Hi, sorry for other question in such a short time. But using mpq extractor i am trying to search the Campaings AI of the frozen... in txt its said that they are located in scripts. But there i only have my own AI!!
I try searching in ALL my computer via the name of the specific AI!! But no chance!!
Really dont understand why so hard hidden this ai files like thay are a goverment secret.
See here the ai:: IA -------- u03x06.ai -and- u03x04.ai
I just want to know how they work ^^ they seem very well done build. Thanks for your time.
I try searching in ALL my computer via the name of the specific AI!! But no chance!!
Really dont understand why so hard hidden this ai files like thay are a goverment secret.
See here the ai:: IA -------- u03x06.ai -and- u03x04.ai
I just want to know how they work ^^ they seem very well done build. Thanks for your time.