Hmmm... I was actually going to look for a variety of different kinds of spells.
In my campaign I'm planning on making, the main character is going to be a demon knight. So obviously the spells he's going to use are going to be demonic and hellish in nature. I was thinking about maybe having some sweet fire offensive spells... Maybe some lightning spells, or any other offensive spells that look sweet. Some vampiric spells wouldn't hurt either. Maybe an ability called "unholy armor" that increases the armor by a 10, 20, and then 30 as the level increases.
There's also going to be some holy characters, so holy spells will be something I'm looking for as well. I'm basically looking for spells that are awesome as eye candy. I really want to make my players say "Wow that's awesome!!" when they cast a spell or something.
And I'll check out your spells if ya don't mind. If I want to use them in my campaign, I'll let you know, ok?