Who plays on U.S. East (Azeroth) Bnet server?

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Level 6
Feb 20, 2009
Well I made this thread because I a making a GUI only clan on this server and I would like to welcome any and all GUI'ers that are on this server to join it and not be insulted by jass'ers for using GUI.



Level 6
Feb 20, 2009
I so knew a jasser would say this, well going to try to be polite.
I am not incorrect/wrong as well I do know JASS/VJASS and I prefer GUI still. You can keep replying saying GUI sucks but it won't ever change my mind.



Level 6
Feb 20, 2009
Thankyou Deathcome3s, I prefer GUI over vJass for a few reasons which I will tell a few of them. GUI is very simple/easy to understand and then learn as well I would like to help alot of noobs to advance in making better maps with not JASS/VJass but GUI because GUI I prefer to think it can do almost everything JASS can do, I know what JASS can do GUI can't so no need to tell me those are because I know its leaks and usually multiboards.



Level 6
Feb 20, 2009
I didn't mean to go offtopic, I was just explaining why I prefer GUI over jass but your right so as I said I am making a GUI clan on east server and I do hope to see any GUI'ers stop by this thread and reply :).
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
I could now turn this thread into another JASS vs. GUI war. I dont like wars, so ill just say a few things:
1.) Its fine whatever you decide to go with. I dont particularly care for that. I only care about the truth, which is that JASS is superior to GUI (for reasons not limited to leaks and the like; its a different approach to problems, one that is generally more efficient given competency on the coders side).
2.) People choosing GUI over JASS are rare, and tbh. generally (although i do ackonwledge there might be people who know JASS quite well and still stick to GUI) dont know JASS really well ("vJass - wtf is that?").
3.) I myself migrated from GUI to JASS and then vJass and i dont miss GUI. I learned JASS by converting GUI triggers to JASS ones and rewriting them until i couldnt optimize them any further. It takes almost nothing to spot the horrible efficiency drains (flaws in code structure). [Hey, you can actually USE timers in JASS, and dont need an extra trigger catching the expiration of a timer.]
4.) I agree, its easy to learn the tiniest bits of GUI and produce working triggers fast. But once you grasped the concept of JASS, its a piece of cake to extend your knowledge. Given that there isnt much to grasp in GUI you will never understand the underlying concepts of GUI (thus cant abuse them to work FOR you and not AGAINST you) without learning JASS.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
Dreadnought[dA];1201728 said:
JASSer here to flame j00!

GUI is lazyness incarnate. Take some time to expand your thinking and learn JASS. I was just like you for the longest time. Thinking GUI is just fine. As soon as you start getting decent with JASS, you will learn how wrong you were.

Do I need to quote myself? I was just like you once. I thought GUI could do most of the stuff JASS could do. It's just not right though. Even if you can accomplish the same things in GUI, it's twice as easy in JASS and it's twice, thrice, as efficient. I'm against anything that encourages using GUI because why should you teach people the wrong thing?

JASS really is not that hard to understand. You just have to spend a few days learning it. 3-4 days learning so you can work twice as fast and be twice as good IS WELL WORTH IT. Not only that, but learning JASS helped me learn VB very fast. I got an A at the college in Intro To Programming because I basically already knew everything in the class. It was just slightly different syntax and that's all.



Level 6
Feb 20, 2009
You know your just encourageing me to argue with you :p. I do know jass can not do gui twice as effiecent and why try to pound your ideals into my thoughts? Its not going to work plus GUI isn't wrong, I prefer to think its just like jass because for example a jass user says GUI sucks when a GUI user says jass sucks. It's basically what you think of triggering/codeing and some people rather thing the other way arouny as well I was only trying to make a GUI clan lol.
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
You know which GUI users say JASS sucks? Those with absolutely no clue, who are frustrated because learning JASS is a bit tiresome and they didnt get it in five minutes.

Now guess which JASS users say GUI sucks? Those with knowledge about GUI, who know the inner workings of GUI and have seen GUI at its best (otherwise theyd still be using GUI).

Lets see, trigger event vs. timer expiration; trigger execute vs. call; null boolexpr vs. dummy boolexpr; pointless wrappers vs. direct native calls; locals vs. globals; and dont forget those HUGE leaks that slow down a game after a few minutes. Naw, twice isnt fast enough.



Level 6
Feb 20, 2009
It does not encorage bad practice, it is what people choose to use since they prefer GUI over jass and you do not need to support me... I am only trying to help any GUI'ers that are left to this day.
Deaod I am aware GUI leaks alot but it can be fixed many times.
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