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WMW The Next Generation 2.0

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: King Bushido
Test the map and tell me what you liked/disliked about it! Post your suggestions in my map development-thread

WMW TNG 2.0 will be the final version

About WMW The Next Generation
WMW TNG is based on Abu[Ser/Abuser[GER]'s WMW Reborn 9.6b. I balanced 11 races up to now and disabled the others (maybe they'll be back in the next version!). Also I tried to make the races themselves more unique e.g. by giving them special abilities.

Warcraft III The Frozen Throne

Map Type
Wintermaul Wars (a tower wars like map) with 2 teams fighting each other

2-6 in 2 teams

What you got to do
- You're either in the upper team(red,blue,teal = Force 1) or in the bottom team(purple, yellow, orange Force 2).
- Summon ground creeps at your Shrine (= Dark Portal) or flying creeps at your Air Nest to increase your income (= amount of gold/lumber you receive every 25 seconds) and to attack your opponents.
- Choose up to 2 builders and build towers to defend your lives against the enemy force's creeps.
- Creeps will walk from waypoint to waypoint (= places where lightning comes down the sky) so make sure you build your towers around them.
- You win if enemy force's lives (starting lives = 25) reach 0. You lose if yours do. Every creep passing all the waypoints and entering the ship causes your team to lose 1 life.

Update 07.10.09

Changelog WMW TNG 2.0::
- did some minor bug-fixing issues.
- Fixed a serious bug which caused creeps between waypoints of Player 1/Player 2, Player 3/Player 2, Player 4/Player 5, Player 6/Player 5 not to enter the ship. Bugabuse such as building a maze from mid-waypoint(Player 2 or 5) to right oder left waypoint (Players 1,3,4,6) causing the creeps to be sent back to mid-waypoint when returning from the out ones and therefore being caught in an endless loop is no longer possible.

Enjoy =)

See for a list of all changes

Archive (contains older versions of WMW TNG or even WMW Reborn 9.7)

Wintermaul, Wars, Wintermaulwars, WMW, Reborn, balance, skill, Tower Wars, Maul, TNG, The New Generation

WMW The Next Generation 2.0 (Map)

ap0: Rejected Leaks, not original at all. 15:23, 11th Jul 2009 PurplePoot: I guess that WMW can't really be considered to have any definite source. Reset to pending.




ap0: Rejected

Leaks, not original at all.

15:23, 11th Jul 2009
PurplePoot: I guess that WMW can't really be considered to have any definite source. Reset to pending.
Level 3
Apr 14, 2008
I really like the Map.
I'm hosting it every day on Battle.net if I can.
After the original version of this Map, it's pretty cool, though.
The Beam race could be better, since the lightning tower sucks at dmg.
Anyway, it should be approven.

You should do a Changelog on the Map..it would be helpful to know what has been changed & stuff.
Last edited:
Level 3
Feb 22, 2009


Here's a list of many things I changed. I have to admit that it's far from a changelog a professional would expect, but I started editing the map accidently and with no intention of hosting it anywhere. I posted the things I changed that I remember and - despite the value - the list of what I changed is quite complete.
Level 3
Apr 14, 2008
As long as I know what has been changed it's all good.
I'm hosting it everyday because it's a classic Game for me, it's funny.
Can't wait to download it. Keep doing the great work.
Level 3
Feb 22, 2009
Yeah I think that's possible.
Personally I would dislike it because I upgrade both shrines at Income 2000+
My personal experience is that your shrine is almost completely empty when you reach this Income-level. Maybe an auto-upgrade at 3000 Income would be okay, if your aim is that some players bother you with low level creeps in mid-game or so.
Please post your recommendations in the Map Development-Thread. Thanks
Level 3
Apr 14, 2008
Acid Bomb has a "bug": It destroys your towers if it's attacking..I was playing yesterday with a Friend and he was using warlock + bomb, after getting 1 lumber, he used it for the acid bomb and then creeps came, he attacked and the towers got damaged..
Level 3
Apr 14, 2008
It's not really a bug but kinda annoying: Everytime, if the last player leaves, the game wouldn't finished until the lives are at 0. Could you fix that?
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
wow... i wonder how many WMW it is out there. :S
I dont even know who the original creator is anymore :p
I was going to fix it myself about a year ago but i never did it becouse SOMEWHERE on the net, i know that there is an awesome version already. Used to play it with my bro. It was a very nice version and it wasnt even protected. :eek:
Level 3
Apr 14, 2008
Same for me, but I like this Version better then the old one :D
Nice balancing at the towers, good interface, it keeps updating, never gets old, best version I've played so far :)
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Same for me, but I like this Version better then the old one :D
Nice balancing at the towers, good interface, it keeps updating, never gets old, best version I've played so far :)

Then you havent played all versions.
This one is nice but it leak (i think). Cus my friend said that it lagged more and more the more we played and last time a game i hosted was.... i dont really remember.
And its pretty poor triggering :p
And some tooltips is totally messed up. The most units have color errors in the map (entire names turns into yellow cus you forget the r after |). Flying units is a little imba at the start.
You cant choose mode (one side only, no air, all random) and such things.
The problem is that i reinstalled my wc3 a while ago and cant find the version i used to play :[
Level 3
Apr 14, 2008
Yeah, haven't played all, still this one is the best for me.
Air is to "imba"? yeah right, it's the easiest thing and still people cry "no air plzzzzzz"
I've played it today and only the late game laggs (for me)
it starts when I send upper being.
Level 3
Feb 22, 2009
I've got an pretty average computer (Intel Core 2 Duo E6600, 4096MB DDR2-667, ATI RADEON HD3850X2) and I don't have any problems with lagging ever. So if you have a bad computer then lower your screen resolution and texture details. WC3-engine isn't made for games like this and in big mazes it really consumes a lot of ressources regarding the fact that it's almost 10 years old by now.

I didn't do any colour-things with the creeps. If there are errors they have been there before I edited the map and changing the tooltips is a time-consuming and boring work because for every tooltip you change you have to wait about 20 seconds or so until the computer finished editing. I rather use the time for making important changes than fixing such little bugs.

I don't even know what "one side mode" is... Also in my map development thread I posted I wouldn't make a "no air mode" because air is part of this map and it's rather easy to handle with, but im working on a voting system for other things.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Yeah, haven't played all, still this one is the best for me.
Air is to "imba"? yeah right, it's the easiest thing and still people cry "no air plzzzzzz"
I've played it today and only the late game laggs (for me)
it starts when I send upper being.
If all players in your team spam 10 air each without the other team is ready, its already game over. I won in less them 10 min using that tactic 3 times.

I've got an pretty average computer (Intel Core 2 Duo E6600, 4096MB DDR2-667, ATI RADEON HD3850X2) and I don't have any problems with lagging ever. So if you have a bad computer then lower your screen resolution and texture details. WC3-engine isn't made for games like this and in big mazes it really consumes a lot of ressources regarding the fact that it's almost 10 years old by now.

I didn't do any colour-things with the creeps. If there are errors they have been there before I edited the map and changing the tooltips is a time-consuming and boring work because for every tooltip you change you have to wait about 20 seconds or so until the computer finished editing. I rather use the time for making important changes than fixing such little bugs.

I don't even know what "one side mode" is... Also in my map development thread I posted I wouldn't make a "no air mode" because air is part of this map and it's rather easy to handle with, but im working on a voting system for other things.

Lag can appear even for people with really good computers. And this map isnt that big, i have seen bigger. But when you play maps that have leaks in the triggers, everyone will start lag the more you play. Also i noticed that everyone complained on lag but the host never lagged himself, that only happens when i play this map and it happens when my friend hosts too. Tryed in Garena and battle.net.

And when your the orc race your to strong at the start, specially when you choose random and get it. You can build an entire maze when everyone else only can buy like 3-5 towers. Maybe make them a little stronger and make them cost a few gold more (maybe 2g).
Level 4
Aug 9, 2008
For those of you that enjoyed this map you should go here and download THIS MAP. It is very similar but better (IMO). I dont have anything against this map or anything but just try it out.

Oh and after a quick play, I came up with this:
- Highlight the hotkey letters in your tower's names so players can use them :p
- Make a game message to notify players on all teams when a team leaks to the ship
Level 3
Feb 22, 2009
Thanks for the advice.

- Highlight the hotkey letters in your tower's names so players can use them :p

Updating tooltips is a thing I really dislike because it consumes lots of time(loading). That's why I haven't changed the tooltips yet(I bet you noticed most are incorrect), but as you can see on my to do list in the map delevopment-thread it's already on it and I'll update them when I have the time for it.

- Make a game message to notify players on all teams when a team leaks to the ship

Yeah I wanted something like that, too, but I thought a message for all teams might be confusing. I wanted to make the game play a sound if a unit no matter on which side enters the boat like it is in WMW Reborn 9.6b, but it doesn't work yet. Don't know why.
What I'm thinking about now might be a red message for the leaking team and a green message for the "attackers". This should prevent confusing the players I guess.

Btw. if you know how to make a proper trigger to play that sound I'd be grateful.
Level 3
Feb 22, 2009
I did that one, but it doesnt work :/

  • Team 1
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit enters Team 1 Ship <gen>
    • Conditions
      • (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown)
    • Actions
      • Sound - Play GnollDeath <gen>
      • Set team1lives = (team1lives - 1)
      • Unit - Explode (Triggering unit)
      • Game - Display to (All enemies of (Owner of (Triggering unit))) the text: (|cffFF0303 + ((Name of (Triggering unit)) + ( has boarded the ship |r + ((String(team1lives)) + |cffFF0303 lives left!!!|r))))
      • Trigger - Run Team 2 Win <gen> (checking conditions)
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
I did that one, but it doesnt work :/

  • Team 1
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit enters Team 1 Ship <gen>
    • Conditions
      • (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown)
    • Actions
      • Sound - Play GnollDeath <gen>
      • Set team1lives = (team1lives - 1)
      • Unit - Explode (Triggering unit)
      • Game - Display to (All enemies of (Owner of (Triggering unit))) the text: (|cffFF0303 + ((Name of (Triggering unit)) + ( has boarded the ship |r + ((String(team1lives)) + |cffFF0303 lives left!!!|r))))
      • Trigger - Run Team 2 Win <gen> (checking conditions)

What sound type did you set it to? Unit sound? Interface?
If you want it to work perfect choose Interface and disable loop.
Thats exactly what i took.
Level 4
Aug 9, 2008
That leaks, you should add an action (either with a wait or a few actions down) that then removes the sound. I may be wrong about this though...
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Ya, you should remove the sound after its done, otherwise the sound is still there, not doing anything. If you dont delete it, the sound will always exist but it wont play.
But if you delete it the sound will get removed.
I think thats how it work im not really sure about that though..
Level 3
Feb 22, 2009
  • Team 1
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit enters Team 1 Ship <gen>
    • Conditions
      • (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown)
    • Actions
      • Sound - Play AmmoDumpWhat1 <gen>
      • Set team1lives = (team1lives - 1)
      • Unit - Explode (Triggering unit)
      • Game - Display to (All enemies of (Owner of (Triggering unit))) the text: (|cffFF0303 + ((Name of (Triggering unit)) + ( has boarded the ship |r + ((String(team1lives)) + |cffFF0303 lives left!!!|r))))
      • Trigger - Run Team 2 Win <gen> (checking conditions)
      • Wait 3.00 seconds
      • Sound - Stop AmmoDumpWhat1 <gen> Immediately
Is this better then?
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
I dont know so much about leaks myself but i think that this is better:
  • Sound - Destroy AmmoDumpWhat1 <gen>
insted of
  • Sound - Stop AmmoDumpWhat1 <gen> Immediately
Also, i wouldnt use wait since if they leak another unit 2 1/2 sec later, that wont play until its finished, it will stop becouse of that action.

I would use a timer that is set to 3 everytime a unit leaks and when that timer is 0 the sound plays, that way it wont cause sounds to dissaper.
Have a condition so that the sound wont play if the same sound already is playing, otherwise it would sound awful if you hear about 10 of the same sound at the same time since they leak many units :p
Level 3
Feb 22, 2009
I tested it with destroy sound, but that means that the sound really is destroyed and it won't ever play again.
If there are two units entering the ship within a short time only one sound is played and not two. Means the trigger leaks, but prevents me from editing it ^^
Might be a noobish view, but as long as the map works I don't really care if the triggers are bad - just as long as they fulfill their duty.

Hmpf... I'm fed up with these map rejections and accusations of map theft... I explained it to another mod already and even showed him my permission...
Level 3
Feb 22, 2009
Lol... I don't know what to say about this...
I made the triggers with the help of a friend and I don't even know your map so how to steal from something you don't even know it exists? Saying it's a 100% copy of your map is funny. I didn't play your map, but I bet there are no races like in WMW TNG (which are mostly taken from WMW Reborn and guess what: I invented some towers/races on my own!). I based my map on WMW Reborn 9.6b and I've got the creator's permission to edit it.

Seeing how many WMWs are out there - even on this page - which you don't accuse of having stolen your content I'm proud of myself. I guess I changed a lot more about the version I based mine on than most of the other WMW publishers. Seems to me as if you see my ambition as a challenge for your map though my map hasn't got too many followers, but keeps being updated and worked on.

edit: By the way stop advertising for your map in my thread.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
wSk_Avatar, dont worry. It is Atrum-Amicus's first post, he is just one of those leakers that try to act cool and steal your attention by making a fail post.
He acts like he is the original creator of the map...
But you wSk actually have a screenshot.
Level 3
Feb 22, 2009
I'm not too sure about this... A mod rejected the map, too because he thinks I stole the map... I sent him the PM with the screenshot as I sent it to the first mod who rejected my map. Hope this will clear up everything...
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Why did you double post? There is an [Edit] button in the bottom right of your posts.
And what makes your map better if you say that its identical :O
And i wonder if it is allowed to post about other projects in the Replys. I dont know myself.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Even if you are the creator (if you now are) you should try to be nice, you come to a comunity, you have been a member for over a year, didnt make a single post and the first post you made is about claiming this guy to steal triggers and other things when he havent. You act like a child and i recommend you to leave wSk alone.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
I dont flame you becouse you have no posts. Its just that you came out from nowhere and tell him that he is stealing other people work & start flaming. Why couldent you act nice all from the beggining. AND do NOT post about other maps in the map replys. Go the the forum development or just upload your damn map yourself and post there.