This map is based of dota, A few items also base of dota , some item fused are different. They are created by me to aid in hero killing.
Firstly, you choose a hero from the tarverns then go on buying good items.
Over here u kill heroes to get more gold and farm neutral creeps too. Hero level is very important. Most heroes are made by me and their abilities do great combination! So You guys got to try!
The denyinformation system is much cooler than dota! When u deny a unit, a big exclaimation mark will be played above the unit and it is very visible to all players.
Unlike dota, they changed the lumber and food cost to time in game. I changed it to creep kills and deny as i think it will be more important for professionnals to play.
I really like some comments from you publics so please download and try it out ! If you like dota, you are gona love this :]