I could now turn this thread into another JASS vs. GUI war. I dont like wars, so ill just say a few things:
1.) Its fine whatever you decide to go with. I dont particularly care for that. I only care about the truth, which is that JASS is superior to GUI (for reasons not limited to leaks and the like; its a different approach to problems, one that is generally more efficient given competency on the coders side).
2.) People choosing GUI over JASS are rare, and tbh. generally (although i do ackonwledge there might be people who know JASS quite well and still stick to GUI) dont know JASS really well ("vJass - wtf is that?").
3.) I myself migrated from GUI to JASS and then vJass and i dont miss GUI. I learned JASS by converting GUI triggers to JASS ones and rewriting them until i couldnt optimize them any further. It takes almost nothing to spot the horrible efficiency drains (flaws in code structure). [Hey, you can actually USE timers in JASS, and dont need an extra trigger catching the expiration of a timer.]
4.) I agree, its easy to learn the tiniest bits of GUI and produce working triggers fast. But once you grasped the concept of JASS, its a piece of cake to extend your knowledge. Given that there isnt much to grasp in GUI you will never understand the underlying concepts of GUI (thus cant abuse them to work FOR you and not AGAINST you) without learning JASS.