Here's my list:
From best to worst
1 UndeadTFT - Its decent but the reason - the battle at Lordaeron city capital. For this mission I just use Garithos and an endless horde of knights. Undead i dont develop and i try to get a peasant inside Sylvanas base so he can mine all her gold! For antiair i might use gargoyls or riflemen. Anyways at the end of the map I leave one important dread lord building alive and this is where the fun starts. I mine the shit out of the map, all of the gold and most of the trees. I max out my human forces 100/100 and spend the rest of my money to build towers around the map. I then take my human army and with it destroy sylvanas undead base leaving only Sylvanas and Varimathiras. Final epic part now. Garithos kills Varimathiras in a fair 1 on 1 fight. Only Sylvanas is still standing. I call my peasants. After a long day of working they are all very frustrated. They proseed to surruound her and start violently raping her and beating the shit out of her with their pickaxes at the same army. My whole army gets a turn on Sylvanas. Even the dwarves get some funtime. Sylvanas got raped by over 60 men and beaten to an inch of her undead life. Garithos comes and cockwhips her accross the face, she dies! The soldiers destroy the last dreadlord building. Cinematic starts, Varimatharas and Sylvanas are alive, Garithos dies. I weep as i watch the ghouls eat the corpse. Fuck you blizzard do you really expect me to buy warcraft 3 after this level? Hell no thats not how the story goes in my book.Noo the end of tft is diffrent in my story. Basicly lich king dies because arthas couldnt saved him in time. Lordaeron gets taken by the humans again and the plague is cleared out. Lordaeron, Dalaran and Quel thalas get rebuilt and repopylated with humans. Garrithos meets Jaina, they get married. Garithos rules the entire northern part of the eastern kingdoms including Kul'Turis and Theramore. The entire human race recognises Garithos for the real hero he is. While walking around in outland, Kael trips over a rock and falls to his death into the ethernal abyss.
King of a thread derail but i guess it was a fun read, right?
2 human RoC Its kinda fun playing as Lordaeron but the first few missions are too tutorialish as abgm said. Also arthas is kind of an annoying prick.
3 Undead RoC i had fun invading Dalaran and defending the summoning portal, fighting the orcs in the mountains was kinda fun too and most of all killing Sylvanas
4 Orc RoC Fighting the humans in the barrens was fun. Later i enjoyed killing cenarius with the fel orcs and fighting the courrupt grom, plus that dungeon level where thrall and jaina meet was cool
5 Night elf RoC I liked the mission where you had to free ilidan and then the mission in felwood.
It all gets downhill from here folks.
6 Night elf TFT - its the best of the worst, it felt stupid following illidan across the world because "he was hurting the world" boo-fucking-hoo!
7 Orc tutorial roc - yawn
8 Orc TFT - little to do with the orc, plays like a bad rpg. Gave birth to wow - BAD!
9 Human TFT Worst campaign in the warcraft by far. The main character is a whiny bitch who wears women's clothing who you're supposed to cheer for. The only good mission is the first one, where you get to explore the ruined dalaran and the surrounding area. Also this is the first time you meet Garithos. The campaign goes to shit from then on, i recomend you dont play it and just "whosyourdaddy"trough the next missions so you can unlock the undead campaign.If you're curious what happens dont play those missions, i'll tell you. Kael betrays the good guys and joins the fishes because the undead didnt ask first. Anyways good triumphs over evil and kael gets sent to prison. Where he is saved by some female fish and they go around and kill inocent soldiers. Kael and fishlady go to space where for some reason they meet the nighteves and play a shitty rpg custom game. Kael fights the communist orcs inside the space kremlin and wins. After the campaign Kael and Illidan get married because gay marrige is legal in outland. The end.