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[WIP] Robot Ravager

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Level 9
Dec 4, 2007
Hey, today I started remaking my old orc ravager (have only done a little little bit in the face). it is from the demon orc ranged.

Tell me what you think I should do with the face. The body is not done and neither is the face, but I will try to complete the face before I start with the body.

And what can I do with the hair? Got any idea?


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Level 9
Dec 4, 2007
I am using GIMP and it does not work to alpha out the hair :p, it just dissapears in the portrait not in the model :/. (I know it is weird) If you know how to remove the hair please tell me because when I delete it, it still shows in the model, but not in the portrait.

Did some more stuffs in his face. :)

PS. Somebody know how to do his nose, or got any idea on how it should be?

And I was thinking of making the bottom part of hes face (below hes mask) not metal, so anybody have a idea of what race/ skinn colour I should use for him?

EDIT: I updated him one more time. But I still need a race / skin colour for the face.


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Level 16
Mar 8, 2009
well, i dont know what its supposed to be, but its cool atm. :)
Try to blendin more the colors, the shadows and the highlights.
I recomended to you to use Photoshop instead GIMP, it isnt free but there are more tuts for it. Try downloadin the demo version and then.... Send me a PM if you like it ;)
Level 9
Dec 4, 2007
I like what you did to the arms and stuff, and you should make his chin not metal.

I know the thing under the metal parts of the face is supposed to be some skin colour, but I have it as gray at the moment because I dont know what skin color I should put there.

well, i dont know what its supposed to be, but its cool atm. :)
Try to blendin more the colors, the shadows and the highlights.
I recomended to you to use Photoshop instead GIMP, it isnt free but there are more tuts for it. Try downloadin the demo version and then.... Send me a PM if you like it ;)

Yeh, photoshop is better but I cant afford it, and is the demo better than GIMP. And how long can I have the demo?
Alot of questions I know :p.
Level 9
Dec 4, 2007
Gracias Xezko, tu eres muy amable.

Pero...textures es muy difícil.


Sorry for the spanish. But this is kinda personal and dont want other people to understand it.
Level 16
Mar 8, 2009
Sabelion said:
Gracias Xezko, tu eres muy amable.

Pero...textures es muy difícil.
no hay problema!
Yo estoy aquí para cuando tú me necesites! :)

Ps: textures in spanish is Texturas. (noun) and texturing is somethin like "Hacer texturas", coz "texturar" isnt well :S



Anyway, if you want some idea, search it in Google Images. I do that when i hasnt any inspiration on my skin. Thats helps too much, trust me.
Level 9
Dec 4, 2007
What to search on then?

And wich one of these ones should the mask look like?

Mid or first is best I think. (The only diffrence between the tree is that they dont have the same lines at the mask (next to his mouth)). Lol, dubble brackets.

And Xezko, just so you know. I understand english better and write / speak english better.


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Level 9
Dec 4, 2007

EDIT: Updated the skin one more time.
The face is now like a orcs face. (Sorry Xezko, when I tried to make him like undead it just looked like he was still a robot under there).

Well anyways, can you help me highlight and shade?


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Level 9
Dec 4, 2007
it would be raly cool if u made like a big scar on his chin!

Yeaaaah! Great idea. :D I'll get on to it right now.
Thanks man.

EDIT: Updated the skin (as you can see I made a scar on hes chin)
it doesnt look as good as I hoped, so do you think I should keep it or?....


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Level 10
Jun 30, 2008
Yeaaaah! Great idea. :D I'll get on to it right now.
Thanks man.

EDIT: Updated the skin (as you can see I made a scar on hes chin)
it doesnt look as good as I hoped, so do you think I should keep it or?....

I think you should keep it. but add small highlight's at the edge of it.
And I got an idea what you can do with that hair.. You can try make cables like those on the head.
Level 9
Dec 4, 2007
Right :D

UPDATE: I didnt have time to work on this skin for some time (because of tests in school) but now its all done and I can start working today. :)

Made his hair wired, tell me wich you think I should use?

PS. If I dont use the wires I dont know what to do with the hair, so i'd be glad if you came with suggestions.


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Level 16
Mar 8, 2009
well, first, i dont know why his chin is green. I dont like it.
second, make the hair more like wires and less like a real hair. Make them of a lil variaton of colors and make them more messy. get the scar better on his chin or remove it coz atm look like a "U" not like a "/"
Add some type of forehead and shadin more the inferior part of the eyes.
Thats for now. See ya! ;)
Level 9
Dec 4, 2007
Thanks :p.

Okay first off what skin colour should the chin have then?
Second off I will try to make the wires in the hair more messy then :).
Third of all I will remove the scar then because it is impossible to create a / if I dont want an exact same on the other side of his chin.
And I dont know what the inferior part of the eye is (cuz I dont know what inferior is) but now I looked it up and saw it meant lower? and Im wondering why you just didnt say lower hahaha. XD

Well I will try to shade the lower part of his eye a littl then :)
Level 9
Dec 4, 2007
Hehehehe, good one :). How about human colour? (PS. I do not want metal colour cuz he is a cyborg and the metal is just a mask :p.

Anyways did some stuffs you told me to do, I think it turned out better. Thanks m8 :)
PS. Still didnt change the skin colour so dont get a heartattack when you see its still green.

Come with idea on how to change the body, cuz I cant have it like this plz. :)


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Level 16
Mar 8, 2009
well, i like how its lookin (exept for the green chin) things that u need to work on:
- more blendin
- more higlights on metal. The metal reflects alot the light.
- change the chin for one more humanistic, that way this will look like a cyborg.
- do some thing with the eyes, they are camouflaged with the wires.
- more details on the torso and the face. some like screws or metal foils will look good.
- add more human pieces.

etc etc.
Keep workin! :D
Level 9
Dec 4, 2007
Wow thanks, I will keep working on it :p.

But I dont know how the make the eyes.

And I need to change the body, got any suggestion on that?

EDIT: Now I changed his chin, ( I did nothing else). Wich one is best, 1 or 2?.


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Level 10
Jun 30, 2008
Wow thanks, I will keep working on it :p.

But I dont know how the make the eyes.

And I need to change the body, got any suggestion on that?

EDIT: Now I changed his chin, ( I did nothing else). Wich one is best, 1 or 2?.
I like number 1 best...

I got a suggestion to what you can do with those eyes... you can try make 'em glow off a green light or blue or what you want...
Level 9
Dec 4, 2007
Thanks, I realy gotto make him look as humanistic as possible on the chin, to clearify that he is a cyborg.

I got a suggestion to what you can do with those eyes... you can try make 'em glow off a green light or blue or what you want...

It looks alot like eye shadow when I do like that :p.

EDIT: Updated the body a little. I will now use a whole new style on it. And the whole skin is going to suit the chest he has now.

Wait, I just got an idea. We could make him have something infront of hes eyes. Like cyclops in X-Men. Think that whould work?


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Level 9
Dec 4, 2007
Yeah man do the "radar" in her head i do it in my demonhunter cyborg and looks cool and keep working in that skin is so good

pd: can you give me some idea to what make in the pants of the demon hunter?

Well it is good, but can u alpha out the ears?

Well pants could me regular metal pants with bright stripes on them and then a you can make a circle (with a light in the middle), on his knee.

I dunno realy xD

UPDATE: I think I am pretty much done with the chest. But I will probably do some more stuffs like shadings and such, and ofc if you say I need more shading or highlights on a place I will try to add it :p

It still looks pretty nasty in the portraits close view. But in the distance I think it looks good.


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Level 9
Dec 4, 2007
try to add some human skin on the arms. Maybe in the place that is current gray/white.
Also, you need to fix the lips. there are too... weird.
get alpha on the eyeteeths, or is he a half-orc cyborg?

Good idea with the human arm parts.
And lips are soooo hard :). But I will make them good, sooner or later.

I will try alpha out the teeths :p, dunno where you got the word eyeteeths from. xD
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