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Working With Dummys

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Level 1
Mar 26, 2005
OK I'm sorry about asking this but I figured that it would be quicker just to ask and be done with it then flailing around on my own. I'm working on an earth themed hero and I want to make a starfall-like ability, yet instead of meteors, there would be the animation from Impale. I tried doing all i could, which was replacing art files and other such things, but that only caused it to malfunction further. AFter hangin around this site for a while I realized I needed dummy units in a set field/AoE. I was wondering if anybody could point me in the right direction. Thanks.
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
So you practically want the hero instead of casting stars to cast impales at every unit. Hmm, the problem is that the impale is a line spell and so, it would affect any unit it encounters, not the targeted unit. If you don't know how to make your own dummy unit and you don't know what dummy units are, I suggest you check the FAQ in the spells section.

Level 7
May 16, 2004
Well now I'll see if I can't be a bit more helpful than that. You want spikes to come out the ground around the caster, right? for that you could make it on the units by changing the art of the buff of starfall to looks like spikes. Or you could do create dummy units at Point with polar offset. And if even further you want them to fly up into the air then just make it add a skill like Metamorphasis that changes them to a flying unit, then change there flying height. PM me if you don't know what I'm talking about.
Level 1
Mar 26, 2005
Well I went with the second reply and I was able to edit the buff to show shhoting tendrils. Now my only problem is the blue and purple "moon beam" that appears when channeling starfall. I will post this and go tinker with it. To clear up the matter I want spikes to shoot out at any unit within area X around caster. I dont want multiple spikes, but rather just one long single one that appears in the end of the actual impale animation. This was easily cleared up by editing the buff.
Level 1
Mar 26, 2005
Yup, I found that out while tinkerin. My next and final question is about my hero's passive ability. I want it to be so that when a melee hero attacks him there is a percent chance that a spike ( same used in the first question above ) comes out of the ground and stuns the hero for a short duration. I was trying to trigger it using variables and chance to counters, but i ended up confusing myself. This would be somewhat like spiked carapce but I want stun instead of damage. This would only affect ground, melee units. I would probably be able to do it w/o triggers if I knew what base ability to work off of. Like the one above I will post this and then go tinker with it. I will repost if I figure it out in order to save you guys some time. Thanks 4 your help!
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Ok... Umm... You can create a dummy unit at the targeted unit and order it to attack storm bolt. But create the dummy unit at the position of targeted unit and give it the impale model instead the "none.mdl". The trigger should look like this:

Event - An Unit Is Attacked
Conditions - Level of (YourAbility) for Attacking Unit Greater Than 0
Actions - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of (Attacking Unit)) at Position of (Attacked Unit) facing 0.00
- Unit Add 1.50 seconds Expiration Timer to (Last Created Unit)
- Order (Last Created Unit) to Mountain King - Storm Bolt (Attacked Unit)

That's kinda all.

Level 7
May 16, 2004
Hmm for what it looks like don't make it the missile of impale you could instead use the buff type one that is a single spike and not a bunch. Also you might need to make the dummy flying, because for some reason even with no pathing size triggers will not create a unit where another is currently standing.
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