Hey Guys,
Having an issue with a particular event Trigger, new to using Player Groups so I'm not sure If I'm setting these functions up wrong, must be because it won't work. What could be the problem here? It won't display any text when a unit enters the region.
(DietySummonGroup is a Variable of type Player Group initially with no value)
Having an issue with a particular event Trigger, new to using Player Groups so I'm not sure If I'm setting these functions up wrong, must be because it won't work. What could be the problem here? It won't display any text when a unit enters the region.
Summon Diety
- Unit - A unit enters Summon Diety <gen>
- ((Owner of (Triggering unit)) Not equal to Neutral Hostile) and ((Owner of (Triggering unit)) Not equal to Neutral Passive)
- Game - Display to (Player group((Triggering player))) the text: testtext
- Player Group - Add (Triggering player) to DietySummonGroup
- //Custom script: set DietyPlayer = GetTriggerPlayer() *This is disabled in the Trigger as it caused an error disabling me from Saving the map*
- Game - Display to DietySummonGroup the text: testtext2
(DietySummonGroup is a Variable of type Player Group initially with no value)