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WoW Ripped Model Particle Emitter Attachment

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Level 9
Apr 22, 2020
Hello everyone, can anyone pls help me make a particle emitter for the anduin model. if you'all are wondering where and how the particle emitter should be placed, if you look the model in retera or magos model editor you can see that anduin's sword (Shalamayne) doesn't have the the glowing orb flame or whatever it's called in his sword. I tried to make one using the ripped WoW texture holy flame i have attached below, but i can't really find anduins right hand sword bone so i got confused. So that's why i need help from you guys, i just need someone to make me the particle emitter of anduins sword (Shalamayne) using the Texture i have attached below.


  • Anduin Wrynn Ripped.rar
    1.1 MB · Views: 28
  • VFX4x4HolyFlame.blp
    161.5 KB · Views: 32
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