White Trees in WE and Ashen Canopy Tree Paths

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Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
So I'm doing a project and I've encountered a problem.

I tried to use HappyCockroach's animated models to spice up my terrain, and it does wonders, except the fact that there's a problem with trees.
When I import them, they appear as white textureless models, something similar to model mesh or base you do before you model some textures on it.

I can't seem to find a way to work around this - tried to base the tree doodad (as I don't need trees to be destructible in this map) out of something else (Barrel and Support Columns), to change textures in editor field, and I've even tried to find the paths to canopy trees in wc3 MPQs, in order to rewrite the import paths and replace the bases, but I couldn't find it. Not sure would that work also.

Here's the link to models used (Ashen Canopy Trees. All of 'em.)

Help :)

Edit: Found out that the trees go under paths:

However, seems like changing import's path to these does not work.
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
If the texture is white, that means it is supposed to be replaced. Destructables in the object editor have the option to make one such replacement by stating the replaceable texture id and the new path. The required id can be found in the model, for example open it with Magos and take a look into Texture Manager or mdls can be read with a simple text editor, then go under the section Textures. The alternative is ofc to change the texture paths within the model to fixed ones.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
I am not allowed to upload the map due to copyright issues of working in team, but you can try to import doodads yourself and test it out - if it works for you, you might as well upload the map.

I'm not sure what's happening, really. Not too much people seem to have a problem with this.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
The problem here is that I'm using custom imported trees - which aren't present here.
However, I've accidentally made them work - and it was so simple I'm kinda angry now.

I tried to change model's base model or texture IDs, none of which worked, and then I tried to replace number of variations from 5 to 3, thinking, hey, this might cause the model to dysfunction. And I accidentally set it to 1, and the tree magically appeared.

So it was number of variations that messed around with me, along with setting the field Art - Model File to a single tree.
However, this means that I'll need to use one doodad per one tree variation, which may be tricky to do but is achievable. And it works (if you have a suggestion for that, feel free to shoot).

Thanks for your help, couldn't figure this out without you! :)
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
If a destructables has more than 1 variation, the individual model is gained by the path in the object editor + the variation index, starting from 0. So either set variation to 1 and the path directly to your model or put your model on an import path according to this mechanism.

You can have custom varyable destructables this way but the since the object editor automatically appends the ".mdl" suffix when modifying the model field, it searches for XXX.mdl0, YYY.mdl1, ZZZ.mdl2 and so on and therefore fails again. My signature contains a thread linked that provides a method how to change the field value without the suffix.
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