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What happened?

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Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
Ralle had a brain fart

Hmm but then why doesn't ralle post that server went down like everytime? It was AT LEAST for about 15 minutes down. ( I gone to bed after a while trying)

Well. When I don't post something, there is no big reason for the site to be down.

Sometimes it's my internet.

But the other day (what this thread is about). It was 100% because of me.

You see when you have more than 5 connections to the server, it starts blocking you from having new connections and you get the error 403 or something.
I had totally forgot this and was testing a new chat system on various computers and thought "OMG hive is down". But it wasn't, it was only because I got the 403 error.
So I restarted the web server program and did all sorts of things. I also restarted the server itself.

Later I just realized I had a brain fart...
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