Wolfrider - Need Help

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Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
Hi. My texture ( http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/skins-552/wolfrider_armorv2-blp-193245/#post1889935 ) will be deleted by moderators if I won't improve it any time soon. The textures is for a map I'm making, but it still has to be good, does it not?

Could you please look at it and tell me what I can do to make it acceptable?
I'm not planning to edit the wolf - only the rider. And the rider is not supposed to have fangs, because it's human, so I didn't touch the fangs.

Please help me.
Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
I've freehanded the face and made metal highlights and shadows stronger.

Do I really have to redraw the wolf too? It looks like a lot of work, and I'm not very experienced at skinning at all.

If you still advise me to redraw the wolf, then I will.


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Level 7
Jun 8, 2010
I cant remember but I remember editing the alpha channel for Illidan years ago. I went to the alpha channel, then used Red and colored over his ears to make them invisible, rather than editing the model.

This is better so you can still use the ingame model.

I suggest you just put red over the alpha channel where the original wolf rider's teeth are. Hope this helps make your model better.
In some models, the unit has 2 layers of textures in a certain area (one layer is the texture itself, the other is team colour, or replaceable textures, you can see this in Magos). So, by alpha-ing out bits with team colour beneath, the certain bit of the first layer is rendered transparent, however, the team colour beneath is still visible.
Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
It's the part which is really not fully visible on portrait model, and is facing towards to ground, so it's darkened too much. The original blizzard raider had an almost as dark blob under his chin.

I've made it lighter and added some color variation to it just in case.
Is there anything else to do to make the skin get moderator's rating above 1?

Your shading is off. Way off, at least on its skin.

Can you please tell where it is off and how can I fix it? Is the texture acceptable now, with off shading?


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Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
Hi, here's the thread again: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/skins-552/wolfrider_armorv2-blp-193245/#post1889935

Now shiik says that the skin looks like "a whole lot of recolour and not so much change", and that it's "largely looking" like Object Editor tinting.

What can I do on the skin to "try to alter everything"? Edit the wolf? Did shiik mean that I haven't put enough effort into the wolf part?
Maybe I need to add armor to the wolf?
Is rider looking alright, or maybe I have to replace its leather bandit armor with something else, more detailed and altered from the original?

Please help, I want to get moderator's rating above 1.00 from shiik. It's a question of tendency to finish all things to the very end.
Level 17
Sep 25, 2004
To be fair, it's an hard model to reskin. But as you've been told, you haven't really done much so far. It seems that you're not even sure what to do with it, you are following the original skin far too much.

Let's start with the wolf. The fur looks absolutely the same, shading is the same, the armor is the same, you just recolored it. You seems inexperienced about texturing, so maybe changing the fur is too hard for now, but you could at least try to alter the armour a bit.

The weapon is also pretty much the same. It's a huge sword compared to the body, an orc might be able to handle it, but humans aren't as strong. You could make it smaller for a start (alpha channel), and more importantly, try to change the design and make something new.

Now, the man. Who is he? A barbarian, a ranger, a bandit? If it's the former have him use primitive clothing, like a pelt on his back and fur bracers, maybe add some tatoos or scars, but in general leave him scarcely dressed.
Is he a bandit? Heavy leather armour is probably the best option, just remove the metal plaques and google some pictures if you can't think of a design for it.

The face is a more complex issue, I will get back to it another time.
Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
The man is alliance-aligned. He's wearing mixed heavy-light armor. It's like a bandit leather jacket reinforced by metal plates fastened with belts.

I'll surely edit the weapon, will make it smaller and sharper, looking closer to footman's sword. Thanks very much for noting. I'll make the handle (that thing between the handle and the blade) simpler, more rectangular and grey, and I'll remove that blue goo from the sword. Also, maybe I will attempt to redraw the beginning part of the helmet horn, because I really don't like its look.

I'll try to completely redraw the fur, not following the original. But I can't just paint everything black and start drawing a wolf, because I won't be able to tell where mouth, eyes, leg, tail and everything else is.

Also, as GhostThruster said, my shading is off, but I do not know where exactly, because he didn't expatiate on details and didn't instruct me on how to fix the skin's lighting.

I will update this post in the next 24 hours with an attachment in TGA.

EDIT: I think I will also make his teeth smaller and greater in numbers. On both the teeth part and the bottom jaw one.

EDIT2: Here's that promised 24-hour update with an attachment. I've started redrawing wolf's fur, so it's just all brown for now.


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