World Of Warcraft - The Dark Portal, Project Recruitment
Hi there everyone, I am currently working on a map that I belive will have lots of potential and I am looking for
people who are interested in being a part of this project as it will take too long for me to complete on my own
and it will force me to give it up.
Below is the general idea in which I hope the map to work - Storyline
There will be five Factions The Alliance, The Horde, The Naga, The Undead Scourge and the Buring Legion. The Burning Legion will be the only Faction that can not be played by players.
The goal of this map is to eventually battle your way to the Dark Portal were you will ether Capture or Close it depending on which Faction you are, The Alliance, Horde and Naga's Main
Objective is to capture the Dark Portal while the Undead Scourge will strive to Close the Dark Portal perminatly. The Burning Legion initually have control of the Dark Portal and will
use it to summon demons to bolster their forces and to defend it. There will be a number of optional quests for each Faction and in some cases two factions can join forces to complete a
quest but once completed each Faction for themselves. E.G (The Alliance can join Forces with the Horde to Defeat the Undead Scourge and Lich King)
The Alliance and Horde contain all the races from World Of Warcraft even the Pandaren.
I would like help in my map as it will take ages if I was to do it all myself and I think that by having a few
people working on it will allow the map to be more of a success. If you are interested in helping with this map
and you're capable at excelling in one of the areas below please feel free to PM me with your skills and I will
send you the current map and Some descriptions on my intentions.
- Modeler: The game would be a lot cooler to play if units of the Pandaren were in it as well as heroes such
as Ragnaros, Kael'thas (Corrupted), Zul'jin, Supremus, King Ymiron, Sindragosa etc. If you know how to model
and can make models of units mentioned above then it would be a pleasure to have your skill....
- Al Editor: Custom Al's would be required to get each faction running smoothly and if you're good at this or enjoy
it then feel free to join in by PM'ing me.
- Trigger Editor: This is by far the most crucial and will require someone with a broad knowledge base on triggers
as they will get really complex for the map. If you know your way around triggers with your eyes closed and you're interested
then your input would be much appreciated as the game will not work with out this imput.
- Terrain Editor: I'm sure I have this one covered thoroughly as it's my speciality but it's always good to have other opinions to
make the map even better than it is, if you are keen then once again just PM me.
- Object Editor: I have already done most of the object editing and therefore would not need much more editing on it, how ever
if you're good at creating custom unique Abilities then your services would also be required as playing with the standard
Warcraft 3 Abilities gets boring. This is probably the second important thing to triggers....
- Lastly Sound Editor: New sounds will most likely be required and if you can do it then that will be beneficial to the maps success.
Credit will be split equally to everyone who is involved as it would be unfair to thank one person more when every small detail makes
the map work well. The Map is the biggest size the World Editor can do.
Screen Shots
Hi there everyone, I am currently working on a map that I belive will have lots of potential and I am looking for
people who are interested in being a part of this project as it will take too long for me to complete on my own
and it will force me to give it up.
Below is the general idea in which I hope the map to work - Storyline
There will be five Factions The Alliance, The Horde, The Naga, The Undead Scourge and the Buring Legion. The Burning Legion will be the only Faction that can not be played by players.
The goal of this map is to eventually battle your way to the Dark Portal were you will ether Capture or Close it depending on which Faction you are, The Alliance, Horde and Naga's Main
Objective is to capture the Dark Portal while the Undead Scourge will strive to Close the Dark Portal perminatly. The Burning Legion initually have control of the Dark Portal and will
use it to summon demons to bolster their forces and to defend it. There will be a number of optional quests for each Faction and in some cases two factions can join forces to complete a
quest but once completed each Faction for themselves. E.G (The Alliance can join Forces with the Horde to Defeat the Undead Scourge and Lich King)
The Alliance and Horde contain all the races from World Of Warcraft even the Pandaren.
I would like help in my map as it will take ages if I was to do it all myself and I think that by having a few
people working on it will allow the map to be more of a success. If you are interested in helping with this map
and you're capable at excelling in one of the areas below please feel free to PM me with your skills and I will
send you the current map and Some descriptions on my intentions.
- Modeler: The game would be a lot cooler to play if units of the Pandaren were in it as well as heroes such
as Ragnaros, Kael'thas (Corrupted), Zul'jin, Supremus, King Ymiron, Sindragosa etc. If you know how to model
and can make models of units mentioned above then it would be a pleasure to have your skill....
- Al Editor: Custom Al's would be required to get each faction running smoothly and if you're good at this or enjoy
it then feel free to join in by PM'ing me.
- Trigger Editor: This is by far the most crucial and will require someone with a broad knowledge base on triggers
as they will get really complex for the map. If you know your way around triggers with your eyes closed and you're interested
then your input would be much appreciated as the game will not work with out this imput.
- Terrain Editor: I'm sure I have this one covered thoroughly as it's my speciality but it's always good to have other opinions to
make the map even better than it is, if you are keen then once again just PM me.
- Object Editor: I have already done most of the object editing and therefore would not need much more editing on it, how ever
if you're good at creating custom unique Abilities then your services would also be required as playing with the standard
Warcraft 3 Abilities gets boring. This is probably the second important thing to triggers....
- Lastly Sound Editor: New sounds will most likely be required and if you can do it then that will be beneficial to the maps success.
Credit will be split equally to everyone who is involved as it would be unfair to thank one person more when every small detail makes
the map work well. The Map is the biggest size the World Editor can do.
Screen Shots