World of Fantasy, chapter 4

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
World of Fantasy 4

It is an ORPG map.
You can choose one from many heroes inside the game.
Your objective is to defeat the main boss (you will find it when you defeat the all bosses)
But if you not want to finish the game and want it play as Open RPG, then it is Ok because there is no limit of time. :)

+ new custom item
+ new custom unit
+ new custom spell
+ new custom script
+ random enemy spawn each time the enemy unit dies (soon after)

- Blizzard (for the engine)
- MC ! for the custom model of Cleric
- All player for playing this map
- Achonx, Luck As, AndyCakep and Bona MGL AKA Bonaclink for testing my map until it is done now.
- Polanx and Blexi for assisting me when I bored
- with all the Moderators for allow me to upload my map here :)
- Everyone.

Original Created by me (de_Squall)


The Stories

After destroy the Barbarian Army, our Heroes continue their journey. They found a small town named Kalm and they staying at this town. After some times they finally find out that the only way to leaving this continent is laying inside Thanatos Castle.

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World of Fantasy

World of Fantasy, chapter 4 (Map)

16:41, 2nd May 2009 by bounty hunter2: Consider putting them under a campaign file, Rejected.




16:41, 2nd May 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Consider putting them under a campaign file, Rejected.
Level 1
Nov 8, 2008
Congrats dude
Your map is great.
I've seen your map in www,epicwar,com and your map at 6th rank for RPG style map.
I've download it and I play it in BNet, nice map

Would you create campaign map? I would love to play it. Thanks