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It's a little WoW Archer i made, the Windrunner's Wow charecter inspiered me.
She's nothing special, just looks WoWish.
path: Textures/Ranger.blp
C&C are welcome

Archer, Ranger, Shooter of arrows

WoWArcher (Texture)

THE_END: Great skin here, absolutely awesome
Level 11
Nov 9, 2004
hey reaper that looks nice.its me mr.staby from wc3campaigns.theres not much you can do to change the clothe of the archer but you made the top look realy nice,even though blizzard makes it so hard to change the archer.
and yes its freehand homie,except for the ear wich i think is recolor
Level 7
Mar 24, 2004
hehe, thanks. And yap, it sure is a freehand. But one thing isn't, the moon on her leg...
and nope, the ear isn't recolor, i'm just not a master of recoloring and couldent recolor it :oops: so i did it like this:
First slightly painted it pink, and then with another layer did the shading, and the third layed was all pink, so there you have it :)
anymore cmments?
Level 4
Mar 6, 2005

nice skin, u got the freehand touch, thats good

but why all that trouble only for a "ear"?!

keep it up anyway :)
Level 2
Mar 26, 2005
The skin is really good, one of my fav. Looks like something out of WoW and I hope you create more WoW skins.

My only problem is that I imported the skin onto Textures\Ranger.blp and then onto units\creeps\HighElfArcher\HighElfArcher.blp but either way the string of the bow doesn't show up...
Level 6
Feb 10, 2005
GRMPF! your file didn't even worked! I downloaded your skin and imported it! Then i uploaded the file with the path was: Textures/Ranger.blp. Then i saved the damned map and reopened it! NOTHING WAS CHANGED!! I looked at the archer model from the night elves, IT WASNT CHANGED AT ALL! Then i looked to the HIGH ELF ARCHER, THAT WASN'T CHANGED EITHER!! Explain!!! :wink: :D
Level 6
Feb 10, 2005
Look, what i did was this:

I downloaded your skin called: WoWArcher.blp

Then i opened World Editor and imported your skin, still: WoWArcher.blp

After i did that i searched for the path was: Textures\Ranger.blp

After i typed in the full path i saved the map and closed World Editor

Then i reopened World Editor and looked if there were any changes.

But i haven't dicovered ANY!

Now, tell me. Witch skin should have been changed?
Ore does the skin only change INGAME?

I tried to go to the object editor and paste
the path but when i did and i picked the unit from witch i changed the path they say:

Could not load file: Textures\Ranger.blp

So, then i asked you and you said to change this:''\'' into this:''/''

So i did but still nothing changed! Is your file corrupted ore something? Ore maybe you can tell me how YOU do it! :wink: :D
Level 2
Jun 4, 2004
OMGOSH i really like this... and i would like to use it, but it doesn't work i dunno the right path!

i have tried both of the ones posted and even some of my own, but they didnt work!

could someone import it and if it works copy and past the path tnx ^^
Level 5
Jan 23, 2006
Thank you very much for making this skin. But the only pitty thing is, that's with ALL rangers that the head is so fucking blocky. That blizzards mistake!

Well, sry to post again i just noticed this X_X

Maybe because you didn't set the Models to "High" and Texture to "High" otherwise, her face will still be blocky..When you change it you can see that she has a nose..!