
5. Removed the buged "Cleaving Attack" from all dark units (Final boss Arthas too).
Level 4
Jan 4, 2004
No offense but I have seen X hero siege 3.10 floating around and it did a better step to balance IMO then version 3.11. Would be a better thing to add new heroes and rework tier 2 etc.

-The nerf with mirrors was IMo bad because the problem was the critical strike, not the additional damage

-Although removing cleaving damage is nice, it makes the bosses way easier to defeat. Compensate the factor

The buy tomes command is nice but not really needed IMO. the only real function i could see is when you finished the special 2, which could be fixed though 9see other point)

- did you optimised the triggers from leaking (create unit at point and then removing it, saves ALOT of memmory and this might solve the problem with placing new units)

- increase the time between lvl 4 and the special. Add like 2 minutes extra so the players wont lag like hell to buy tomes when lvl 4 hits

-410kb is still big, try reducing size of the preview tga.

-the kick trigger wont work against special account names that uses color codes or symbols. Its better to base a kick system on playerslot instead of namecode, as that one cannot handle various cases

I wont be surprised if a version 3.12 pops up building forward on 3.10 with some of your changes implented. :(
Level 1
Mar 6, 2005
Ya cookie's right about that. But, instead of adding new heros now, y don't you IMPROVE the current heros, then work on new heros. That would be the best thing to do in my opinion. Also, you lag like a fag after the 2nd special event. Make a gap in between them. Try to add more secrets too, they make the map more replayable. If you can, i would love to see a sheep hero. Wouldn't that rule!!!??? LOL!
Level 1
Mar 7, 2005
MORE ITEMS!!! its getting bored just pumping stats as the items are not much of a use in later stage, the only items i buy is amulelt of the wild and the mask of death... maybe u can implement dota's style of item like having scrolls to combine items, tat would be cool
Level 3
Nov 24, 2004
Thats a good start.
Balanced BM so now you can tweak the difficulty of the darkness stuff.

One more thing that would be cool is buyable peasants for doing nothing but repairing the castle after it survives a wave of darkness.

Another thing that would go far is to make it where every player can fight for a god item at 2000 kills, and after a certain number of darkness kills for the sword, and where everybody can kill a frost infernal and all those other things.
Cause face it dude, your never gonna get this map to where each hero has an equal opportunity at those items.

I'd prefer more levels on those abilities that don't scale with tomes too. Do a test for yourself to see how high stats are by the time you get lvl 30. Calculate how powerful the spells/summons should be at that level for the abilities that do not scale with level.

Example: chain lightning and breath of fire are set values and do not scale with hero's power which need additional levels in order to be useful
Example: evasion and critical strike are percentages and do scale with hero's power
Example: divinity and hex are set values which do not require extra levels because their effectiveness remains the same throughout the game

You get the idea.
Level 1
Mar 7, 2005
pls sogat... do sumthing about arthas... i've played many times and most of the times our heros do not have useful spells against him and we are forced to quit coz everytime we wack him for about 1 cm of his life, he heals back... i have to say without certain heros, u certainly are not gonna kill arthas, some people may say: use the lightning sword, but alot of times tat guy who have lightning sword disconnects... and we have to "suck our thumbs"
Level 1
Apr 12, 2005
For those of you who experience lag, game slowdown, or crashing after new levels have started generating, run scan disk and disk defrag on you hard drive.

For those who have trouble with first 3 big waves, buy a set of furbogs, then use one for each wave. With War stomp, the waves are easy to kill. After wave three, you should have gotten to special area 1, so you should have enough lvls/upgrades to take out the rest of the waves yourself.

It is always possible to finish the game, as long as you don't destroy the second set of generators. Just stay there, kill, "-buy tomes", until you are ready to kill the bosses. (one player is a bit difficult though, with 150,000dmg total you can kill Arthus, but the ghost takes me over 300,000 with the huntress).

The Huntress has moon glave attack(hits five targets with each attack), and . She can easily pass the Blade Master in number of kills, if she has two or more alieys open, as her abilitys kill 16 units when maxed plus she can hit five targets at once with her regular attack, plus she has moon strike which will kill all the special waves in one attack, plus neuralisandlawtilcsitwqncmvilengte (think of a long enough name Sogat?:p) which is good against heroes as it stops most of their natural health regen (5000 Dmg/Sec) and prevents them from casting spells (little longer duration please???). Only draw back is she needs a way to focus all that power on one target like the shadow Hunters Wards or the BladMasters Dup-Image ability
Level 1
Mar 7, 2005
when i type "-buy tomes" during 2nd special event nothing happens

hey sogat.. it has been some times since 3.11 is released.. are u working on 3.12 or 4.0? hope to see better and improved x hero siege coz this is my favourite map, even better than dota IMO
Level 1
Apr 12, 2005
bksianzz, read the general info in the quest menu. It indicates that the -buy tomes command does not work during the special events.:(

As for updates, I don’t think another one is due till June. That is if he is still following that schedule.
Level 1
Jun 29, 2005
I can't wait to play the v3.12!!!!Is it going to be released by Sogat today?In fact,there are lots of fans of the map in China...We'are all expecting the new blood!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Level 1
Jun 29, 2005
Sogat```when will U release the new version?Or you had uploaded it to other website???Didn't u promise?My friends are all asking me to show the new version.............. :p DO NOT LET US DOWN!!
Level 1
Jul 26, 2005
This map is great. But all I want to say is that some heros are still not balanced. For instance, Archmage is too weak and Blademaster is too strong. Overall, this map rock. Wait ago Sogat.
Level 1
Sep 2, 2006
When i play as one player. becuase i kill all the darkness waves myself, the special event for receiving the lightning sword comes way too early... and it makes it very difficult to beat it? any tips

Also how does one suceed in the run like hell arena when playing by themselves? Do you have to have bought the shield that allows you to go ethrel? I have only managed to do it with the warlock and his fully upgraded giant ticks...
Level 1
Nov 29, 2006
There's a bug in double hero mode. When you tab F1 and F2 quickly for 3 times, your hero get stuck. The more you tab the lagger your game become, and finally Warcraft III will become "not responding"

Fix this pls. I hope Sogat is still editing this map lol.
Level 1
Mar 25, 2006
Hi Sogat, if you're still alive. Please make 3.13 or whatever it will be called. Or at the very least unprotect your map. Thank you!

To those who say 1P is too hard:

Open another way by typing "-open way", run left and sell your TPs, buy 45 HP potions and 15 mana potions. Then kill as much as you can using AoE spell after AoE spell. This way you can kill the first wave of darkness as a level 5 character, and hit 20 halfway through the 2nd minigame. Once you get the lightning sword, you'll be indestructable and all you'll need to do is stand there and watch the money roll in. (Remember, you NEED Mauradin for the final wave of darkness just before the Pit lord bnattle!)

I do this with the warden all the time. 750 AoE damage per 8 secs + 100 in all stats for the first wave of darkness FTW!

EDIT: Ajames, another way to do it is when you have two ways to yourself as a warden, you can have a vengance with you, signifigantly increasing your chance to survive.