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Where should I start?

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Level 2
Oct 16, 2004
Ive decided I would like to do some skinning work myself, Ive already read some pretty usfull and insightful tips, but Id like to know where I should start and what are some must-get downloads?
Level 8
Jul 9, 2004
first off youll need wc3viewer (essential to all the proz and newbs!)

secondly you need a paint program, preferably paint shop pro 7-9, im using 9 and have a link to the dl. there you can dl it and use the free trial for awhile unless u wanna pay for it

http://www.download.com/Paint-Shop-Pro/3000-2192_4-10322210.html?tag=lst-0-3 <-paint shop pro 9 (aka psp9)

http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Tools&ID=11&sid=3a27d31d62b2cffe207ae439f161a0f6 <-wc3 veiwer

thats pretty much all i use, theres alot of special things you can do with both, like wc3 viewer u can view any skin on any unit without importing it (VERY USEFUL!). and for psp9 theres dodge and burn, light/darken, soften/sharpen, smudge,warp,airbrush and like 100 more :D
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