Why does this trigger not work. [SOLVED]
I made a system a while ago where it would change the owner of a unit and remove an ability from the unit when a unit you controlled (or an ally) either attacked, clicked on within a range or walked within a range of changing unit.
I left the system ages ago and finally got time to edit and I cleaned the triggers but now it wont work. Can anyone help me?
Here is the map and here is the link to the resource.
I don't get it...
EDIT: Issue solved. I didn't turn this trigger on correctly at the start of the map.
I made a system a while ago where it would change the owner of a unit and remove an ability from the unit when a unit you controlled (or an ally) either attacked, clicked on within a range or walked within a range of changing unit.
I left the system ages ago and finally got time to edit and I cleaned the triggers but now it wont work. Can anyone help me?
Here is the map and here is the link to the resource.
I don't get it...
Range Aggro
Time - Every 0.10 seconds of game time
-------- Leave these triggers --------
-------- Set the varibles --------
Set A_TempGroup = (Units owned by (Random player from A_Aggro_Player))
Set A_Player_Unit = (Random unit from A_TempGroup)
Set Position_Unit = (Position of A_Player_Unit)
Set A_TempGroup = (Units within A_Effect_Range of Position_Unit matching ((Owner of (Matching unit)) Equal to (Random player from A_Aggroing_Player)))
Set A_Range_Aggro = (Random unit from A_TempGroup)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
((Owner of A_Range_Aggro) is in A_Aggroing_Player) Equal to True
Then - Actions
-------- If the unit is invisible to the neutral creep it will not change ownership. --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(A_Player_Unit is invisible to A_Neutral_Player) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Else - Actions
-------- If the unit isn't invisible. --------
Unit - Remove Changing_Ability from A_Range_Aggro
-------- You can change the ownership by changing the A_Hostile_Player variable in the settings trigger. --------
Unit - Change ownership of A_Range_Aggro to A_Hostile_Player and Change color
Unit - Order A_Range_Aggro to Attack A_Player_Unit
Else - Actions
Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_Position_Unit)
Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_A_TempGroup)
Setting A
Map initialization
-------- Aggro Player = Your friendly players --------
Player Group - Add Player 1 (Red) to A_Aggro_Player
-------- Aggroing Player = Your neutral creeps that will turn aggressive. --------
Player Group - Add Neutral Passive to A_Aggroing_Player
-------- Hostile Player = The ownership of the neutral creep will change to this player. --------
Set A_Hostile_Player = Player 8 (Pink)
-------- Changing Ability = The ability that will be removed or added once the unit changes ownership. --------
Set Changing_Ability = Wander (Neutral)
-------- Effect Range = This is the range in which the unit will change ownership. --------
-------- Only copy this variable if you are using Click or Range system. --------
Set A_Effect_Range = 550.00
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