Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
Ive decided I would like to do some skinning work myself, Ive already read some pretty usfull and insightful tips, but Id like to know where I should start and what are some must-get downloads?
first off youll need wc3viewer (essential to all the proz and newbs!)
secondly you need a paint program, preferably paint shop pro 7-9, im using 9 and have a link to the dl. there you can dl it and use the free trial for awhile unless u wanna pay for it
thats pretty much all i use, theres alot of special things you can do with both, like wc3 viewer u can view any skin on any unit without importing it (VERY USEFUL!). and for psp9 theres dodge and burn, light/darken, soften/sharpen, smudge,warp,airbrush and like 100 more
I use Photoshop Elements, but because of occasional problems which result from layers, it's quite hard to make skins. PSP9, I'm going to try soon. Also, you might also want to use GIMP, although it's a little harder than PSP but not as hard as APSE
use some tutorials and dont take advice for granted on your skins. keep practicing yourself and devleope your own style, but dont submit anyhting unless you know people will like it. oh and never use filters, thats considered cheating to me and many others here.
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