chitchat: Changes in v3.04 from v3.0.
1. All bugs listed here or sended to the support e-mail that i can fix are fixed in this version.
2. Added dialogs for game options at begin of game.
3. Added level selecor for extreme mode (level 1 to 4).
4. Automatic closing of ways for extreme mode.
5. Modified the abilities of the most heroes.
6. Added some secrets.
7. The stats of all units and heroes are modified to prevent disconnect problem.
8. Many detail changes, can't remember
(no documentation, hehe).
OsamaBinLaden: known problem. I hope it is fixed in v3.04.
BladeKiller: Stille ist gegen die Bosse gedacht. Ist auch sehr hilfreich in den Special Events.
One attack kill comes from Cleaving Attack Bug (since WC3TFT patch 1.17). Nearby units of a attecked unit are killed with one attack (but not the attacked unit). Sorry, I can't fix it at the moment.