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World of Warcraft Mods, Classics and Future

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Level 9
Jul 7, 2011
Hello everyone.

I'm here to open various discussions about World of Warcrafts mods, Classic versions and the future of the series.

I know that Blizzard does not authorize private servers and modify client files. But I think is an mistake does not allow this two for some motives.

Lose creativity for game. If Warcraft 3 was more successful the Custom Game than melee itself. I was imagining several cool mods that came out for WoW. I myself once saw an advertisement for a WoW without classes on Youtube, the player could combine skills from classes into a single character. Mods could give developers ideas for official WoW, in addition to creating a new artificial competition between official and these mods.
Blizzard could charge a fee to license these mods and private servers. Which I currently suspect loses a lot of money to these pirated servers.
Unfortunately none of that happened and WoW went downhill (bad updates and expansions) fast.

I also think Blizzard took too long to release classic versions. I was already unhappy with the Lich King expansion, and a lot of people were unhappy with Cataclysm and Pandaria.
A lot of people wanted to play the classic versions, but they couldn't. So some resorted to pirated servers.

I have my commends and criticism for classic versions. You only need to pay monthly fee which have good priced here in Brazil, I liked the improvement in graphics, nostalgic fun. Criticism: Bots causing problems in the Auction House, bots farming levels. Some bugged quests.

And the future? At some point Blizzard will have to stop releasing expansions if the game starts to give a loss or simply invest in another title, more profitable.
The WoW framework is not cheap.
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