Would This Type Of map work out???

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Level 8
Aug 21, 2009
Hey guys, thanks for checking this out... Im just wondering if this type of map would work out. Theres a demo of the map attacked to this forum, unprotected. Go have a peek and tell me what you think... Now im gonna explain the map:

I do not have a name yet... Hmm, however, the map is a racing map.. Dont be disappointed quite yet! First of all, you need to choose a car of choice.
So far there are 3 car types:
Car 1: Steam Engine - Highest acceleration of them all, "clocked" in at 10. Low top speed of 840

Car 2: Average joe - Basically your average car, Good acceleration, "clocked" in at 8. Medium top speed of 905

Car 3: Speedy Gunzalis - Lowest acceleration of them all, "clocked" at 7, however has a really high top speed of 950

NOTE: These 3 cars are for testing only.. If this map could work, i will be adding weapon systems and turn rates. So the steam engine would have a slow turn rate. I will be adding up to 10 cars to choose from.
NOTE 2: The top speed is represented by the units mana. The Higher Max Mana amount, the faster it can go. The amount of mana the unit currently has is the speed its going (very fast).

The cars are just basic cars, like in most boring maps, but i will be adding unique systems to make it interesting, for example, Cars will have different turn rates, and i will allow players to upgrade there cars with the winnings they won.

Here is the list of upgrades i have come up with, None of these have been made yet because i worry about the success of the map:
1 - Health, increases the health of your car allowing it to take more damage from enemy attacks and die less often
2 - health regen, nano bot technologie has created nano bots to slowly repair your car. The more nano's you buy, the faster it repairs
3 - top speed, increases the top speed of your car, allowing you to gain distance on your enemies while on straight roads
4 - Acceleration, very important aspect of the game, allowing you to quickly recover from driving on dirt or hitting a wall
5 - turning rate, allows you to turn quicker, a must have for those speed demons who love to go fast, but cant turn quick enough
6 - missile damage, increases the damage of missiles that you launch at your enemies
7 - missile regen, decreases the time it takes for your missiles to reload

Note: This section will be in another shop: Abilities you can buy:
A - Missile launch, equips your tank with missiles that you can launch at your enemies, hurting them and slightly slowing them down(some of the researches/upgrades above increase the potential of this ability
B - Evasion, One time upgrade, gives an 80% chance to dodge an attack, has a 5 second cooldown
C - more to come soon, cant think of them on the spot(will update later)

Thats not all. There will be traps that can damage, slow, or paralize your car! See all the traps in the hidden section below.
-If you run into some pineapple juice, your car slows down 30%
-Avoid the lava, it slows you down by 50% and damages you for 50 damage a second!
-Those Spike traps pop your tires, stopping you from moving at all for 2 seconds, but lets you keep going at the speed you were at when you hit them after the 2 seconds. (you loose almost no mana/speed from it, but are stopped still for a few seconds)
-O no! Not the lighning! It will disallow you from using any abilities you might have for 20 seconds! not to mention stopping your engine and disallowing you to accelerate for 5 seconds. (dont worry, your momentum will keep you moving forward, but your car will slowly slow down by 50 mana before it starts back up, and you can still turn)
-Oil Slick, this is in every racing game ever made! Can you guess what it does, it stops you from turning while your on it!

These things i mentioned are just some of the features that i will add.

-I have an engine sound trigger, making your engine higher pitched and louder when your going faster, and lower pitched when your not moving.
-There are the 3 cars mentioned above to choose from
-One Race track has been made, just a basic track... (terrible terrain) i will update it soon)
-3 people can play at once, racing each other.
-Music and cool sound effects added in the beginning and throughout the race to add interest when waiting for other players to pick (everyone has 35 seconds to choose a car) or to add "epicness" to the race
-Countdown to the start of the race (sorta required)
-Cool racetrack feel to it
-If you drive on dirt, and not the road, you slow down quite significantly. Running into walls is a bad idea! You loose almost all your speed(mana)

NOTE: The cars do not go slow... I dont use the conventional movement system of wc3 cause the limit to your speed is 522, and the point of this game is to go fast and have fun! Check the triggers to see how this works.:gg:

If my info i wrote interests you, try the map and let me know if you think this has got potential? Thanks :mwahaha:

: I know there are tonnes of leaks, and that will be thr FIRST thing i do to this map if a decide to continue with it. For example, moving the units leaks, the engine sound leaks, Lots of stuff leak. Amazingly, the map doesn't lagg yet!

EDIT: -Added different handling amounts to cars, making them turn differently
-terrain changes for first racetrack
-new map uploaded. Enjoy :)

Edit: Major changes to the map!
-Better terrain (still not perfect)
-New unit selection system
-Trap added (lava)
-New race track added
-More balancing
-leak free movement system (Yay!)
-new map uploaded, enjoy :) View attachment race v0.1.w3x
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Level 3
Dec 29, 2008
Hi, i just tested your map here... and personally. I LOVE IT! it greats, very unqiue, and very advanced. i am impressed. i like it alot, and would play it alot. but one thing i might say, would be, make more tracks. like, allow the players to vote for there track they want to race. it would make it alot more interesting and fun :) but i do think this type of map has ALOT of pottentional. i seen other races with horses, that are not this good. this is quite unique. i like it :)
Level 8
Aug 21, 2009
Hi, i just tested your map here... and personally. I LOVE IT! it greats, very unqiue, and very advanced. i am impressed. i like it alot, and would play it alot. but one thing i might say, would be, make more tracks. like, allow the players to vote for there track they want to race. it would make it alot more interesting and fun :) but i do think this type of map has ALOT of pottentional. i seen other races with horses, that are not this good. this is quite unique. i like it :)

Wow.. Thanks man, and that was a pretty quick post, i just finished editing my post to make it look better and Bam! There you are.. :xxd:

Anyways, thanks for the good comments and actually testing the map. I definitely be adding many racing maps to choose from, and sent racers from 1 to the next randomly chosen map. The main winner will be the player with the most gold win over the 6 races raced. (there will be 10 race tracks to add variety every game)

+ rep
Level 3
Dec 29, 2008
Wow.. Thanks man, and that was a pretty quick post, i just finished editing my post to make it look better and Bam! There you are.. :xxd:

Anyways, thanks for the good comments and actually testing the map. I definitely be adding many racing maps to choose from, and sent racers from 1 to the next randomly chosen map. The main winner will be the player with the most gold win over the 6 races raced. (there will be 10 race tracks to add variety every game)

+ rep

that's good. sounds like a plan. also, idk if this would even be possible, but allow a save trigger, and it would save a person's car. or, allow soemthing that allows players to create their own track, and save it and load it in another game? just an idea.. migt not even be possible. but also, as i did notice in playing the game, when i got over 750 mana, it started spamming my screen saying "your moving to fast" is that supposed to happen? also thanx for the rep :D

and just wondering.. would u mind checknig out my map http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/maze-demon-doom-172832/ and telling me what u think?
Level 31
May 3, 2008
from the way you describe it, it sounds a lot like azeroth races (whatever the names was). what feature you would add to make it differ than most of the racing map out there?

Amazingly, the map doesn't lagg yet!

it depends on your computer performance as well, most of the computer could withstand an heavy fps drop. but not all of it and it could be seen quite clearly especially when it was play via internet.
Level 8
Aug 21, 2009
from the way you describe it, it sounds a lot like azeroth races (whatever the names was). what feature you would add to make it differ than most of the racing map out there?

it depends on your computer performance as well, most of the computer could withstand an heavy fps drop. but not all of it and it could be seen quite clearly especially when it was play via internet.

hmmm.. I see what you mean, i will be removing all the leaks if i decide to continue to make the game even less laggy, but that was one of the worries i had about the success of this map.
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