Im getting an error: Expected an valid argument list.
This is the cause:
call SetDayNightModels("Environment\DNC\DNCAshenvale\DNCAshenvaleTerrain\DNCAshenvaleTerrain.mdx","Environment\DNC\DNCAshenvale\DNCAshenvaleUnit\DNCAshenvaleUnit.mdx")
How do I fix this? Im using this line to make a global lightswitch. But I cant seem to be able to turn the lights on with this. Which means im trying to undo "call SetDayNightModels("","")"
Any help would be appreciated.
This is the cause:
call SetDayNightModels("Environment\DNC\DNCAshenvale\DNCAshenvaleTerrain\DNCAshenvaleTerrain.mdx","Environment\DNC\DNCAshenvale\DNCAshenvaleUnit\DNCAshenvaleUnit.mdx")
How do I fix this? Im using this line to make a global lightswitch. But I cant seem to be able to turn the lights on with this. Which means im trying to undo "call SetDayNightModels("","")"
Any help would be appreciated.