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World Editor - Online [Idea/Requesting Idea]

Do you, Like or Dislike this program/thread idea?

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Level 11
Jan 25, 2009
Hello everyone on Hive =).
I've came up with an idea, it will maybe sound worthless to some of you guys but this idea is pretty nice i think. Well anyways, i'm not the one that is going to create it, i'm asking someone of you out there, to create a World Editor on the web. Like if i go to a site called WEOnline.com or something like that, i'm having a world editor there so i can modify maps, like upload my own map there and viseversa (download a created map made in the web world editor). That would be really nice i think.

So now i'm asking you peoples, Do you LIKE the idea, or do you DISLIKE?
I think also that the "program" or whatever to call it, could be downloaded as a HTML File, with that i mean that if you have a mean mum/dad that plugs out the internet cable cuz they don't want you to play anymore or what the heck the reason will be, you can still work with the editor Offline. How does that sounds?

Feel free to reply you'r thoughts about the program/thread =D
Level 3
Feb 5, 2010
yeah this sounds better, 1 person works on terrain, other makes units, third deals with triggers and so on. But can't really imagine how chaotic it would be. :))
Level 11
Jan 25, 2009
So, from here on, it looks like peoples likes it. But as i said, i can't create the HTML Program, so is there anyone here that are good on HTML or stuffs like that to create a HTML program like Warcraft III World Editor. This would be really great, like open it in a Web Browser where ever you are and start creating/modifying a map.
So, again i ask, Is there anyone that can create the HHTML Program for us?
Level 9
Jan 7, 2010
Won't there be some (only some) people that try to rig the game with rigged items and abilities? (I wanna know how this would be stopped)
Level 14
Mar 30, 2009
imho this would be EXTREMELY hard to make and it would have to be redone slightly each time a new patch comes out. also some people use addons or something like JNGP, so there would have to be several versions of it.

also if you travel between different computers, then you can just install w3 onto a flash drive and keep your maps there (without needing a huge amount of online HDD to keep everyones' maps). also this would keep the maps really safe - noone can hack it (well to say it simplifiedly).
Level 11
Jan 25, 2009
I see now the point about what you're saying, but i think still it's a really nice idea, but now you just inspired me with the flash drive thing u mentioned. I think i have a 2GB USB Drive, that would be enought memory i think.
But still, there might be some peoples that don't have a USB Memory, so then there would also be nice if there still would be a web page to access.
Well i don't think there will be... Ofc there's also peoples in the world that likes to do the life of another person pain in the ass but that's not a big deal, cuz i hopes, there will be a troustworthy one that are going to create the program, and when the prog is done, the Web Page will be famous i promise you, and that's why, only peoples that are dumb enought to try to find another Web Page with this kind of program, then the site May have been like the trustworthy one, but then a hacker messed that up and the user of that page is pretty dumb. Hopes you understand me, i'm swedish so my grammar isn't Super good. =P
Level 14
Mar 30, 2009
i did not vote dislike, because this isnt about liking, its about reeeaaaaalllllyyy hard work and i think neither of us is going to do it. why should anyone else spend half a year or more on this idea? but it might be done one day, maybe.
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
As awesome the idea sounds it is simply not worth the effort. Why create an online version when we could simply use a client which works fine? Who the heck would try to create a 3D HTML5 website just for convenience sake? Imagine the lag... The only reason why people would vote unlike is for the same arguments I provided above.

I support the idea but as I've stated above not gonna happen.
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
I suggest we only need a plugin that connects the editor to a specific MySQL database, and refresh data like an MMO. So if you want, you can connect to each other. Saving wouldn't change, just the WE would send datas to the internet instead of the memory. It would be a bit laggy if a mapper would like to paste a big groups of trees on the map, but otherwise it could be solved.
Level 7
Mar 24, 2008
Would be cool... Also if it would be possible for a website that keeps "Private" map database files for a certain user so a person can't "lose their map cuz of a virus" or something like that ^_^ I like this idea
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